Is it ok for me to join this site? - Mental Health Sup...

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Is it ok for me to join this site?

14 Replies


I'm not from Scotland but there was no site for the rest of the UK on Healthunlocked so I was wondering if it was ok for me to be on here please? I have suffered with depression for 15 years, and was finally diagnosed with Bipolar at the end of 2013. My family don't understand me, or what I'm going through, and most of my friends disappeared a long time ago when I stopped socialising, and they got bored of me always avoiding social situations. I'm pretty unhappy right now, and don't see a future for myself - I feel like I am existing for the hell of it, really to keep my parents happy as they would be upset if something happened to me. But I have no wish to be here for myself, and I think about this a lot. Sorry for rambling, I just wondered if anyone else felt like this ever?

Thanks x

14 Replies
jillylin profile image


yes, of course you are welcome to post here. I do . I recognise your name from the other forum here :-)



in reply to jillylin

Hi Jilly,

It's no wonder, us fibromites are bound to get depressed! It's nice to see a friendly face



Yes there are no reasons why you should not join our web page. Welcome, we all will give support and understanding when that is required as you learn of other member fight against this debilitating problem, that many people without this problem cannot understand your needs and problems associated with depression


in reply to

Thanks Bob, that's really good to know. I don't have anyone to talk to about my mental health, as my parents, fairly typically of their generation do not understand iyx

in reply to

You are with friends


Suzie40 profile image


I'm in South Wales, which couldn't really be any further from Scotland! Welcome to the forum, it's a really lovely place to come and you will most definitely meet loads of lovely people.

I know that feeling of 'existing' too well. It's horrible isn't it? Wishing each day or week away, without anything special to look forward to.

Please stay around and get to know us all. I know that lots of people will be able to support you here xx

Gambit62 profile image

There are people in this forum from all over - I'm from Oxfordshire - and nobody has kicked up a fuss. There are New Zealanders, at least one from the States on here as well ...

Understand what you are saying about keeping on living for other people - spent a lot of time in that place though think I've managed to emerge from it more recently ... though still times when it's my cats that are my reason for not doing 'something stupid'. And I don't think you are alone in family and friends not really understanding. Depression is really a country that you have to have visited to understand how it works ... though it definitely isn't a country I would recommend as a holiday resort :)

Golfer15 profile image

Hi Yes of course you are welcome. I live on the Isle Of Wight so couldnt be further from Scotland. I have found this site really helpful. I have depression and recognise your symptoms.

Please keep in touch.


Thanks so much for your replies, you're all so kind.. It's such a strange feeling isn't it? It's not like I never get any joy from life, because I do, but that's when it's just me and the dog having a cuddle or playing a game and something he has done has made me smile. The rest of the time I'm just going through the motions waiting until I don't have to anymore. I'm hoping it passes eventually! X

Photogeek profile image

Hi there welcome to the site. I'm from Ireland and the put up with me. Do

You live on your own or with parents. It's hard when you feel your just existing.

Have you mentioned to your Dr. About how you really feel. Maybe your meds

Need adjusting.

You will find the site helpful and I have found that reading how other

People cope has helped me to change . People are very supportive here

Hannah x

Jeffju profile image

I have had lots of help from this site and you are most welcome.

Most of us on here will know how you feel with your mental health and can sympathise and offer support and advice.

Sometimes it's enough just knowing that you are not on your own especially if you have no-one you can talk to.

P. S. I am in New Zealand so couldn't be much further away..... originally from London though. Julie xx


Welcome to the site, and yes definitely ok for you to join :)

Holly101 profile image

Hi Lipbalmaddict!!

Very warm welcome to the site first of all, and you're in the right place!!

I think most of us have felt the way you were describing at one point or another, I know I have!

I happen to be to from Scotland, but I think I'm the only one lol, so you definitely don't have to come from Scotland to

join, you could come from the moon and you'd still be very welcome!!

It's a great forum with a lot of lovely, supportive and understanding people on it, so I hope you get lots out of it,

Welcome aboard ;)

Love, Holly Xxx

Not a problem at all :-) the site is for everyone from everywhere, it's just that Action on Depression's 'services' are only funded to be accessed by those living in Scotland.



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