hi! I'm here to tell everyone that you do not have to suffer or take oral birth control, have IUD, or a period if you don't want to! In 2020 I was diagnosed with severe anemia due to blood loss from my period. I didn't have other symptoms or think they were that bad. The anemia caused stroke like symptoms and I ended up in the emergency department. I was connected with an amazing OBGYN who suggested having my tubes removed and a uterine ablation. I did not want to take medication or have more kids. I have the procedure in 2021 and have not had a period or bleeding since then. It's been such an amazing experience that has changed my life for the better yet they don't tell women about this option. We are expected to undergo uncomfortable procedures and take life altering medications and deal with bleeding once per month. Well you don't have to! I encourage women to search out providers who will do these procedures even if they are private. I cannot explain how wonderful this has been for my life.
Life Changing Procedure They Don't Tell You... - Women's Health
Life Changing Procedure They Don't Tell You About

Thank you for sharing your experience! It's great to hear how the procedure has improved your life. Many women may not know about these options, so spreading the word is really important. Your story could help others find relief too!

This procedure…Uterine Ablation is treatment on the NHS..as an option for anybody coping with very heavy periods.
Having ‘tubes tied’..is also offered.
This does not affect your hormones and you’ll still have periods.
What is endometrial ablation?
Endometrial ablation is a procedure to destroy the lining of the uterus (womb). As a result of the ablation periods either stop or reduce so that your periods become more manageable and acceptable.
Endometrial ablation is NOT a contraceptive procedure so it is recommended that you have in place an ongoing method of contraception until menopause. This should be discussed with the doctors and nurses in clinic at your appointment.
Hi.my daughter is due to have this next month. She has been frightened by reading they do it with no pain killer and its the worst pain of all...
There have been previous discussions re Endometrial Ablation, and different opinions as to whether local anaesthetic was adequate, or whether general anaesthetic was more appropriate. Many hospitals will give an option…so it is worth pressing for general anaesthetic if somebody is very anxious about the procedure. This procedure can be done under general anaesthetic (asleep) in the Day Case Unit, or in certain situations under local anaesthetic (awake) in the Outpatient Clinic.
If you look to the top left of this page, for the search box….and type in endometrial ablation…you can see links to previous discussions.