I think I eat s good balance of fibre in my diet I eat a lot of beans lentils bran flakes hardly any meat I can go weeks without meat . I got to a really good place in my toilet habits however for the last 2 weeks I've been having awfully hard stools in turn that are like pellets incredibly hard to pass and usually feel like I don't empty completely and within an hour going again . I always have a feeling that I need to go especially when walking or going about my day .it really ruins my day because it is a horrible feeling 90% of the time even though I have the "feeling I do not go but just recently I've had to go either straight after or definitely within an hour. I don't really want to take things like fibre gel because I don't want to go from one extreme to the other . Is there such a thing as too much fibre? Just getting a bit fed up with this. Anyone else experience this ?
Constipation help ?: I think I eat s good... - Women's Health
Constipation help ?

I eat a lot like you, fibre cereals, lots of fruits lentils etc, I still find I get constipated when not drinking enough water during the day, I suspect the bran soaks up lots of the moisture. Drink at least 2 glasses of water a day, I also put a tablespoon of Linseed on my fruit & yogurt if I’m particularly constipated this works like a treat. If you take a lot of painkillers everyday, which I do for arthritis in my shoulders this can make you constipated as well.
I eat a plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free diet. So I am consuming a lot of fiber. I find with me, the key is to drink at least eight glasses of water. Normally I drink about 12 glasses a day. It is also important to have both insoluble and soluble fiber in your diet. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool and helps food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines, promoting regular bowel movements. It acts as a natural laxative, which can help alleviate constipation. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance, which softens the stool and makes it easier to pass. For example, oatmeal with fruit (soluble fiber) and a salad with raw vegetables (insoluble fiber). Fiber works best when you drink plenty of water, especially insoluble fiber, which needs water to bulk up the stool. I rarely get constipated, but if I do I use Miralax. Miralax is an osmotic laxative that pulls water into your bowels. It is a white powder that when you mix it with liquid like water it becomes clear and tasteless. You could try that occasionally if you have problems.
My diet is like yours I don't class myself as vegan bit I very rarely eat meat and I am completely diary free . I struggle to drink if I am honest I just don't feel thirsty I think possibly I do not drink enough. Also I only eat 2 meals a day . And not massive portions somewhat small sometimes a bit bigger . I have a limited diet due to not being able to digest foods well I found plant based really helped me but now this niggling constipation is really taking over
I found that eating a plant-based diet has helped me too. I've had digestive issues in the past. I do eat eggs for protein though so I consider myself vegetarian. Maybe if you try getting a larger water bottle and sipping on it throughout the day it might help you to consume more water. Also smaller meals are a good idea if you have digestive issues. But I would try to get something in for breakfast, maybe some oatmeal if you could tolerate it.