Super new to this, so I hope I find the answers I'm looking for.. I'm 6 days late on my period, and I'm never late! I have an app to keep track of my ovulation and period and I'm always spot on, on the days it said I'm supposed to get it.., my boyfriend and I use condoms, but this month (June),we've been using the pull out method.. All I've been experiencing is really bad cramps, and not regular cramps, super painful, come and go, and only lasts for like 10-20 seconds for like a week now, and while having sex i find it painful, I'm kinda getting scared, cause I've been pregnant before but I had a miscarriage back in December, worst thing I've ever gone through, I'm going through the same thing I went through with my first pregnancy,especially the sex being painful, except my breast don't hurt as bad and I'm not feeling nausea badly like I did with my first.. I honestly don't know what to do.. I just want to know if I should wait to take a pregnancy test, or go to the doctors and get checked out.. Has anyone been through this? someone please help!
6 days late and cramping..: Super new to this... - Women's Health
6 days late and cramping..

Hi Stephanie
You may have an infection, that might be the cause of pain. If this continues it would be advisable to see your doctor, especially if there's a possibility of being pregnant.
Best wishes xB
Thank you so much for your advice, I went to the hospital and yes I am pregnant..
I am going through the same as this and am 2 weeks late, really want answers but too scared to take a pregnancy test. Is it best to go to the doctors or take a home test? X
I went to the ER cause I've never been late, so the cramping was really scaring me.. I thought maybe it could be an infection or a cist.. It was really a gut feeling.. But I ended up being 4 weeks pregnant when I found out, so if I were you I'd go to the doctors just so they can do extra testing, and you can feel more at peace.