i have a weird smell like fish coming from down there I've got famine wash and medicated powder to help but disent work what can I do please ?
Hi I need advice : i have a weird smell like... - Women's Health
Hi I need advice

🙂 For peace of mind if the symptoms don’t go away..you’ll need to see your GP
The odor of your vagina varies throughout your menstrual cycle. If you are concerned about your vaginal odor, or experiencing any unusual discharge, burning, itching, or redness, you should see your OB-GYN. They can perform an exam and determine if you need antibiotics or other prescription medication.
Have a look at this link..
Stick to natural products such as original source shower gels or pears soap. Also check your diet to see if you’ve eaten anything ‘new’. If things persist visit your GP.
I would contact your Doctor or Doctor's nurse and speak to them. Fishy odor not good. Physician's can steer you in the right direction.
this could be BV just contact your doctor, they will give you some antibiotics maybe take a swab. Your PH is probably out so maybe invest in some good female probiotics to help rebalance it. They vary in price but some are good value, make sure they are for ladies as I’m not sure the stomach ones will 🤷🏻♀️
hi I don’t know if you currently take any form of contraception but I suffered with the same symptoms. My practice nurse suggested that I have a hormone replacement therapy that is inserted into the vagina. I am of a certain age and have gone through the menopause but had suffered with the fishy smell for many years and since having the oestrogen replacement therapy it has disappeared.