I have Fybromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Long Covid and recently was hospitalised with a stuck kidney stone accompanied by multiple kidney infections since Sept last year. Alongside this I've lost 2 family members in the space of 3 maths, among numerous other stressors. Anyway, I was just feeling better after my most recent kidney infection 2 weeks ago and have woken up this morning with severe dizziness 😵💫 I'm so fed up with being debilitated, I try to stay positive but it's really hard sometimes.
Sick of being sick: I have Fybromyalgia... - Women's Health
Sick of being sick

I’m so sorry…I can empathise with coping with a chronic diagnosis. Added stress does effect symptoms.
Wow, I don't even know how I've come across this but u sound almost identical to me. I too have osteoarthritis and long covid. I also have osteonecrosis and I've recently been struggling with vertigo. It's actually covid that's seems intent on destroying me. But I know what u mean when u say you're sick of it. It's so frustrating being in constant pain but that aside, when u think you're actually well and doing ok and then u get struck down with something else. It's never ending but u have to keep a positive mind otherwise things can get so much worse. I hope u feel better now u know you're not alone.
Hi Treebz, the dizziness is much less today. I do try to stay positive after all, I feel lucky to have survived Covid as I had it before vaccines were developed just before the first lock down here in the UK but I've been ill for so long lately it's been hard. Hopefully things will get back my normal soon. Hope you're doing well 💕
Agreed. It is so very hard to be chronically ill. Healthy people have no idea. Frustrating to feel like you’re missing out on things.
Dizziness is awful! I’ve had it too. Sometimes all you can do is lie in bed.
Having a pet helps me enormously. I don’t know if you have one or can get one. Cuddling with them in bed can be nice.
Try and it out in the warm sunshine if you ever get a chance. Always nice.
Most people aren’t big on poetry but it can really refresh the spirit. I recommend Walt Whitman.
We can only do the best we can with what we have. No one signs up to be ill. When it’s one thing after another, rough.
One way to take your mind off your troubles is to help someone else. Write someone in your life a little note of appreciation for what they’ve’ done. Most people love getting mail.