hi all, so I’m a bit lost. Ive gone through most contraception being pill, implant, coils. However all have seemed to mess me up, i had the Mirena years ago and they got it stuck, Drs didn’t listen to me for 6 months when i said somethings wrong until i went for a scan and they found it was dislodged. I currently have the jaydess in but im absolutely terrified of having it out & one back in because they refuse to put me to sleep (yes i had it in previously and i nearly passed out, crying & freaking out, to which i was given no comfort) they said they can numb my cervix but i don't know anyone who has had that done & does it work? I also have never wanted kids, my partner does so I compromised and said we can have one in the future but after that I want to come off contraception and get female sterilisation. However my Drs warned me that I may be refused because “I'm too young”. Has anyone found anywhere in the UK that would do this? And has anyone had this numbing agent for coil procedure. Thanks in advance all
contraception choices: hi all, so I’m a bit... - Women's Health
contraception choices

🙂 Can I ask for pain relief for my coil fitting?
Yes. You can ask to have a local anaesthetic spray or gel which is applied to the cervix (the neck of the womb through which the coil is fitted) before the coil is inserted. The local anaesthetic will be sprayed on and then the doctor will then wait three minutes before inserting the coil.
Guidelines from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (last updated in 2019) advise that local anaesthetic block administered by cervical injection is not routinely required for IUS/IUD insertion but should be offered when cervical dilatation is required or difficult insertion or removal is anticipated or experienced.
Having an IUD fitted can be uncomfortable, and some people might find it painful, but you can have a local anaesthetic to help. Discuss this with a GP or nurse nhs.uk/conditions/contracep...
thank you!! I’ve had similar things in the past which numbs the area but hasn’t done its job or had to use more, are they able to or is there a limit? I am super scared because the last 2 times they haven’t been as accommodating this was also pre covid and never let anyone in the room with me, but when i spoke to my Dr this morning, they said that you are allowed
my daughter had a mirena coil fitted as she has pcos and was prescribed it as her periods were so heavy and debilitating. She is 46 and no partners and the dr put it in with no anaesthetic she was in agony- they usually say to do it during a period as the cervix is softer, but not when she had it done-I don’t see why you can’t have a whiff of sedative! Sterilisation is the best solution to make sure if adding drugs to your body is not what you want. I would hesitate to have a child because someone else does-you might end up resenting the restrictions on your life and freedom-how old are you?
i heard they were meant to help periods but mines just been awful. So on and off and im sorry to hear she was in agony, i did ask them to be asleep but they said they dont do it and im nearly 25, few months away and I definitely am like 95% sure i dont want a child however i do love my partner. I have never been maternal and i think a lot of it was due to my childhood. I have told him that im not being a stay at home parent, i want to go back to work asap and ill still be going gym & doing things i want too. But im definitely going for sterilisation if i actually find a doctor who will respect my decision
It's your body and your life, if your partner really cares for you he will respect your decision. Would he be a stay at home father?? At least in this country we have the freedom and ability to decide for ourselves, not like abortion -or banning of- in the States!
he earns more so it makes sense for him to be working, and we do have that decision (for now luckily!) but I dont think he would carry on this relationship if i said no to having a kid. But I just don’t feel comfortable putting my body through that. Its a constant battle in my mind. I did mention i wanna go back to work asap and still do everything i do now. I know it sounds horrible but i dont wanna give up what I want to do for a child. I’ve never felt like i wanted children or “broody”. But everyone keeps telling me “oh you will in the future” “it’s different when its your own” well what happens when i feel nothing towards that child? I look like a bad person, even though I expressed my feelings before.
choco5, there are so many unwanted children in this country already- please don’t add to the statistics by having a child just because someone else wants one. Your body is yours not anyone else’s! Sorry if some people think I sound callous but if you prefer to be a career girl go for it, do not be browbeaten into something you do not want- find another man to have fun with!
i dont think i could! I keep thinking about this generation and the state the world is in and currently its not a great place to have a child. But thats my opinion! Thank you so much! Honestly im happy with being career driven, having a dog and a partner and thats me happy! I just wish women weren’t always seen as wanting/liking children. It’s a shame.
I totally agree with you about the state of the world and the number of people in it! Enjoy your career and the dog, and be strong, enjoy your partner and the places you can go and experiences you can share- but be brave too and stick to what you want! Good luck!