So was diagnosed with CIN3 of the cervix and HPV positive in december. I'm 25 years old and suffer bad health anxiety over viruses aswell so this hpv virus is really scaring me. I have had operation that has been successful in removing the abnormal cells on my cervix in feburarybbut need follow up smears. I'm scared that the Hpv won't go away and that it will just cause more problems all my life that are going to kill me and the Drs didn't seem concerned about other cancers that the Hpv can cause. Anyone experience HPV positive results and anything like what I have had and come out to have the HPV go away or know any information as it really is scaring me 😞
Worried about HPV positive : So was diagnosed... - Women's Health
Worried about HPV positive

You may remember me from when you posted before you had your op.
I had the same condition years ago when I was 25. I am now 64. I had no problems again after the op. I think you are better to distract yourself and try not to worry. I think it is very rare to get it again and if you do the repeat smears will pick it up and you will get it treated again no problem.
There are so many conditions we can all get which cause us problems we have to just get on with living and not dwell on them.
Have you tried counselling or CBT to help you. The anxiety is the problem and can make your life miserable if you find it takes you over.
You did well to get over your fear of the op and get it over with so try to give yourself a pat on the back for that.
It is so unlikely you will have any further problems.
Very good luck for the future.
Hi Kim. Yes I remember you. It just scares me so much because of how bad I feel in my self. Then I think something must be wrong. I dread this hpv staying and not going away all the cysts that Dr's told me were just cysts what if its the hpv that's causing them and if the hpv doesn't go will it cause them to be cancerous. The Dr's don't seem to be concerned but I done a stupid thing looking up HPV and then it's said it causes other cancers where I have cysts. X
Hey; ii had the same and the op in 2015.. ii have had repeat smears since and never caught Hvp again or had bad cells return. The Hvp infection cleared up pretty quick to be fair. Keep ur immune system strong. It will fight it off .
Try not to worry. Ii did for ages: and it was tiring and a waste of energy looking back.
I’m now back on 3yr smears.
U will be fine xx
Thank you littleone88. I do hope that it goes away. I do look back at all the things I worried about in the past and I feel like i worried over nothing and it does drain your energy for no reason. Did you use any vitamins to boost your immune response to the HPV? X
Yes same ii have worried and convinced myself so many times ii have something that ii don’t have. I drink an actimel drink every morning it helps the immune system; and take some vitamins ( multivitamins and iron) and also quit smoking.
It cleared with in the first 6 month check, try relax and be positive. Xx
Thank you for your advice. I did try to quit smoking I don't it for about 2 3 month then gone back as my anxiety got so bad. I will keep trying and heard that folic acid and vitamin B12 are suppose to help with clearing up HPV I just wonder how long I have had this HPV virus as I have had cycts appear for more than 5 years now and wonder if they are anything to do with the HPV infection as I have one on my labia that the Dr said was a cyst but to keep an eye on it for changing size and texture and also one on my forehead. Then I'm scared because the virus can cause throat cancer anal cancer vaginal and vulva cancer. Just wish I didn't look hpv up and I would have never known 😔 x
Your welcome, yes quitting is a very good move for helping clear it ii was told by my dr.
Ii found it hard too ☹️
Ii had it from 2012 to 2015 before ii had cells removed and cleared the virus.
Not sure on the cysts situation tho sorry. Just keep an eye. Or see a gyno if they worry u.
U will clear the virus and not need to worry about any of those things, u never no ur nxt check it could be all cleared.
Most people that have the cells removed clear the infection quite quickly from what Iv read. Xx
Thank you very much I do hope so. I mentioned the lump on my labia to the woman doing my colposcopy and she had a look and did say it was a cyst. I am sure that when having a gynecologist looking at my cervix that they would be able to tell if something was not normal the amount of gynecologists I have had down there lol. Fingers crossed it all does clear up. Did you have light bleeding on and off after having your lletz procedure done. I had horrible discharge for about 2 months after the procedure of having cells removed and had intercourse for the first time in 3 months and seem to just be bleeding lightly the day after and it still hasn't stopped. It's quite a brown colour and sometimes goes red. Also is there chance of passing it to and from with my partner as he has been the only and same partner for the past 10 years. Xx
Haha yes that’s true 😂 iv had my fair share of gynos down there too.
Yes ii had brown discharge and light bleeding for couple of months after the removal was in a lot of pain too for a while in my Stomach .
And also bled the first time after sex, started red and changed to brown discharge again.
at the time this happened i was with my partner for 5yrs and once i cleared it ii never caught it again whether or not he had it ii am unsure. It’s all so confusing isn’t it.
Ii signed up to Jos trust ( it’s a website). It’s for cervical cancer/smears/Ops everything, ii found it so helpful when ii was going out of my mind with worry. Can ask questions and read girls problems they also have. Xx
He has been know to cheat on me a couple of years back I just don't see how I could have had this from first being with him because it is 12 years we have been together so it could be from when he did cheat. Altho they say it doesn't mean your partner has been unfaithful just because of how long we have been together. I really don't know it is confusing. I have been on the jos trust and seen a lot of people's posts about the same thing and also seen the comments from the nurses on there that are experienced in it all. It does reassure me a little bit. I do know that as long as I go to follow up smears I won't develop cervical cancer it's just the worry that affects my mental health and the fact of having to go through it all again if it hasn't gone. I have been taking multi vitamins and just payed a hefty price for well woman multi vitamins to keep up regularly boosting my immune system. I quite smoking for around about 2 month when I was going through my biopsies and operation but with this virus going around it has also sent me on a downwards spiral. I think I have to book the courage up to phone my gp and get more information from them and tell them all of my worries to try get some reassurance and see if I can get any help in quiting smoking. Your replies really do reassure me and I am so great full to know I am not alone through all of this and that there are so many that have been through this and come out of the other end of it xx
Hi there! I had an HPV positive smear back in 2004/2005. I also had the cells removed and had to have frequent checks for awhile. I haven’t had any issues since. I made myself feel guilty and worried like crazy for a long totally wasn’t worth it. The worrying didn’t prevent anything, or change the outcome. Just remind yourself that it was found and taken care of.
Hi Krn210 thank you for your reply. Was it stage CIN3 that you had and on your first smear check up after the op was it HPV negative? Xx
It was negative at my first repeat smear, yes. 🙂
I am so glad yours was negative. At your following smear. I'm worried about other cancers that HPV causes because j have had a tight throat feeling I found out the other day thag it can cause throat cancer now so I am worrying😩 x
I worried about that too and went to see my regular doctor and dentist about it. The dentist sent me to an ears, nose, and throat specialist who kind of laughed and told me everything was fine. While it does increase the risk for cancer, it isn’t a guarantee. It’s so easy to worry about all of it though. I just remind myself that I can’t spend all my time worrying about all the things that could happen, it takes the joy away from today. We will be ok. HPV isn’t going to get the best of you or I. Things will be ok. 🤗🤗
Thank you Krn210. I do hope so. I am finding it really really difficult as Dr's won't see me because of this pandemic. I just feel like i need to be checked over for reassurance as I am panicking that I have a lump on my neck and that's what's making my throat feel so sore and tight. I have rang my Dr's about 5 times over my throat during this lockdown. They don't seem worried and are putting it down to my anxiety but they haven't seen me they haven't felt my neck or looked at my throat. J know there's a pandemic going on and I really understand about not being able tk be checked over but I am finding it so hard and dont know where to turn for help. J can't sleep at night and I'm feel like my energy is just drained from my body I can't do anything because i think about the feeling I have in my throat then I have to sit down because i am panicking and stop everything I'm doing. Its really really hard xxx
What is the lump like on your neck? Do you suffer from seasonal allergies at all?
I don't know it feels like on my left side of my neck is more inflamed. I am unsure if it's muscle or an actual lump because it is quite big but it's just with it being where I have a weird sensation in my throat. I have told the Dr but because I haven't got a cough or problems swallowing she don't think it's any thi g to worry about but it's easy for someone without anxiety to say don't worry. I honestly have a moment of madness and panic every night and lay crying thinking it is going to be something serious and I'm not going to catch it in time because of this coronavirus. The Dr did ask the same about me suffering from allergies but I honestly don't know if I do or not. I haven't been bad like this before anyway not last year or any years that I know of before Xx
Hmm. It definitely could be allergies. I wonder if your glands are more full on the left side which would cause the swelling. If you haven’t tried it, you could put a heat compress on it. It helps to soothe it. I have anxiety too, and have spent more time worrying than I haven’t. So I mean this with love and compassion...but the more you let those thoughts of despair play in your head the more control they are going to get over you. You are beautiful inside and out and you are going to be ok! Get a nice warm compress on your neck and try to relax some. When your mind starts to worry tell it that you don’t have time for that right now. I can chat with you here if you need some distraction.
Thank you that means so much to me. Do we have glands at the bottom of our neck? I do think that I do over think it all but as you know sometimes the symptoms along with the thoughts can be debilitating. I try to lay down but then hear my heart beat in my ears. Don't know if that's to do with blood pressure but not told the Dr's about this as I could have a bit of an ear infection and had whooshing in my ears when I had a bad ear infection 5 years ago and Dr's didn't seem concerned about it then. I feel like the lump is where you know that part of your neck that's like a line going up rour neck when you turn your neck it feels like its that some times or right near that at bottom of the neck on the left side. I am currently waiting for CBT can I ring them and try get pushed forwards as I have been waiting about 3 month and I feel like i need the help now not in a couple of month xxx
I used to hear my heart in my ears when I laid down too. I still do sometimes. I found that if I prop myself up and lay on my back it’s a little less noticeable. I am trying to picture where you are talking about on your neck. The bottom meaning more towards your collar bone?
Yeah near towards my collar bone x
There are lymph nodes that run through there. I wouldn’t think it would be allergies in that area. Have you taken pictures of it? I would so you can show the doctor, and in case it changes
My Dr isn't worried I have rang up about 5 times over my throat feeling like this and they keep saying it's my anxiety and that they aren't examining peoples throats or necks atm with this virus. I had a friend round today and I can't remember my throat feeling tight or sore while they were here but as soon as they went it started feeling weird again. So if it was something other than anxiety would it have stayed even while I was occupied and my mind was off it? Xx
Yes! That is what I tell myself too. If it were really something wrong then it wouldn’t go away when you are distracted. Even though anxiety tries telling you otherwise
Definitely try and stop smoking. My doctor was very clear on that so I did after about 6 mths after the positive result. I had smears every 6 months for about 2 years and now I’m on every 3 years and have been clear for years.xx
Thank you yes I do feel like i need to quit smoking. I quit for around 3 month and now I have spiraled in to bad anxiety and find smoking to be worse with everything going on. It's all a vicious circle. I find it so hard as I live on my own with my little girl aswell. I feel so alone and cry every night and stress and then go for a cig because of the stress. It's only the past few weeks I started smoking again and I smoked more due to stress I am going through with my health and relationship issues. I just don't know where to turn to because Dr's won't examine people right now. Xx
Hi I'm hpv positive too I'm 61and this showed up 3 hrs ago I've had 2 coloscopies but said no abnormal cells so that was good however my body does not seem to get rid of the hpv which is concerning my gynie said it may be that it wont clear but it wont cause any effects but advised to keep having smears he did day after 65 you arent expected to have anymore smears so I will need to pay for them daughter had hpv too but hers created so did my friend but that cleared after 2 yrs they say it's like the herpes virus some get it some done and also like other virus..I'm sure it will clear but as long as you keep having your smears you be fine I'm sure ..good luck x
Hpv can take years to clear its a virus I had it for 5 yrs no abnormal cells but the hpv would not go...finally after 5 years of repeated smears it went ...I think if they are worried they take other steps but like a virus it can just stick around just Try to be as healthy as poss and take vitimins it will eventually go I'm sure good luck x