So I've been on the Mirena for about 6 years (had a new one put in last year) and before that I was on the Depo shot for 4 years. I haven't had my period in those 10 years I've been using these methods in order to control my endometriosis and associated pain. Recently in the last month and a half, I've had two seemingly regular periods, this being my second, and I'm concerned that this is not normal as it's been a decade since I've had one. I've read about breakthrough bleeding but this is definitely a regular cycle as it has now been a little under a month since this first happened and now here I am again in agony with my second period in 10 years. Anyone else experienced this? I'll be seeing my doctor next week to check the placement of my IUD.
All of a sudden, a menstrual cycle after 10... - Women's Health
All of a sudden, a menstrual cycle after 10 years?

Obviously your doctor will be able to give reliable advice at the appointment..
The mirena will affect your menstrual cycle. You might experience spotting, shorter or longer periods, lighter periods or no periods at all. Many women have spotting (a small amount of blood loss) for the first 3-6 months after the system is fitted. Others will have prolonged or heavy bleeding. › ...PDF
Hi Esorgem, I have had 3 different mirenas and each time my experience has been different , 1st one I still had a period just a lot less than was usual for me,2nd one stopped my period completely and this one has been quite strange il have a couple of regular periods then nothing for a few months and so on... so I would say don’t worry too much but do get it checked out . Also you might find you get some more informed opinions on the Endo forum , I’m also on there .
My first concern is whether or not you've expelled the IUD. That happened to me with my first one. I didn't have a period for 6 months and then all of a sudden I began having them again. I do know that with my 2nd IUD, I did have a period every month like normal until I had my 3rd one placed and didn't have a period until I had it removed to start trying to get pregnant. Women's bodies are so fickle!