Monday 20th July.
I had diarrhoea in the day time, then it stopped around 3pm. I had my tea and went to bed. Woke up at 1:30am in excruciating pains, my right side shooting up to my right shoulder. I couldnt sit up and could barely talk. The ambulance came and took my Obs and everything seemed normal. They wanted me to contact my GP for another ECG as it said Abnormal. I rang my doctor the following morning but he refused to do another ECG.
I developed a tight feeling in my right side which is still there now. Its a very tight uncomfortable feeling but not pain. I went to the Walk in centre and had another ECG and did a urine sample. Plus I had a physical examination of my stomach. They were happy with everything but wanted another ECG doing at the hospital as it said abnormal again.
I went to the AEC had blood tests done and everything came back normal and my ECG got looked over and everything was normal . I had a chest xray and another physical examination of my stomach and they were happy that everything felt and seemed normal.
Just had a call from another doctor and he had looked over my results and said everything is perfectly normal. No one is giving me answers, I don't feel reassured. Why do I STILL have this uncomfortable tight feeling in my right side. I feel off my food and have barely eaten.
Im fed up of worrying ive spoken to so many different people and no one is giving me answers of what the excruciating pain was on Monday night or what this feeling ive been left with is. I'm drained. I'm so fed up.