So I have suffered from this on and occasionally off for the last 4 years....
At the beginning I saw a gynaecologist who basically said I had Vaginismus and wasn’t really helpful or sympathetic to my discomfort I was to ‘man up’.
I tried extra the ton, and vaginal dilators...after months of perseverance the pain subsided enough to make things ‘bare-able’ but recently I’ve spiralled backwards so off I went to see a different gynaecologist...
I had my first appointment a couple of weeks ago where we touched on my history but it was clear she had read my previous notes as we barely touched the basic details before she moved us onto the internal examination & swabs, she asked me to book an ultra sound followed by another appointment with her 8 weeks later...but she already seems to have decided that my answer is in phsycosexual counselling.
Now my anxiety has become an issue again recently & I’m struggling to control it...however going through this pain again is bringing me down, I’m fed up in general & getting more depressed all the gp prescribed me antidepressants but I could t get past the side effects so I’m back on my own.
I am trying ‘Head space’ app when I have a few minutes....I’v booked a reflexology appointment as the can help pain & tension...I’ve even considered I’ve round another ‘tool’ called vagi-wave but it’s £60!!!
I’m literally at my wits end & really struggling with day to day mostly because of my dyspareunia...