Hi ya’ll, I am 24 years old and have never had regular cycles. My husband and I have been trying for almost 2 years to conceive (obviously hard with irregular cycles). I have been seeing a doctor and I started taking Provera 10mg for 10 days this made me SO SO SICK. I would literally puke the entire 10 days... i then started taking clomid. We did 2 rounds of that before I had a mental breakdown.
After I stopped taking the clomid I naturally had a period. It was the Niagara Falls of periods. I actually ended up in the hospital. 😞
Fastforward. I met with my doctor to discuss other options to keep my periods regular because we obviously want a child so Birth Control doesnt make since. So she put me on Provera 5mg for 5 days.
I still feel super nauseas but I am not throwing up! (Not sure whats worse at this point)
Has anyone ever had this reaction to Provera? Are there other things out there I should be trying? Please give me your thoughts!