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Hair Cancer: Possible Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

ThomasClark120 profile image
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The forms of oncological diseases, unfortunately, are too diverse. But is there cancer of the hair? This type of, in principle, can not, since hair, wool - this is dead matter. But there are oncological diseases affecting the scalp. By their danger, they are not inferior to other tumor localizations. In the article, we will present the reasons for their formation, alarming symptoms, varieties of the disease, methods of diagnosis and therapy.

What is it?

Hair cancer is a simplified name for an oncological process that affects healthy skin cells under the scalp on the head.

I must say that the pathology most often affects the open areas of the epidermis. Therefore, only 5% of all detected cases will belong to this species. The risk group here is considered to be people of respectable age (over 50 years).

Varieties of skin cancer

So, hair cancer is a kind of oncological disease affecting the skin. This type will include several types of tumors:

1. Squamous cell. It develops from keratinocytes (flat cells). For tumor character, high rate of development and metastasis. It is localized at the places of transition of the mucous membranes into dermal integuments. This is a uniform, compacted formation that appears on the surface or in the thickness of the skin. The tumor itches, it hurts because of the destruction of the epidermis.

2. Basal cell. Speaking of hair cancer, often mean as a given tumor. It differs by a slow progression, does not give complications. It develops in the deep layers of the epithelium, as it grows, the surface covers also. Externally - a small scaly compaction. On the photo of hair cancer, you can see how it looks.

3. Tumor of the dermal appendages. It develops from the affected blood vessels. It looks like a reddish or bluish rash. As the progression is transformed into ulcers, inside which the destruction of the skin.

4. Melanoma. This malignant degeneration of a pigmented spot or mole. Including can be observed on the scalp. A dangerous phenomenon, characterized by rapid metastasis and germination inside the skin.

Let's get acquainted with the identified varieties of so-called hair cancer.

Basal cell tumor

Basalioma is a certain interval between benign and malignant education. By itself does not give metastasis.

This tumor is divided into several varieties:

1. Flat. A distinctive feature is the weakly expressed localization of the neoplasm. Can grow on a significant part of skin cells under the hair, causing their death.

2. Nodular. Has clear contours and high density. The danger is that it grows inside the skin.

3. Superficial. Often this form of cancer is confused with diseases of the skin of the scalp. It affects only the surface of the skin, without causing the death of cells, not penetrating deep into the epidermis.


Oncologist specialists are also divided into several classes:

1. Superficial. The tumor in the form of a nodule will be above the skin. Outwardly similar to a flat circle, a plaque of a yellowish hue. Although it develops slowly, it makes itself felt even at early stages - a person feels itching, tingling, and other discomforts in its localization. Symptoms grow as the oncogenesis develops. In the later stages of melanoma begins to peel, is affected by erosion.

2. Infiltrating. It grows in deep layers of skin, does not have a clear location.

3. Papillary. Such a cancerous tumor can easily be confused with the appearance of the papilloma - it is similar to a ball (has a wide base) and is supported by a leg. It is characterized by rapid progression.

4. Emerging against the background of scars on the skin.

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Possible causes of hair cancer (skin cancer under the hair) are the following factors:

1. Long direct exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet and high temperatures). This is a systematic walking without a headdress under the scorching rays of the sun. Causes both melanoma and basal cell carcinoma.

2. Ionizing irradiation, the effect of a constant electromagnetic current. The high probability of development of such education pursues workers in harmful radioactive production, survived accidents at nuclear reactors, specialists in the field of radiotherapy.

3. Permanent effect on hair, the scalp of aggressive chemical components. Nicotine, arsenic, carcinogens are the causes of cancer.

4. Regular trauma to the scalp. As we have already mentioned, melanoma is often formed on the scars. Permanent damage to the skin can provoke the degeneration of epidermal cells into malignant cells.

5. Skin diseases. In particular, chronic dermatitis.

6. Hereditary factors.

7. Reduced immunity.

8. Long-term treatment with immunostimulating and hormonal drugs.

The provoking factors To provoke the development of an oncology under the hair cover can the following:

9. Sensitive skin type.

10. A large number of moles on the body. Trauma of these markers often leads to degeneration into malignant melanoma. Combing the hair, it is easy to imperceptibly damage the birthmark in their midst.

11. Disorders in the endocrine system.

12. Permanent injuries of the same area of the skin.

13. Disease Bowen, Paget.

Initial signs

Initial anxiety symptoms of hair cancer are as follows:

1. Rarely visible rashes of a gray-yellow hue. Do not distinguish themselves by other symptoms.

2. Itching itch.

3. Moles on the scalp increase, change their shape, begin to crack and peel. Of these, blood and mucus may be secreted.

4. On the skin under the hair appeared education, similar to a bundle, a plaque.

5. Unreasonable weight loss.

Do hair fall out with cancer? This symptom does not speak about malignant education, because in this case the skin covers under the hair, and not the hair bulbs.

Signs of developing pathology

The progression of hair cancer reveals itself as follows:

1. The affected area of the skin contrasts sharply in color with healthy skin. It can be bluish, yellowish.

2. Education aching, it hurts.

3. With minor damage, the skin splits and bleeding opens.

4. Sharp causeless weight loss.


Diagnose the disease - the prerogative of a qualified oncologist. First, the doctor collects an anamnesis - analyzes the patient's complaints, conducts a visual examination, palpates the formation in the thick of the hair.

The patient is sent for laboratory diagnosis to diagnose the diagnosis - a biopsy. This is a sample of the affected tissue. The pathology of the cells is assessed, the stage of development of education.

Widely applicable and hardware techniques:

1. CT scan;

2. radioisotope method of diagnosis;

3. Ultrasound;

4. Sonography;

5. X-ray examination.

Directions of therapy

After making the diagnosis, confirming the malignancy of education, the patient is prescribed as one of the types of treatment:

1. Radiation therapy. Helps remove squamous cell carcinoma. Usually, close-focus irradiation is used for these purposes. The satisfactory effect of the procedure is 97% of cases.

2. Surgical removal. Today it is the most effective way to combat skin cancer since it allows them to be completely eliminated. This excision of pathologically altered matter carried out under general anesthesia.

3. Electrocoagulation. In this case, the cancer cells are eliminated by exposing them to an electric current.

In addition, as well as preventive and restorative measures, the patient is prescribed the following:

1. Vitaminotherapy.

2. Making the right balanced diet.

3. Reception of medicines. In particular, funds that help restore immunity after treatment.

4. Recommendations: be careful of direct sunlight, wear headwear, use creams with UV filters.

Hair loss in cancer

Let's note also that fact, that in other form and localization of disease the alopecia is possible. Why does hair fall out with cancer? This has nothing to do with the disease itself. Alopecia, in this case, will be a side effect of the treatment - chemotherapy. The patient is administered highly toxic preparations that can destroy all rapidly multiplying cells in the body. It is to these and includes cancer.

And another popular question. Can I dye my hair with cancer? If the disease does not imply the passage of a course of chemotherapy, then such a change in appearance will not affect the patient's condition. When introducing the same highly toxic anti cancer drugs, it is better not to disturb the hair once again - wash it with neutral gentle shampoo, comb it with a soft comb, do not apply to style and staining.

Even careful attitude, unfortunately, does not always allow you to save your old hair. Hair falls out, thinens, becomes dull, brittle, dry. Therefore, patients undergoing chemotherapy prefer to do a short haircut or shave their hair completely. For the recovery period, wigs are harvested, suitable hats.

I must say, in 95% of cases, hair cancer (epidermis under the hair) at the initial stage is completely cured. Only 3% of patients experienced a relapse within a few years. Repeated treatment helped prevent the return of the disease in 86% of cases. If the therapy started with a tumor in the active phase, which is characterized by rapid metastasis, the fraction of fully recovered ones stopped by 25%. The probability of a lethal outcome is 5%.

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