I’m wondering if anybody else has had the same experience as me. I’m 24 and feel like I have the body of someone 4 times my age. I’m probably better just listing what symptoms I have or this post will end up being an essay. Symptoms are;
Stomach cramps
Extreme fatigue
Struggle to get over colds or infections
Low sex drive
Horrendous mood swings
Anxiety/ depression
Stressing over the slightest things
Extremely low/high appetite from day to day.
I’m on the depo injection so don’t get a period or I would’ve just linked it to that. I’ve recently had blood tests and X-rays to check for anything serious however it all came back completely normal. The only thing I can think of is that it may be a hormone imbalance? Any advice would be so appreciate as I’m at my wits end and feel as though my doctors think it’s all in my head!x