Hi, im 52 and pretty sure I'm in the menopause, hot flashes, no period for almost a year etc, the problem is I seem to be experiencing alot of dizziness n anxiety, I'm very low and depressed too, I know some women have a terrible struggle during this change in their bodies, I'm just feeling so scared and overwhelmed by the symptoms, I'd love to hear if anyone else has experienced these unwelcome symptoms, suppose I'm hoping for a little reassurance too, I've no family at all, I feel quite isolated with no one to talk to about this, any help or advice will be gratefully received, thankyou xxx
Menopause/anxiety/dizziness, any advice ple... - Women's Health
Menopause/anxiety/dizziness, any advice please
Hi I am 48 and the same as you really. I have found good advice on the A.Vogel website where you get regular emails from Eileen with all the advice and tips on the menopause. A.Vogel are a brand that sells sage tablets etc for hot flushes. I get hot and feel blood is rushing to my head I hate it. Hope you find this helpful xx
Thankyou for the replies, very kind of you xx
Have you had your thyroid tested ? the symptoms you are experiencing could be due to an underactive thyroid. You need TSH, T4 and T3 tested initially.
Hi bantam12
Yeah I had bloods done and doctor told me thyroid was ok along with kidney functions etc, I'm putting a lot of it down to menopause, but my anxiety just gets the better of me sometimes lately, just hate the dizziness etc, makes me feel unsafe n scared to go out, I know this is a struggle for so many, it's a very difficult thing to overcome xx

Doctors know very little about thyroid disease as you will see on the HU thyroid forum, many 1000's of people either undiagnosed or badly treated.
You need to get a print out of the results so you can see where your levels are, results that doctors deem normal are frequently not, as long as results come within the given range they assume there is no problem hence so many people struggling with overt symptoms. If you want opinions on your results do post on the TUK HU site for advice.
The other things to look at are B12 and VitD, these two are the most common deficiencies, both will cause symptoms but you should ideally
be tested before supplementing.
Hi bantam12, I had no idea this was the case, its certainly something I'll look into, thanks for your replies :-)'xx

Hi Suzie, I have your symptoms too along with painful joints. If you look at the Vogel site they do have lots of suggestions for various symptoms. I put everything down to the menopause because I havent experienced this before and even when I went to the doctor just to see if these symptoms are 'normal' she didnt seem to have anything to say and just didnt seem to know. It is a horrible time and my mood is the worse part of it all.
HOWEVER I have to say though in the last 2 weeks I suddenly feel better in my mood, and I am touching wood as we speak, that it continues. So I do believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am 54 and I think I have been menopausal for around 4 years, so I hope the same happens for you x
Thankyou Cinders09, very reassuring to read your reply, xxx
Have you tried the menopause support pill from boots (own brand)? I find it helps with low moods,I think due to the vit b12.
Never heard of those pills, thanks Smackee I'll look into that xx
I had dizziness earlier this year with my menopausal symptoms and I saw the Menopause Clinic here in Edinburgh and they confirm that is a symptom of menopause. Just to say though that I'm using oestrogen patches as part of a regime at the moment and I'm finding them really helpful with my mood and sleep hallelujah! I use Evorel 50.
This is a good group to get support from fellow sufferers... hope you feel better soon and some of the information helps you... God bless love and prayers x
Hi Rachh8, did your dizziness stop when you went on the patches? I have been applying Oestrogel twice a day and I think it is actually what might be causing my dizziness. I have tried stopping it but then I get painful joints, fatigue, stiffness, low mood, palpitations. My hearing in my bad ear seems worse too along with the dizziness. I am wondering if the Oestrogel causes oestrogen spikes and if the patch might provide a steadier level of oestrogen supply and improve the dizziness?
Thankyou Rachh8, yes all the replies have been helpful, the dizziness is my main issue really because it triggers my anxiety, but I do intend to take on-board all the advice, it's also reassuring for me so thanks again, much appreciated xxx
there is a blood test you can have to ascertain if you have started the menopause, I'm certain you have, usually women follow after their mothers I did with mine. I was 42 when I started I'm now 55, my mum was 40 & apart from her having hot flashes she didn't have any other problems, on the other hand it's been the bane of my life & 13yrs through it I still have hot flushes. And to top it all up I was diagnosed with a chronic illness' this year & through meds my hot flushes are worse than ever. Good luck. Tc xx
Hi,,im 52 and have all the same symptoms or had as its over but you still get symptoms sometimes. Anxiety gets worse if you have it already i have found and other problems occur. Joint pain yes,palpitations,weight gain,sleeplessness. Just try and eat well and healthily and look after yourself as much as possible. The bad thing i had and still do are Migraines and have to take Beta Blockers for they were so bad!!. They help anxiety too. Hope you get things sorted and feel you can cope better. Your not alone.
Thank you for replying, it helps hearing from other women who have experienced menopause issues, least I know it's not just me, thanks again
Hi there, I am in my early forties and have same symptoms, not the period part though. I still get my period, but recently stopped the pill,.my period came on time naturally but was very light. The other symptoms are doing my head in.
I do hope you get some relief.
Really great to read all of the helpful information on here. I am 47 and know I am going through something, because of all the symptoms people have listed above, the dizzyness scared me a lot and I suffer with panic attacks any way.
I wanted to ask if any one gets an inflamed ovary and if so does it cause prolapse? certain times of the month I have my legs up on a chair whilst lying on the floor just to relieve the discomfort and pain, even after taking paracetemol. Its very uncomfortableand I can hardly walk around. just would like to know what other women do for this.
I have been to the doctors and seen a Gyno, but may need to go back again.
Hi greyhazylady
I've not experienced any problems with ovaries or things like that but I'd definitely advise you re-visit your gp, it must be very uncomfortable and distressing for you, I'd ask them out right to refer you to someone who can help, dealing with menopause n anxiety is bad enough without having to deal with orher stuff, good luck, let us know how you get on....big hugs
Hi there - I am 49 and am suffering very similar symptoms to you - I have realised that no one talks about the menopause - I would love to talk to my friends about it but am finding it very hard - I too am suffering with the hot flushes - dizziness and anxiety and palpitations that I have never experienced before. My last period was well over 1 year ago. Having read the symptoms it seems we tick every box and I'm sure it will pass it is rubbish though. I think probably keeping busy is the key and getting enough exercise - I walk the dog twice a day and have a fairly active job but my job can be very stressful which certainly doesn't help. chat more if you like
Hi VectisRose
Yeah the menopause symptoms really do take some adjusting too, your experiences sound pretty much similar to my own, I've found that menopause n anxiety symptoms are very very similar, not nice but I've found that I'm now able to deal with it, just a nuisance more than anything these days, but I most definitely relate to your post xxx
Hi, I am also 52, I can honestly say menopause is the worst feeling I have. Hot flashes. I get easily annoyed at everyone and after feeling guilty for snapping at my husband and son for no reason. I always feel depress and think negative. I can't Sleep. And I Started looking for remedies for reducing the symptoms and stumbled across an article about how Niveau Krill oil can reduce menopause symptoms, so I decided to try, and I am happy to say it helps. My mood swings, depression I start to feel positive and sleep well again, and I can get a lot more done at work. Menopause symptoms are now manageable
Please check out dr axe videos on you tube he does about estrogen and also ashwaganda and maca root I've just started on them and they are great no crying and feeling low anymore he also said xplains how they work and how they help people with thyroid problems,he explains how ashgawanda helps people who feel overwhelmed,I know how u feel and it's hard to plain to someone what it's like x
Thankyou for taking time to reply, its very kind of you, I'm feeling much much better now, I wrote that post sometime ago and things have now improved, I will still keep in mind your advice though, it may be helpful if I have any future problems xx
I suzie482 i see this is from a while ago but i am going through the sane , dizzy spells and anxious all the time , what helped with you ? I just want to feel my old self again and hope theres light at the end of the tunnel .
Aisonjoan71 I can tell you that there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel, the post you refer to was indeed from quite a while ago n I'm much better these days, I now realize that I probably had anixety long before my menopause symptoms started, but tbh I learnt to accept both over time, I struggled with menopause symptoms and this triggered my anxiety, my advice for menopause symptoms is to just look after yourself as best you can, healthy diet, exercise n supplements can help, I haven't taken HRT or any prescription meds but I have taken extra vitamin supplements etc, relaxation n exercise have also been of great benefit, there's lots of help n advice on offer that helps, the anxiety has been my biggest battle of all, it turned my life upside down at one point, just keep going n you'll get through the menopause, I'm happy to say I've been well for a very long time now xxxx
Hello Hidden, sorry to reply now. Your post was 4 years ago! Did you go on HRT? because no matter how many supplements you take, your body will never produce the oestrogen we lose with the menopause. Did your dizziness resolve? I get dizziness even on HRT but I have only been applying Oestrogel for some weeks on and off as I want to see if the Oestrogel is causing the dizziness. When I come off it, the dizziness doesn't stop so I guess it is not that. And when I stop HRT, the joints gets stiff and achy again, I get fatigue, horrid IBS, low mood and anxiety and I sleep terribly so the HRT definitely helps! I'd love to hear how you are now, 4 years on!