This is my first post in this forum, although I've used this site for a while. Ok, a bit about me:
I'm 46 yrs old
Type 2 Diet Controlled Diabetic (no meds or insulin)
Hypertension - I take Indapamide and Irbesartan
Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Oct 2017
Diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency May 2018 - now supplementing myself with D3 and co-factors
My periods have been irregular for at least the last 2 years and have become even more irregular and few and far between. I had a hormone test around May time last year and was told by my surgery that I wasn't menopausal, although they didn't give me the actual result/figure. My last period was towards the end of January this year and then I had what I can only describe as a very, very light bleed about a week ago which only lasted 2 days - it was hardly anything. I've since read somewhere that if your periods are more than 60 days apart you could be towards the end of perimenopause.
My sleep is poor, I'm sweating loads (mostly facially and upper body), even with very little exertion. It just pours from my forehead and I'm really struggling with it - I feel dirty/unclean. I get very hot suddenly and wake in the night to find I've got a sweaty face. I know some of this could be attributed to my vitamin D deficiency and fibromyalgia, but if it isn't solely this, would medication or specific supplements help me?
Although my female GP has been good in the past, I've found her a bit dismissive on my last couple of visits so am worried about making an appointment and being listened to and believed. What meds or supplements are best? And any advice if / when I do decide to make an appointment (there are other female Drs so I guess I could request a different Dr).