Hi everyone I have prescribed oestrogel just over two months ago, pmdd. I am 33 years old. I am trying to be patient and hope for the gel to make a difference. I suffer with severe mood swings. previously had severe post natal, took literally every med that was available to recover through that. hardest time in my life.
my other symptoms are pure chronic pain throughout lower of my back all the way down to my ankles. confusion, out of body experiences. migraines. irrational. i get like this every monthly cycle. but get depressed with it. i know im not depressed, i wake having good days. i still laugh. but when im low i cant cry and hibernate. i get insomnia.
since using the gel, my breasts have stopped being painful, but have gained weight around my waist, bloated look. i still get hot flushes which triggers off my anxiety badly. i take diazepam for that. i wake covered in sweat, having to change the bedding. i occasional bleed very heavily and have meds for that too, as i pass out from it due to too much blood loss.
i have sumitriptan injections for my migraines which are roughly once a month.
Is there anyone else going through this? using oestrogel at my age? any advise would be greatly appreciated. it is affecting my daily life. i cannot study properly, think straight. my child gets affected when ill as i am meant to look after her. I am a single mother.
many thanks in advance for any help from any of you