I’m aiming to do a rigid low carb regime for November (No!vember) and we’ve been invited by American friends for brunch on Sunday. I just don’t know what that includes - I’ve already said I don’t want bucks fizz. I loathe pancakes and waffles but I’m hoping they remember that. I know its just one meal. Any tips or suggestions gratefully received.
Amercan brunch help: I’m aiming to do a... - Weight Loss Support
Amercan brunch help

Like you, I've no idea what that would include. If there's meat/fish and salads, you should be OK. Hope someone here knows what it might be as we have several members from the US

Could you have a chat with your friend and ask what is included? If they are good friends I'm sure they would prefer to serve something you like. They know you don't like waffles and pancakes. If it's cooked breakfast eg bacon, egg, sausages, tomato etc you will be fine.
If it's buffet style you can take what you like and swerve anything carby or a polite no thanks if you are offered something you don't want. In the grand scheme of things it's only one meal and won't make a big difference overall.
I hope you enjoy it

Crisis averted, I was served a very delicious dish containing egg, bacon and a baked cheesy sauce with a bacon onion and potato rosti. I turned down banana and walnut bread, drop scones and fizzy wine, sticking to black coffee. It was very filling and we ate outside in lovely sunshine and enjoyed a good old catch up.