Hi Everyone
Hope you have all had a good week. If you have managed any form of exercise-with all the wet and wild storms-then very well done.
I have managed to do lots of walking with Pea, a Silver Swans ballet session and some cycling. I have also made more of an effort to do some brain activies. Crosswords, Sudoku and a start a jigsaw. These for me are just as important as the physical exercise as now I have retired I don’t have the day to day work related stimulation. I am looking forward to hearing and being impressed with all your adventures.
This is an all inclusive club, to cover all activity and all abilities and the aim is for each of us to highlight our preferred activities to give us all new ideas for exercise.
Please see healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... for previous ideas.
The idea is for you to post your exercise achievements from last week and your proposed goals for this coming week. This will not be a competition, but declared plans are easier to stick to and encouragement and support from fellow members are good motivators.
By setting ourselves short, mid range and possibly long term goals we achieve a little at a time and with the forum family encouraging us each step along the way we may surprise ourselves by what we achieve. Any and all exercise counts, from housework to marathon running, armchair exercises to wheelchair basketball. Your only limitation will be your imagination.
We love to see photos, so please post as many as you wish of when you're out and about, in the gym, at your fitness class, or boogying down in front of your TV.
Please take some time to encourage your fellow FiF'ers, as this is all about giving each other support and inspiration.