Happy new year everyone, I am here again after loosing all the weight and putting it back on, covid time. I need a bit of push and motivation to get back on track. Hope you are well and good.
healthy eating and exercise - Weight Loss Support
healthy eating and exercise

Hi Dancing Shoes me too. We can do this! How are you going to stay on track this time? Iβm starting again after having a baby 4 months ago. I have two stone to lose.
Hi Gemma4 welcome back, I am new here and joined this month.
I have joined the weigh in and also posting in the daily diary - and have received some great tips on my food and great support re my weigh in - hope to see you there
Looking forward to seeing your journey and wishing you all the best. We can do this
Hello and welcome back. Congratulations on your new baby. In case you need a reminder to find your way around as a few things have changed all the information you need can be found here healthunlocked.com/weight-l....
As you have recently had a baby please take it easy and focus on eating healthy food rather than weight loss especially if you are breastfeeding.
If you have any questions just ask. Have a great New Year
Hi Gemma4,
Congratulations on your new arrival.
Like you, I am also on the challenging myself to lose 2 stones by cutting out sugar, bread and white rice. It is not easy but can be done.

Hi and welcome back, I am new here and joined this month.
I have joined the weigh in and also posting in the daily diary - and have received some great tips on my food and great support re my weigh in - hope to see you there
Looking forward to seeing your journey and wishing you all the best. We can do this

Hello and welcome back. As you know you will get plenty of support here and help to get back on track.
I hope you can remember your way around. There have been a few changes so if you need a reminder all the information can be found here healthunlocked.com/weight-l....
I see you were T2 diabetic so you may be interested in following a low carb diet. The dietdoctor website is very helpful. Many of us follow low carb so if you have any questions just ask.
You might like to start today by posting your start weight on the weigh in. The daily diary is where you can post your meal plans and get meal ideas.
Good luck and have a great New Year
Good morning Gizmocat,
Thanks for the advice following the low carb diet.
To be honest, everything have gone out the window.ππ I will take some more advice please. Have a wonderful new year.
Do have a good read around. All the links are in pinned posts. Just click on the link I gave you above. Bridgegirl has given you the link to the Dietdoctor website which has lots of information about low carb and recipes etc.
You might find this useful healthunlocked.com/redirect....
The important thing is too cut out carbs as much as possible especially bread, potatoes, rice and pasta as carbs are responsible for high blood sugars. It is more a lifestyle change than a diet. It does take some reading around but the more you read the better. I found Michael Moseleys books useful as it explains a lot and gives you recipes and plans to follow.
There is plenty of information to read so take your time and just shout if you have any questions

Hi Dancingshoes, good to see you - lovely name
I see from your previous post that you have T2 diabetes. I'm sure you understand that it is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism so that's what you need to tackle. It's not just about losing weight but changing what you eat.
Here's a good starter and apologies if you know all this already dietdoctor.com/wp-content/u... If you look up Dr David Unwin who has written this, you'll find more ideas
Looking forward to seeing you on the weigh in and daily diary
Good morning BridgeGirl,
Thanks for the advice, I will be joining in on weigh in soon. I have to check my current weight and know how much I need to lose.
Have a wonderful new year and to new us.ππΏππΏ
Excellent advice. Dr David Unwin has been extremely successful in reversing pre-diabetes in so many of his patients along with putting many patients with full blown T2 diabetes into remission. He was doing this long before other healthcare professionals started to cotton on to it and whilst the charity Diabetes UK was (and still is) advising diabetics to eat plenty of starchy foods.
I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes about 10 years ago and the nurse specialist at the GP surgery said I needed to eat plenty of starchy foods. I told her that would simply make it worse. I followed my own low carb path and, when I had the next lot of blood tests for my annual review, the pre-diabetes had completely gone.
That's good to hear and I hope DancingShoes finds it encouraging.
We can't say it often enough: T2 diabetes is reversible. It's not a condition anyone wants to be told they have but it's reversible. Hold on to that.
I wonder if your practice nurse is still giving the same advice.....
It was about 10 years ago and I was living in Wales at the time so a different practice from the one I'm with now. I don't know what advice my current GP practice would give as I no longer have the condition.
I do have the cookbook by Giancarlo and Kate Caldesi which is based on the teachings of Dr David Unwin, who wrote the foreword and is heavily featured throughout the book. You may be aware that Giancarlo Caldesi (a chef) lost a lot of weight after being diagnosed with T2 with the help of Dr David Unwin. The book is well worth a read.
I do hope this will help DancingShoes.

good luck

Good luck to all . Must start as soon as I leave New York early January . How can people stay slim here with bagels , cream cheese and Dunking Donuts . My body screams no but my brain screams louder
I spent 36 weeks last year om weight management programs. I lost very little, was sore a lot - regular gym session - and felt really disappointed. Until I decided to group the three positive points the programs have in common, and came up with these "truths": 1) menopause is real and no point in fighting it; 2) calories counting is not the only way but if treated as a bank account, it has the advantage that the more calories you spend, the fewer pike up on my body; 3) comfort eating is a condition, or rather the manifestation of a trigger. Finding the trigger is the way out. Escaping from the emotional room, by breaking the code of the locks that keep me there can and should be fun, educational, inspiring and freeing.
Life is a journey. The beauty of it is enjoying the moment and making new friends. How can I be of help in your journey?
Hi Satya67 and welcome to our forum. This is a peer to peer support forum, if you are here on a weight loss journey yourself then please feel free to join in with our pinned posts, here's a link healthunlocked.com/weight-l...
You can help everyone here on this forum by participating in what is on offer. If you follow the link above you'll see the Weigh In, Daily diaries etc where we keep ourselves accountable for eating and exercising in a healthy way and getting support from others who are also on their own journeys.
I wish you well on your journey xx
Sounds like you've done a good review of what helps you make progress and that calorie counting is right for you. I'd just give a warning that "a calorie is a calorie" is the most misleading message around: calories from different sources are handled very differently by the body

The fact that a bad diet leading to weight gain is the slowest method of suicide should be a good incentive.
Hi everybody and happy new year to you all, weight myself today I am 13 stone never been over 12 stone all my life and yes obese but always a first time, no matter what weight I am, I am classed as obese will never get away from that. I'am 58 years old 4 foot 11 I have arthritis at the lower part of my back have both hips replaced and now found out that the pain I am having is because the muscles are weak and need strengthening so I'am going to have physiotherapy to strengthen them, then hopefully I can do more exercises.
Hope this year everything will go better for me.
Hi Hip2, do you realise you replied to a standalone post? Can i suggest you join in on the weigh in, you'll get lots of support there to help you on your journey
Here's a link to the Weigh in for today healthunlocked.com/weight-l...
Hi Hip2. We'd love to have you on the Sunday weigh in team. Just click on the link springers has given you and the reply to the host, Jiminy cricket.
Thanks for the putting me on the right site not done this before new to this bit.
You will find lots of support on the Weigh In and Daily Diary threads. This community is second to none.
You say you will 'never get away from being obese'. Please don't be defeatist. By joining in with the various activities, giving support and encouragement to others here, and receiving support and encouragement in return, believe me....
I wish you all the very best of luck and a happy and successful 2023.

Thank you for the support

Hi Dancing Shoes, It's a nice topic and article about how healthy eating and exercise are very important to a human being. If we have to keep our bodies fit, healthy eating and exercise play a crucial role.