hi, i wunder if any of you guys can advice me on which app is best for a low carb diet to use? I am struggeling to resist the urge to eat sweets! 🤭 What can i do? ? Any advice is very much appreciated!!! Thanks!
Which app is vest for low carb diet? - Weight Loss Support
Which app is vest for low carb diet?

That urge can be very tough! I tend to go through stages - sometimes it seems impossible to resist, and sometimes it's just gone and I'm not even tempted... Switching back to not being tempted is not easy though...
I don't know any specific apps for low carb diets as such, but I use MyFitnessPal and in there you can set your goals for your macronutrients, so you could set the carbs as low as you want.
thanks you for your quick reply. I allready have this app. So i need something more like a tracker, i think. So i can follow where i go wrong and what i can change!
Then you will have to keep searching
I mentioned it because for me personally it works and I can see exactly where I go wrong with MyFitnessPal - the biggest indication that I'm really going wrong is when I start approximate calories and use 'Quick Add' but if I enter things correctly then 'Nutrients' and 'Macros' tabs show me what requires tweaking.

Hi TanteMuh, I hope these links below help. They were originally posted by BridgeGirl over on the LCHF forum... which is also below if you're interested to have a look:

The best apps I’ve come across are Carb Manager for tracking and Diet Doctor for recipes and articles
Thanks for replying, Meg633a.
Mutual support is at the heart of what we aim for (as well as weight loss of course).
If you're on your own journey it might be worth looking at all the groups and forums we have here. I've copied a link below for you to have a browse. If you have any questions just give us a shout
i have been looking all day... And i decided i'll give carb manager and foodabi a test-week!
thanks for all the comments!!
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party. I'm hunting around for an app to see what I am doing well and what needs work on my diet. How did you get on with Carb Manager?
Although PC based I am playing with perfectdiettracker.com/ (PDT) mainly to get a base line and look at meal planning. Using PDTs meal planner feature did make me chuck the remaining Christmas "celebrations" in the bin, but allow myself small amounts of rather nice cheese so a success to keep within limits going forward.
I had a quick go with Carb Manager this morning. It seems to offer similar functionality for my needs, but is geared towards American Rather than UK brands I think? Only one bar code was recognised. It has a pretty web page.
I'm finding it easier to log meals at the end of the day on the computer and PDT is quicker than Carb Manager for me.
I am also finding logging at the end of the day less stressful than doing it real time. Surprisingly doing it end of day also makes me think more about what I am eating at the time than using the app. Go figure.
Hi, I have abandoned CarbManager. It wasn't for me either. I too like to log my food at the end of the day. I have tried MANY apps. Currently i am trying MyLowCarb Diet and Days Without (in my case sugar in tea, sweets, crisps, ...) I am on it since 1.1. so not quite sure yet. I usually try apss for 2-3 weeks i have also made my own tracker with the help of the Memento Database App, (love it) which allows me to put toghether whatever i want, much like a bullet journal.
I hope that helps and wish you great success in loosing weight! 🤗
Hi Flimflab and welcome to our weight loss forum. I hope you've found an App/tracker to suit your needs.
If you scroll up to Cosmo501's reply you'll find several useful links.
I hope you will participate with the many posts that we offer. The pinned posts are a good place to begin
I suggest the weekly weigh in and the Daily Diary.
Good luck 🍀

obviously, like me, you have a sweet tooth. I cope by always making up no sugar jelly. A bowl of this will satisfy a sweet tooth. and have just started baking with coconut flour (low carb), and sweetening with stevia, though I do add dried fruit. I find this satisfies my sweet tooth while keeping carbs in check. If I am out and fancy something sweet and am tempted by cakes, I buy a v ery tiny Freddo chocolate. I remind myself it's the sweetness I want, not necessarily the cake!
Thanks for replying, fiftyone
Supporting each other and sharing tips and ideas is at the heart of what we do.
It looks like you might be on your own weight loss journey and if that is the case you might find it helpful to join in with some of our groups and forums. I've added a link to the ones we have on the go currently so you can have a browse.
If you have any questions just give us a shout,

No app gonna stop you eating sweets, it's up to you to stop