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Low carb diet

Carol08 profile image
16 Replies

I did low carb diet, first weeks ok ,now I loose around 2 pounds a month any ideas to speed it up ??



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Carol08 profile image
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16 Replies
TheHud profile image

As long as you are losing weight then that is good.  Low carb diet can mean many different things.  Can you say what diet you are following, ie low carb, low fat, low cal or low carb (still eating some simple carbs) high fat etc.

I have just cut out all simple carbs, low fat, low calorie and my lose has slowed to an average of just less than 2lb per week.  I find when I forget to eat altogether my loss slows down, but often the inches have reduced if not the weight significantly. 

Latest research is suggesting that fasting is actually a good way to help keep your body working properly.  This is opposite to the given wisdom of regular food at set times.  I find that fasting, full fast, fluids only, for at least 16 hours is best for me each day followed by good quality protein and veg (beetroot, cabbage etc for lunch works.  If I skip the lunch, I don't lose less weight.  If I cheat at all or have a drink of alcohol I stall completely and have to do significantly more exercise to get it going again.

You are losing weight, so it is working and you are perhaps not being as extreme as I am.

Onwards and downwards


TheEdTalks profile image

I agree with TheHud  in regards to what type of low carb dieting are you doing. Another hack that has good science supporting it more and more is thermogenesis where you expose your body to cold so that it gets more efficient at eventually burning fat to keep you warm rather than just shivering. Another bonus is that it is being shown that it can be beneficial also for your immune and brain health. The easiest way I do this is to have a warm to hot shower and then at the end turn the tap to full cold (it is a shock the first few times - just focusing on breathing and it gets easier) for a couple minutes or as long as you can handle. It definitely is hard the first few times, but after a while it's pretty easy and you feel so alive and amazing after doing it! Keep up the great work!

christine8 profile image
christine8 in reply to TheEdTalks

If done on a regular basis this cold shower idea would also increase your chances of survivng in the event of a ferry disaster (questionable fact courtesy of Nick Frost's Danger 40,000 Volts programme).

AJC1957 profile image

Are you counting your carbs? For the first few weeks you should be having  approx. 100 g of carbs a day. Then gradually reduce to between 60-70 as you get used to less sugar.

I find I need carbs in the morning so have porridge for breakfast, omelette or salad with meat/fish at lunch and various carb counted evening meals.

You must count your carb intake because its easy to go astray. Good luck

28111956 profile image

Yes weigh your food properly keep alcohol in check and u will loose 2lb a week minimum and of course walking certainly help rather than sat on ya bum 👍🙊

Venusflytrap profile image

We are using a low carb diet (>50g per day) with an 800 kcal limit too as one of us is diabetic, and it might help with blood sugar.  We are just starting the third week and have had good losses and never felt hungry except once when we accidentally missed a meal (the clock stopped!).  But our daily weigher is starting to stall, so we are trying to increase our activity a lot.  

I am a long time dieter, just trying to shed 10.5 lbs to get back to goal for my anniversary of reaching goal.  It is working for me and I have been losing about 2lbs per week.  Which is a brilliant loss for me as it is usually half a lb a week at this stage. 

When I did Atkins for a year, which aimed at no carbs and as much protein and fat as I wanted, many years ago, I lost 6lbs really fast at the beginning, then absolutely no more over a year.  I was not cutting kcal then or checking my carbs, except to eliminate them.  I think the designer of that diet presumed that the protein and fats would fill you up so much that you would naturally cut back on kcal too.  When I didn't the losses stopped.  

I would not recommend such a low carb diet, because I think you need a little fruit (berries) and lots of fibre rich veg both for the vitamins/minerals and to fill you up and maintain bowel health.  So would only consider it for short periods.  

I am going to have a look at Dukan's ideas when we have done 8/9 weeks on it.  As to what to do in the break between low carb sprints.  And I might well be where I want to be by then as I am now so close to my goal.  So I might not be doing the next sprint.  

If a diet is no longer working for you, the answer is to change to another type of diet. I think it was Einstein who defined stupidity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  It's certainly true of my successful dieting.  Every time I plateau-ed I switched to a different diet.  If nothing else, it stopped me from cheating!

slimdwndeva profile image

You could try carb cycling 

TheHud profile image
TheHud in reply to slimdwndeva

The trouble with carb cycling is you have to use the high carb days for when you are doing some pretty intensive work outs, athletes, body builders/crossfitters do this.   

I slowed my lose down substantially for one week and then a low everything week and so on.  I am in week 10 now.  I use fruit as a one week carb addition and resistant starch/whey/coconut cream home made goodies. Still stay away from simple carbs because I do not want to eat them ever again unless its a high day or holiday.

My problem is I can eat 2 small plums, a couple of strawberries for breki and not need to eat again all day lol.  There lies my problem.

To do low carb or any restrictive dieting you need to keep up the protein and veg.  I am still aiming for 500-700cal per day.

slimdwndeva profile image

Yeah body builders do it when they're cutting for comps. I lost two stone last year (put 1 stone bk on now) but I'm hitting the wagon again. I found that if I had good carbs protein and healthy fats (I used avocado or omega supplements), the weight was dropping off nice and steadily. I found helpful tools in holland & barrette in carb alternatives low salt veg stock as I was making my own soups and a little miracle called a protein bomb for the times you need to snack on the run. I don't think any diet is sustainable. A healthy lifestyle is more the approach we need to be taking.

kantara71 profile image

I think you need to count both your carbs and the calories. 

I have been low carb now for around 6 weeks and I count all macros. 

I have found that by sticking to my calorie allowance of 1400-1500 per day and averaging 30-40 carbs a day with protein and fat levels about the same at between 60-100 gms per day, I have lost steadily between 2-3lbs a week. 

I am increasing my carb intake to 50g or less a day from next week and then gradually up to 100g a day and I expect my weight loss to slow, especially as I get to within a stone of my target weight.

Oh, and 2lbs of fat loss a month is significant so well done :-) John

t1d1961 profile image
t1d1961Restart Dec 2023

I have been eating very low carb, under 20 grams of carbs per day on average, for over 4 months and haven't lost a single pound.  I don't eat high fat, nor high protein, and eat about 1000 calories per day.  I'm a type 1 diabetic and it has helped my blood sugars greatly, but it just isn't working for me to lose weight.  I don't eat any grains, any sugar, almost no fruit.  I'd be happy with 2 pounds a week.  I do know that the low carb does not work as a weight loss tool for everyone.  I also work out at least 4 days a week and walk the other days.  

vanessa93 profile image
vanessa93 in reply to t1d1961

Hi, well done on controlling your blood sugar. I am really surprised that you are not loosing weight though. 1000 calories per day is low for someone who is working out and walking, you would be burning off more than you take in. Are you weighing your food portions and keeping an accurate food diary? Once I started to look at what I was actually eating rather than what I though I was quite surprised.

Prince56 profile image

Soup is my saviour!! I've got a soup maker, tonight I'm making tomatoes peppers chilli mint & spinach, I'm replacing breakfast & lunch with my soups then when I get home from work I'm eating with my family a Healthy home cooked meal, all round success I only need to cook one evening meal, and the family don't need to know I'm on a diet! So we all have a healthy relationship with food

modge profile image

try incorporating HITT exercises in to your day ..

look on you tube ..especially beginners exercise by Joe Wicks .

t1d1961 profile image
t1d1961Restart Dec 2023

Not to be a "Debbie Downer" but I've been eating around 20 grams of carbs per day for almost 5 months.  I don't eat grains, sugar, starchy veggies, etc., but I have not lost a single pound.  I work out and/or walk a couple of miles every day and I eat about 1100 calories a day.  I've had type 1 diabetes for 55 years now and my blood sugar control is considered "very well controlled" now by my doctors.  For those of you to whom this means anything, in the first three months of low carb eating, my A1c went from 7.3% to 6.3%.  I expect the next time I get it taken, it will be in the 5's.  Still no weight loss.  I am not the only low carb-er that has this problem, according to many of my diabetic sites.  Most people just scratch their heads, unable to figure, as I, why I'm not losing weight, when some drop so much weight on this food plan.

Carol08 profile image

So,any ideas or suggestions!!!????

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