Hi, I am a 45 yr old woman who currently weighs 161/2 stone. I would love to join your group for tips and also to share others' advice. I get really bloated with some foods, I feel it would be good to hear from others how they managed in their journey to keep off the weight?
Can I join your group, please? - Weight Loss Support
Can I join your group, please?

You are very welcome, natalieZza
I recommend exploring the forum, chatting to others and asking questions - members are happy to share their experiences and say what works for them, and what doesn't.
A good starting point is joining the weigh in and using the daily diary. You'll find them both by following this link healthunlocked.com/weight-l... to Pinned Posts. Make sure you scroll through to see all those posts as you will find others that may be useful to you.
Active participation is the key to getting the most out of the forum, and is a great way to get to know people, so I hope we'll see you out and about around the forum
PS I would advise you to lock your post as you have a photo and quite a bit of information in your profile that could identify you. You do this by selecting 'Only community members' at the foot of your post, rather than 'Anyone': this means only forum members will be able to see your post, not the whole of the Internet. You can change your option on this post by clicking on More then Edit and making the change

Welcome. I’m quite a newbie too, only joined 4 weeks ago, but am finding it very helpful with lots of supportive comments from other members and useful suggestions which keeps me motivated. The weekly weigh ins are a good target too. Best of luck!

Hello natalieZza, I hope that this finds you well. I have found this forum and the NHS weight loss plan brilliant, plus weighing everything and keeping a food diary has been quite the revelation of just how much and how often I was eating. This journey for me has not been straight forward but the help and support are here on this site for you, all you have to do is ask, I have had to do this myself so I am aware of just how hard that can be but please do it, the people on this site have so much patience and boy have they needed it with me. Welcome to the family, and wish you well on your journey. Take care x
Hi natalieZza
Most Welcome!
It not a short
term diet, it’s a long term lifestyle change
The most recommended way to lose weight is by dieting, exercising, and intermittent fasting.
You can lose weight by any one method or a combination. But, dieting is superior. And, in diet-
ing a safe way to lose weight is by calorie control. Almost in every diet you will have to count
calories to keep track of how much energy you are consuming and how much you need while
losing and maintaining weight. Don’t worry about that because I have done much of your
homework. Among proven and disease preventive diets are the Mediterranean diet, Dash diet,
Vegetarian diet, Low fat, and Low sugar diets with due calorie control and of course a balance
of nutrients in all circumstance s. There are six to seven basic food groups which are the things
to eat and drink in a healthy way because your body needs them in moderation:
Moderation is the secret of survival
• Wholegrain breads and pasta: oats, wheat....
• All Fruits
• All Vegetables
• Pr oteins: fish, poultry, beans, lentils, chickpeas...
• Good fats: olive oil, avacado, nuts and seeds...
• Low fat diary and eggs: milk, cheese, yogurt ...
• And, plenty of water, lemon juice, green tea, black tea, black coffee and other teas
Eat food as
medicine otherwise you will have to eat medicine as food
Try Let me start with the plate method when you take a seat to have your breakfast, lunch, or din-
ner or additional small mea ls, snacks, and drinks compose your plate wisely. It should be di-
vided into two to five quarters. One with some proteins, the other with grains, the others with
fruits and vegetables, and a glass of low fat, low sugar milk or beverage.
Boil, broil, roast, bake, barbeque but avoid frying and breading while you are dieting. Also,
check the cooking method while eating out. Prefer to order salads. You have to buy an Air Fryer
if you already don’t have one. Air frying is a successful appli ance to lose weight but it is not
foolproof. Especially, if you love Omelettes an air fryer will cook it for you without oil or little
oil. Check it out!
Do str
etches for a flexible tension free body. Incorporate short walks and stairs in your day.
Build some muscles by strength training like the bench press. And, eat protein within 45
minutes before or after exercise when the body builds muscles.
Also fast for 12-14 hrs only once or twice a week with a gap of at least 1 day in between.