Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (7th September 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
269 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last week I weighed 13 stone 4.6 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 4.8 pounds, so I've gained 0.2 pound this week. I hoped to lose 2 pounds, so the fact I've gained 0.2 pound is disappointing. Never mind, I will put it behind me! I worked hard this week, especially as I also added in more core strength exercises (thanks to the 30-day challenge that Ruth_Canal_Runner suggested - very motivating!) - I managed to do some squats and also some sit-ups and a few press-ups each day, although I also had a rest day as well. My goal this week will be to lose some weight - I really don't mind how much, any loss would be excellent! :-)

*Important Changes to this Weigh-in Thread (please read)*:

The Monday weigh-in thread has been going for almost 3 years now, and the number of people contributing has grown so we average about 50 to 55 people in recent weeks. Some of the keen regulars (of which I know there are several) suggested to me that I might appreciate some help with running the thread. I have accepted that help gratefully, and so the 'Fab Five' have formed to share responsibility for keeping the thread healthy and energised.

The Fab 5 are:






Lowcal (Me)

Whereas previously I would respond to each person who contributes to this Weigh-in Group thread, now anyone who posts can expect a response from at least one of the 'Fab 5', and that may mean that one or several of us might respond - so please bear with us at first, as it's our first week of trying this out, and we hope it will work well, so that everyone will feel supported in their weight loss journey.

We would like to encourage discussions within the thread, and hope everyone will feel able to interact with any other person as and when you want to. Some great interactions occur within the group, and we want to encourage that to continue.

Here is a summary of last week's Monday weigh-in group stats:

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 57

Total people who lost weight: 33 (63.51 pounds lost) (28.81 kilos)

Total people who gained weight: 6 (11.6 pounds gained) (5.26 kilos)

Total people who maintained weight: 7

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 5

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 6

Therefore, overall pounds lost by the group = 51.91 pounds (23.55 kilos)

I hope you'll join us for today's weigh-in, and good luck to everyone - here's to a great week ahead for all of us. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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269 Replies
ICan-IWill profile image

Morning, don't be disappointed with your gain, it's a small one and like you said put it behind you and fingers crossed for a loss next week.

I've had a mixed weekend with a couple of setbacks but I'm pleased to say I've lost 2lbs! Last week I weighed 9st13lb and today I weigh 9st 11lb. :)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to ICan-IWill

That's a great result ICan-IWill! Hope everything goes okay today!x

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to NoMoreJunk

Thank you, feeling a bit sick but Son seem absolutely fine! haha. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ICan-IWill

Hi ICan-IWill,

Congratulations, that's a great loss - 2 pounds is fantastic! :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, you too. :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to ICan-IWill


2lbs is awesome - you should be very pleased with yourself :)

Victoria2012 profile image

Sorry local do I weigh in on your post of as my own post? Xx and you sound so determined for next week and that's brilliant 😃 xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Victoria2012

Hi Victoria2012,

Just respond to the top post, i.e. the starting post I wrote above, and then your weight loss will be within the group thread, and then you'll be part of the group weigh-in. Hope that makes sense! :-)

One or more of the Fab 5 will respond to you.

Lowcal :-)

Victoria2012 profile image
Victoria2012 in reply to Zest

Thank you 😃

2bFabnfit profile image

Good idea re sharing the load I am sure it's been a lot of work for you. Keep on keeping on Lowcal. You will get a loss soon.

I have lost 0.7kg this week.

Started at 63.7. Bmi 26.5

Week 1. 61.9

Week2 61.1

Week3. 60.3

Week4. 59.8

Week5. 59.1 bmi 24.5

Total loss 4.6 kg so far. (Just over10lbs)

Happy with that and aiming to be in the 58's next week

Good luck everyone

in reply to 2bFabnfit

Good morning 2bfabnfit. Hope you don't mind a reply from me instead of the usual reply from Lowcal! This is definitely an impressively long weigh-in thread these days and there's a great feeling of community among everyone here, Lowcal's really made this into something amazing I think.

Congrats on your 0.7kg loss, that's really good. I can see that you're keeping a steady loss each week, with no sign of the weight loss slowing down, a sign that you've really managed to find a focus and some strategies which are working well for you. Lots of luck for seeing the 58s next week, I've got no doubt you will! :)

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to

I am very happy that you are helping Lowcal manage the thread and thanks for your encouragement

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to 2bFabnfit

You should be SO proud of yourself.

10 lbs is exactly where you should be and shows you are staying focused on changing your life :)

I love it.

Hello Everyone,

Lost 3.4 lbs this week. Very chuffed. It's the start of Week 2. Will continue as I am.


in reply to

Hey Lizzy, that's really great! 3.4lb is a very impressive week 1 loss. I know you've really focused on making changes in both your diet and in introducing exercise, and this really shows in your loss this week. Best of luck for keeping it up into week 2 :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to

Holy heck my Fitbit buddy thats insane!

So pleased for you :)

Alison185 profile image


Sounds like you are still focused and motivated...Sounds like your toning too..

Hope you get the loss you want next week. Glad you have enlisted are helping so many people stay focused or get motivated. Thank You

I weighed in this week at 14st 1lb....2lb loss this week. Waist 39 3/4 inches

That's a total weight loss in 4 weeks of 11 lb...

My focus this week to keep what I'm doing and get some more resistance work in..... and get under the 14st mark.

Good luck everyone...

in reply to Alison185

Good morning Alison185. Hope you don't mind getting a response from one of Lowcal's helpers! I agree that Lowcal must be getting some good toning results. Weight loss isn't the only result to be expected from introducing more exercise.

Congrats on your 2lbs loss and an impressive overall loss of 11lbs in 4 weeks. Good luck for making those changes to keep things interesting. I did some interesting resistance work at running club this week - they got us to run with parachutes tied to our waists which caught the wind and slowed us down as we ran. It was quite fun! But then I'm a total exercise convert now, hope it feels like that for you too :)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI

Morning LowCal and everyone.

I'm joining you with the gain of 0.2 lbs...Someone said last week that it doesn't count because it's less than a lb so I'm going with that!

This is the kick up the bum I need...found this week really hard and gone over my calories a couple of days this week. Yesterday I went out for brunch and then popped in to my parents and ended up staying for a BBQ and overate (enjoyed myself though - could be the last BBQ of the summer!). I also didn't go to body combat yesterday - I've hurt my foot from my mega run on Saturday. I'm getting pain down the left underside of my foot but only when I put weight on it - any runners had this? Just taking ibruprofen at the moment as hoping I've just inflammed something but it's hurting to walk at the moment!

Determined to see a loss next week! Hoping for a lb :)

Good luck for next week LowCal - those core strength exercises and squats will pay off!

My stats:

Starting weight: 10st 4.2lbs

1st week: 10st 1.6lbs (loss 2.6lbs)

2nd week: 9st 13.6lb (loss 2lbs)

3rd week: 9st 13.2lb (loss 0.4 lb)

4th week: 9st 10.8lb (loss 2.4 lbs)

5th week: 9st 9.2lb (loss 1.6lbs)

6th week: 9st 9.4lbs (gain 0.2lbs)

My photography course starts tonight so won't be able to catch up on everyone's posts until Tuesday (after the gym!)

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to NoMoreJunk

Hi Nomorejunk, google plantar fasciitis and see if it sounds like your symptoms. If it does then take care not to overdo things as that should speed up recovery time.. Hope that helps. Enjoy your photography course :)

Kate x

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

It does sound very similar - It says it can last up to a year, I really hope not!! Thank you :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to NoMoreJunk

Morning no more junk, the problem with new digital scales is that we can see teeny losses hurrah! And teeny gains boooo! You have lost a stone in 6 weeks which my girl friend deserves great respect👊 hope your foot behaves itself and you are able to return to body combat Les Mills classes are cool have a good week and lick that 1lb!

in reply to NoMoreJunk

Hi Nomorejunk - google heel drops. I've had niggles like this, and doing heel drops have fixed them. Just keep doing them whenever you remember throughout the day, any time you're near a step basically. Hope you're back running again soon!

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to

Thanks Ruth - this seems to be helping! It's getting better but still not 100%. I really want to go back to the gym but worried it will make it worse! I'm hoping to do another outside run on the weekend foot depending - a few people have said to me to build up the running slowly rather then do the same route again - they think that contributed to my foot hurting. What do you think?

I've bought some new running shoes too, the ones I had did not have any arch support so I've gone for a pair that does. Didn't know you had to have space at the end of the shoe too - no wonder my toe nails were hurting!

in reply to NoMoreJunk

It's a big learning curve! I bought my running shoes when I had no idea what I was doing in week 2 of couch25k. Luckily the well-practiced assistant in Sports Direct pointed out some that were in the sale and advised me to get a size larger than my normal shoes. I've been okay with these since. Re arch support, only a gait analysis in a proper running shop will really tell you what you need, but like you I opted for a little arch support.

If it is early stages of something like plantar fascitis then you don't want to risk your foot getting worse at this point, best to be cautious, your friend is right. Maybe plan a shorter run as a test, and make sure you stay near enough to home to be able to abort and head home as soon as anything hurts. If it's still hurting after a week or so then see a doc/physio for proper advice :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to NoMoreJunk

Its your first gain in 6 weeks and you are totally aware of how it happened so its really no biggie at all.

I bet you FEEL so much better than you did 6 weeks ago - and isn't that what its all about?


NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to Dave1961

Thanks Dave! I'm feeling okay about it - I completely expected it (I actually expected to put on more!).

I do feel so much better in myself and you are right - that's what we need to focus on!

Lifestyle-Change profile image


0.85kg loss this week. It was great to see the scale going down. I am starting week 11 so I have lost a total of 7.55kg. I am so grateful to this forum. It gives me the energy to keep going. Still have a lot to lose. I now weigh 87.95kg. I am making small targets per goal. Currently I want to reach 8th by end of September. We will see if I can achieve that...fingers crossed.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Lifestyle-Change

Lifestyle-Change slow and steady wins the race! Any loss no matter how small is a step in the right direction, now don't forget to give yourself a nice little non food reward when you hit your next target, start planning for it now! I am glad you find the thread useful for me its that little push to stay on track! Have a great week!

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

That's only a very small gain, hopefully you will have lost next week.

Week 3 I started at 13st 7.775 today I weighed 13st 6 so that's a lose of 1.75lbs this week and a lose of 8.5lbs in 3weeks. Very pleased with this weeks lose as I had afternoon tea on Saturday, all that sugar! Thought I may not lose at all this week. Now on to week 4, feeling determined.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 191253summer

Hi 191253Summer,

Congratulations on losing 1.75 pounds this week, and to losing 8.5 pounds in 3 weeks, that is really great progress!!! Especially as you enjoyed an Afternoon Tea on Saturday - that can definitely be a challenge to survive one of those. Like you say, lots of sugary offerings there.

Great that you are feeling 'determined' for the start of week 4, as that's a great mind-set to have, and should see you through to another great week ahead.

Thanks for your kind words re: my small gain - hopefully it is going to be gone really soon! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Lifestyle-Change profile image

85kg by end of September

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal and all. Lowcal I've stayed the same this week despite sticking to my pledge to give up alcohol for September and also doing 20-30 minutes of sparring pad work drills every day. I'm not going to let it get me down, I feel better just knowing that I'm trying to shake things up!

My boys go back to school tomorrow and I go back to uni next week so my routine will become more predictable and hopefully I will start to see a drop..

I had two dry nights out this weekend where I was the designated driver - this was a complete shock to my friends who were certain I wouldn't see the night out without a drink :-o it felt good to prove them wrong but bad that I must appear to be completely alcohol dependent!!!

Hope everyone has a happy healthy week.

Kate x

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Fitforit75

Hi CM no alcohol for me either nor a loss either more in my reply later, however I was astounded by the energy I felt in Sunday mornings aerobics class. I have ALWAYS had a drink the night before this class as wine with dinner is a must at weekends plus some G&T's, and when we did dry November last year my weight loss appeared at the end of the month so it's early days yet for you, plus you don't always see results keep going, the sparing sounds fun and look forward to your results next week fingers crossed!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Fitforit75

"I feel better just knowing that I'm trying to shake things up"

That to me means more than any scale number.

I know we get stuck on what that box of springs says but what we should really be interested in is how we feel - thats the key - and it sounds like you FEEL great so I love that! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Just wanted to add that I hope your boys cope ok with going back to school today, and that you have a good day!

Congratulations for maintaining your weight this week, you're doing well with all that Sparring pad work drills - great stuff! :-)

Wishing you a happy healthy week.

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Good Morning 'Fab 5',

As with all good ideas they become popular and GROW, it certainly was becoming too much for one person to undertake...delegate, delegate!

Well done Lowcal for building this thread and for all the hard work and responses you have put into the running of it over the years, I'm sure many will agree with me when I say the Monday Weigh In is a motivation, when you have it in mind that your weight will be measured on a certain day as part of a group, it gives you direction and a target, so thank you Lowcal, you will now have a little more time now to do all those extra exercises (rather you than me), I'm sure you'll soon shed the very small gain you suffered this week.

I shed 1lb this week. I'm pleased; as recently I've been losing every other week so as I'd shown a loss last Monday I wasn't expecting to see a reduction. I'm now just 1.5lbs from my target so I'm going to have a really good attempt at shifting that final bit of weight by next Monday, if I do I will have reached my target weight of 9st 9lbs 2 weeks ahead of schedule and that would make me a very happy lady.

Have a good week everybody.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Jenever

Jenver will have to dust off the congratulations near to to target I like the idea that Lowcal is away doing strength excersises 😅 I undrestand she will be back later to check on our progress! Have a great week and hope achive your goal

in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever - that's so cool to hear you're only 1.5lb away from your goal weight! I'm only 1lb away from mine, and am also pushing extra hard to make sure it happens sooner rather than later. Wishing you lots of luck!

Jenever profile image
Jenever in reply to

Thanks Ruth, good luck to you too. I'm now more determined than ever to be at target by next Monday; I simply can't let you get to the finishing post before me! Have a great week Ruth .

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Jenever

Congratulations - it seems like your changes to your eating and exercise have paid off.

And wow - not many of us can say we are reaching our goal weight on or before target.

Go you ;)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Good morning Lowcal - what a fantastic idea to share thread-load out among the five of you. I have been wondering when and how you would step off the treadmill as you are yourself so very close to your goal.

You single handedly have been more effective than an entire team of nutritionists: this thread reaches more people with a much more nuanced range of advice and probably better monitoring of outcomes.

Hope you are enjoying -is that the word?- the squat challenge. In fact I hope, despite the wicked scales, that you are enjoying life in general.

Last week I weighed 93.4kgs. This morning I weighed 92.5kgs. A huge loss for me so am pleased. Also delighted that my appetite has shrunk so much and that my tastes have changed -sticking to the calorie count and to healthy food choices for the moment feels effortless. I have a very busy week with visitors -who have been asked not to bring chocolates or wine -and loads of work.

I hope you too have a delightful week. 🌼

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to Gonti

Wow that's fantastic Gonti!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Gonti

Gonti I totally agree that Lowcal has given us a great focus to lose weight and I am sure she will chip in when she gets back, glad you have joined this weeks losers. I don't think Lowcal will step off the treadmill! She has a healthy BMI you know! I have been here for 2 years at goal and this is the first time I have held on to a weight loss and I thank this thread! You really seem to be taking the bull by the horns and getting this heathy eating down to pat, have a good week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gonti

Hi Gonti,

Thanks for your very kind words - they are much appreciated! :-)

Like Prin says, I'm not going to be disappearing from this site anytime soon, and will continue to enjoy stepping on the treadmill :-) as I value the support, and it's because of the support within this weekly thread that I've been able to maintain my weight loss. Prin and I are both in the healthy BMI ranges now, but it's challenging to maintain, so we are both still here - trying to chip away and lose the remaining few pounds, and 'maintain' our weight losses to date. I'm still trying to get down to the elusive 12 stone 7 pounds. Just getting into the 12's seems highly 'elusive' to me currently, but I hope to get there before Christmas if I can.

I am enjoying the Squat challenge - it's definitely a great idea - brilliant of Ruth to suggest it. I've added in press-ups and sit-ups, and my arms are aching now as a result, but my legs seem to be coping well, and aren't sore at all...! But I did have a 'rest day' on 4th Sept, which I think helped me to 'recover'.

Congratulations to you for losing 0.9 kg this week, that is brilliant! It's great to hear you're appetite has shrunk, and that your taste buds have changed - and that you've stuck to the calorie count and made healthy food choices.

I think your idea to ask your visitors not to bring any chocolates or wine is great forward planning, and maybe you'll get lots of lovely flowers instead to brighten up the house with gorgeous colour and scent.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Gonti

That is an awesome loss!

And I loved your comment "sticking to the calorie count and to healthy food choices for the moment feels effortless."

That makes me even happier than you weight loss :) changing our habits s what its all about so that this becomes something for life not just so we can hit a goal weight and then yoyo from there.

Yay you!

Fran182716 profile image

Hi Lowcal and everyone. Lowcal you had such a tiny gain, could it be you've gained muscle from all the exercise?

My first weigh in since re-starting the weight loss plan. Last week 10 stone 12 1/2 , this week 10 stone 9 1/4 so that's 3 1/4 pounds lost yippee! I know the first week some of it is water and Im having 1500 cals so I don't expect to see anything like that amount in the following weeks, but it's a nice boost to start off with. Good luck to everyone else xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fran182716

Hi Bananacake,

I hope it is some muscle that has contributed to my slight gain. That would be good - I do feel like I'm 'toning up' which feels good! :-)

Wow, Congratulations to you for losing 3.25 pounds this week, that is fantastic!!! It's good that you're aware of the tendency to lose 'water weight' in the first week or two, and that weight loss usually levels off in the following weeks - sometimes people do get frustrated when they don't see larger losses later in the plan. A lovely boost to see 3.25 pounds lost on the scales though, and hope you enjoy that boost. Well done for sticking to your calories, and hope you're enjoying the plan so far.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Fran182716

Yippee is right - go you! :)

Victoria2012 profile image

Hi everyone, I've had a mixed week this week, I do really well during the week at work but come the evening I just want to snack constantly and the weekends I just have no routine, anyone have tips for keeping motivation going in the evenings?

Well this week I've lost 3lbs 😄😄 last week I weighed in at 21.4 this week I weigh in at 21.1 😄😄 I'm pretty pleased with that, I'm hoping to get to the pool tonight to start up my excercise so fingers crossed I have a better weight loss next week 😄😄 have a brill week everyone xxxx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Victoria2012

Hi Victoria2012,

Firstly, Congratulations to you for losing 3 pounds this week. That is an excellent start! You are very close to being in the 20's, that's really exciting! :-)

Great that you're looking forward to doing some swimming tonight in the pool, to start up your exercise, I'm sure that will help.

I think you've mentioned something very pertinent, in terms of the fact that you find it easier during the working week, when there's the routine, and yet the evenings are more challenging, and also the weekend, when similarly there's not the same routine.

Tips for keeping motivated in the evenings, let's see: I'll list a few that come to mind, but they are in no particular order: 1) Maybe keep 'temptations' out of sight, or even cut some of them out of the house, if they're not there, you can't snack on them. 2) Think of having 'healthier snacks' - that you've pre-prepared and will 'allow' yourself as part of your daily calorie allowance - e.g. some crudites of cucumber, carrot, tomato, celery with a low-calorie dip? If you allow yourself something to snack on that is low calorie and healthy, it will help you get through the evening 3) Think of some activities you could do - sewing, Suduko or cross-words, something that would keep your mind active and help you avoid snacking. 4) Do some exercises - maybe during adverts, or even instead of watching the TV 5) talk to a friend or family member about how you're feeling, to avoid the temptation to eat food (especially if you think it might be some kind of 'emotional eating').

Those are just a few things that came to mind. Best to think of your own examples, as they will be things that work specifically for you.

Good luck! Hope you have a great week, and that you enjoy it. You're doing really well, and making great progress already.

Lowcal :-)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to Victoria2012

3lbs is great, that's 6 packs of butter in weight, well done!

Evenings are my worst time for snacking too. I've been taking 4 fruity tic tacs out of the pack and sucking them at intervals, having them with a cup of tea instead of calorie laden stuff, and it's working so far although it's only week 1 for me. Also 2 tesco water biscuits with measured cottage cheese on are less than 100 cals, and I've used that as an evening snack twice this week, although I'm going to try not to have a snack every day and just stick to meals, just trying to break the habit slowly rather than going cold turkey. But it's good to know I have a planned low cal snack to fall back on. You could buy some ice lolly molds and make lollies with low calorie squash to give your mouth something tasty to do which isn't calorie laden too.

I think I might be roughly in the same boat as you...NHS BMI calculator says I should lose 10 stone to be in mid range healthy weight, so I have a long way to go, but we can do it!

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Victoria2012

Hi Victoria, I was a grazer after 9 at now I distract myself by doing anything....including is working for me!

Candystripe profile image

Good morning everyone and good morning Lowcal.

Congratulations on finding time to do the additional core exercises, that really was a great challenge to take on. The pounds stayed the same though, but probably if you weighed in tomorrow you would have lost as so minimal! Always love your positive attitude, so as a new week emerges your downhill slalom can commence again and focus on your goal to get into the 12's. How great does that sound! Reach out and grab it Lowcal.

Well last week I was 12st 6.4lbs and this week I am 12st 4.5lbs so just about a 2lb loss but it takes me to my 6 STONE total weight loss. No, I can't believe it either, although my goal this week was to get just below the 12st 4.5lbs, I'm not going to grumble about 0.1 of a pound having reached yet another target!

I go away for three weeks this afternoon to the USA so must discipline myself to making sensible choices, avoiding cinnamon rolls but maybe having an occasional treat. Perhaps I should think of this as a trial run for maintenance in the future and be realistic that I might gain a couple of pounds but that's ok, it will then give me even more momentum to reach down into the 11's which was and still is my next goal before the middle of October when my husband comes home on leave after six months. When he left I was 14st 2.4lbs so he might recognise me!!!

Anyway, wishing you all a great remainder of the month (might still peek at your posts when I can!) and will see y'all on Monday 28th. :)

in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Congrats on a fantastic double, losing another 2Ib and reaching 6 stone loss , truly fantastic and inspirational💐💋🎉🎊.

Have a fantastic holiday and catch up on your return.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe (one of our Fab 5),

I know you're off on your holidays later today, so just wanted to Congratulate you on your 2 pound weight-loss, and to achieving a loss of 6 stones lost in total. That's like another person, and it's amazing to think you've lost that weight - fantastic!!!! Really well done!!! Really inspiring! :-)

We'll miss you, but hope you have a great holiday, and we'll look forward to catching up with you when you get back. Great that you'll be sneeking a peek at our posts in the meantime. :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Candystripe

Good luck for your 3 week trip to the USA Candystripe! I think the attitude of treating this as a trial run for maintenance sounds really good. Once you start looking for them, it's surprising how many healthy options are out there, so hopefully you'll find lots of good healthy choices while you're away. But it may be an extra challenge to actually continue to see weight loss away from your home routines. It's good to manage your expectations, although you never know you may end up exceeding them :)

I also want to congratulate you on reaching an amazing milestone of 6 stones from your starting weight. This is incredible, you must be feeling so amazing! :) :) :)

Cass6 profile image
Cass6 in reply to Candystripe

Wow Candystripe - that's fantastic. Whoop whoop it's about what I want to lose and knowing that you have done it is truly inspirational. Thanks for posting and have a fabulous time in the states.


Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Candystripe


You have done so well and to have lost 6 stone is just .... I don't have words. Amazing!

Go you and have a great holiday - just think how much more you are going to enjoy this time away then you would have with all those extra pounds on you.

Congrats - I am SO pleased for you!

P.S. I am sorry but a deal is a deal. You missed your goal. I know it's 0.1 lb but a deal is a deal.

As you promised that means you have to do a nudey run round the pool at your hotel in the U.S. and post a picture of it here.

You may have forgotten that deal but I have the email right here (I do have it here - I promise) where we agreed to it so I will be expecting said photo!

Have fun! :P

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Dave1961


Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Candystripe

I honestly have tears in my eyes I am laughing so much at your post :)

You win - No nudey runs this time - have a great holiday!

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Candystripe

Wow, Candystripe, you're amazing! Enjoy your holiday.....

trafford1 profile image

Hi Lowcal I know it must be disappointing to have a gain, but again 'it is not that much' and is way less than putting on a pound so your still doing really well. I know your not far from your goal weight which are the hardest pounds to lose and you are nearing your final hurdle so be proud of all you have achieved on your journey.

I will be willing you to have a loss on the scale for next week Lowcal and sending good positive thoughts your way. Stick with the 30 day challenge for your core strength exercises they are great and best of luck for your next weigh in.

The groups have done amazing again and I love the idea of the fab 5 helping out with the tread as it has become huge and I don't know how you have done it for all this time. You have given so much support to many over the years so you deserve a little help in hand in return.

Have a wonderful week Lowcal :-)

Trafford1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thanks as always for your support and encouragement, which is invaluable. Thank you so much! :-)

Yes, I am so grateful to the support of the Fab 5 - and everyone else on here is 'fabulous' too. :-)

I was beginning to find it a bit too challenging to keep up with the size of the thread - so having the help is really great.

That way we can keep it healthy and functioning, and hope that we all stay healthy and fit as a group. Lighter and leaner as the weeks progress.

I will keep a look out for your next weigh-in post, and thank you again for your continued support.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Just a quick flyby-have lost 1.25 pounds- v pleased.....

in reply to suzybenj

Flyby congrats to you suzybenj! Hope you keep that pleased feeling all day. 1.25lbs loss is excellent. Keep going! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Congratulations Suzybenj (another of our Fab 5),

Fly-by, and see you later! :-)

Lowcal :-)

libbydaniels88 profile image

Hi Id like to join your weekly weigh in please.

This is my starting week, I weighed yesterday morning at 16 stone exactly.

Looking forward to next Monday to lose hopefully 1-2 lbs. Aiming for 5 stone loss.

Thanks for your support !


Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to libbydaniels88

Hi Libby Daniels, welcome, this forum is a great place to be. Best of luck. 🌼

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to Gonti

thank you !

in reply to libbydaniels88

Hi libbydaniels88 and welcome. Congrats on taking the first step of weighing in. Hopefully this is the last time you will see 16 on the scales! There is a great support network on this forum. Any questions you have just ask away :) Wishing you lots of luck for a great weigh-in result next Monday - have an excellent week :)

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to

thank you - yes, thats a good way of looking at it. No more 16's...!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to libbydaniels88

Hi Libbydaniels88,

Welcome to the Monday weigh-in group. Hope it felt ok to share your weight today, and hopefully you'll be in the 15's by next week, all being well! :-)

Have you seen the NHS 12 week plan? There is lots of great support and advice there in that it is a structured week by week plan, and many of us are following the advice contained there.

An app like Myfitnesspal is a good idea for tracking calories and exercise as well, very easy to use.

Wishing you a great week. Look forward to catching up with you at next week's weigh-in, and hope to see you around and about in the forum too. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Normally weigh in and post on a sunday but totally forgot yesterday morning, so I left it till now (thought I may have misleading results otherwise) anyhoots, I'm happy, 150.0 thats meaning I have lost my holiday gain of 4lb since last week plus,,,,,,plus an extra 0.4 bringing my loss this week to 4.4 which means a 2lb loss since I started. Good enough for me.

in reply to

Good morning sweetpea2. Well, it's good news for us that you forgot to weigh in yesterday, as it's great to have you here on the thread! Your 4.4lb loss is brilliant and shows you must have really pushed hard this week to reverse the holiday gain. Knowing you have done this now will help you deal with future holiday gains too, so it's a double-win. I hope the coming week is similarly determined and that you are rewarded by more lbs lost on the scales again next Sun/Mon - whichever one you decide to go with! :)

Meshyt profile image

Good Morning to the Fab Five! Great initiative!

Try not to worry too much about the little gain LowCal. You are definitely doing the right stuff. Why don't you try upping your fluids, more water and green tea? To do the chemical reaction to burn fat, your body need plenty of water. Might be worth a try? It sound like you've got it with food and exercise.

Greetings from Mozambique where I will be for a couple of weeks on a work trip. Knowing I was flying last night/ this morning, I had my weigh in yesterday morning. I am delighted to report a whopper loss. Last week I was 11st 2.8lbs, this week I am 10st 12.2lbs. Incredible!

I don't know if my maths is right but I think it's a loss of 4.6lbs. I expect some of it can be attributed to me weighing in a bit higher last week after the salty holiday food. But I really am starting to feel much slimmer and am just a lb and a bit over my healthy bmi threshold.

As I'm on a business trip this week it will be hard with lots of restaurant food, but I will get well acquainted with the hotel gym and try to steer clear of the booze!

Wishing everyone a great week!

in reply to Meshyt

That's a fantastic loss, well done Meshyt :-D Enjoy your trip and congratulations on being determined to use the hotel gym - good luck :-)

in reply to Meshyt

Hi Meshyt. Something similar happened to me at the 11 stone threshold. I dropped straight from 11st3 to 10st11, I was absolutely gobsmacked! Who knows what actually causes it, but when a big drop like that happens it's definitely a big confidence boost! It shows you've been doing things right all along, and weeks where you struggled to shift the lbs were perhaps down to things out of your control, such as dealing with higher salt content in holiday food etc, as you have suggested.

Good luck with staying on plan during the business trip. Hope you find lots of delicious healthy choices, and yes, steer clear of the booze if you can. You will give an extra professional impression as a result. Have a great week enjoying the confidence boost of that mega loss! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Meshyt

Hi Meshyt,

Thanks so much for the suggestion to up my fluids - that's a good idea. I've noticed today that I seem to be a bit dehydrated - noticed the colour of my urine was too dark. I am definitely going to take your advice.

Hope you enjoy your business trip in Mozambique. I am impressed by your massive weight loss of 4.6 pounds this week, that is amazing! :-)

Great that you're feeling much slimmer and that you're so close to your healthy BMI threshold.

Good luck with coping with the restaurant food - great that there's a Hotel gym to get acquainted with, and also good luck with steering clear of the booze.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Meshyt

4.6 lbs? Ya big show off!

Well done thats fantatstic - you should be really pleased with your progress especially considering you are verging on your healthy BMI (how exciting !).

Yoyo10 profile image

Hi lowcal the scales can be very frustrating at times especially when you have worked really hard, good luck this week :-). I've lost 3lb this week I know this will eventually slow down as I'm only on week seven but I've been running a lot this week and def feel like I have the running bug back :-) hope everyone has a great week !

in reply to Yoyo10

Well done Yoyo - the running seems to be making a difference :-)

Yoyo10 profile image
Yoyo10 in reply to

Thanks lucca def working feels great to be getting the bug back hard work but def paying off :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Yoyo10

Hi Yoyo10,

Thanks! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 3 pounds this week. That is another great loss. The running must have helped a lot - great that you've got the running bug back! :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Yoyo10

Wow - thats awesome :)

You should be really chuffed with the way you are sticking to your plan and incorporating exercise into your days :)

hubbardhovis67 profile image

Week 3

Starting weight 168

Week 1) 1 pound loss 167

Week 2) 1 pound gain

This week; 171 that's gain of 3 pounds!!!

What's going on: filling in fit app; I've increased my walking last week as I had a couple of extra days off. Did 2x 2hour hill walks all but 2 days.

Cut carbs right down. My fridge is nearly empty! Only food required for the week is in.

I had planned start doing an exercise tape but opted for the great out doors instead.

So what's going on? I'm i eating in my sleep?

My sins are I drink hot choclate ; options variety, Friday I did have a bag of chips. Ok this week will cut it out.

in reply to hubbardhovis67

Hi Hubbard,

That's a shame if you've been so good ! Obviously you must have been sleep-eating ! :-) Perhaps just ignore it this week, see how the scales read next week (you might find a good loss) and if they still don't show movement in the right direction, try tweeking something ?

hubbardhovis67 profile image
hubbardhovis67 in reply to

Will do, and might have to wear muzzle at night 😷

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to hubbardhovis67

Hi Hubbardhovis67,

Well it certainly sounds like you've been working really hard this week, so having a gain of 3 pounds doesn't sound 'fair' does it...! Maybe your body is adjusting to all the extra exercise, and creating more weight as it tries to repair itself. I am hoping the same proess is happening to me, as I am struggling to lose any weight this past few weeks, but I've been doing more exercise.

I know some people advocate cutting down on carbs, but personally, I think that having a balanced diet including all the macronutrients is important, and particularly when we're doing quite a bit of exercise. I always try to have some complex carbs (wholegrains etc) every day, alongside healthy fats and protein, to ensure I have some energy for my exercise, and also I would want to ensure I preserve my muscles. I fear that muscle could be lost otherwise. I do avoid processed carbs though. I concentrate on ensuring I have sufficient fibre too.

I'm only giving you my personal thoughts and opinions on this, based on my personal experience, and also on reading that I've undertaken, and I know others may give you different thoughts and opinions on it - so take what you find helpful, and disregard anything that you don't find helpful. It is your body, and your choice regarding your weight loss journey.

There are some people who sleep walk and eat in their sleep, so maybe check that out with anyone who might be able to tell you if you do that. Maybe find an alternative to a muzzle though - that doesn't sound comfortable night-wear at all. I hope you're not sleep-eating, as that would be quite challenging to tackle. But not impossible! :-)

I would be tempted to take a look at your weekly intake using an app like Myfitnesspal, as that could show you where you might need to make some tweaks?

Just keep going, and see how this next week goes. I hope you see the loss on the scales, but maybe your body measurements are changing, and you're losing some inches.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

I agree with Lowcal re checking your measurements. The changes can show in different ways - at some points you may lose inches but not lbs, especially if you're upping the exercise.

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to hubbardhovis67

Its disheartening isn't it?

But we have to try and find other ways to measure our improvement. That box of springs should not be allowed to bring you down if you have been eating well and exercising - which you have.

So I think you should feel GREAT for sticking to your plan - a bag of crisps big deal. 99% of the time you have been doing great - thats what matters!

Go you :)

Good morning Lowcal and everyone weighing in today. Lowcal, don't be disheartened by your 0.2lb gain. Sometimes changes show the week after, so be patient and hopefully the scales will show the 2lb loss you're looking for soon.

I'm pleased to say that after staying the same last week and having to be patient, I've lost 2lbs this week! I'm down to 10st8 now, 1lb away from my goal weight of 10st7. I've watched my cals more closely, made sure I did 3 runs and lots of cycling, and introduced strength exercises. I'm so pleased to see a change after staying the same last week. I'm determined to reach and pass my goal weight now - that will be my goal for the next 2 weeks (I'm away next Monday, so will miss a weigh-in and rejoin in 2 weeks time).

Anyone who's stayed the same this week, I really recommend just pushing a little harder at what you're already doing. Add a little more exercise each day, watch the calories a little more closely, and say no to as many temptations as you can. All the small changes add up, you just have to be patient, but eventually it will definitely show on the scales :)

in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Congrats on your 2Ib loss and also being so near your goal, you will do it for next weigh I'm sure.💐

Enjoying the squat challenge (I think !!) stopped being a cissy and yesterday upped to 20 squats and will try to increase by 5 a day !!! I ve even done a chart,it's so good marking off what I've done so thank you.

Enjoy your time away and catch up soon


Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to

Doing well with the squats Flossie! I'm adding one a day, so 20 for me today 😛

in reply to

Well done Ruth :-) Sounds like you had a good week and must be amazing to be so close to your target. Looking forward to seeing that 'I did it' next to your name :-)

The strength exercises seem to be going down well with everyone, lots seem to be joining in - great plan !

hubbardhovis67 profile image
hubbardhovis67 in reply to

Well done ! And sound advice

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth (Another Fab 5-er),

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, and being 1 pound away from your goal weight of 10 stone 7 pounds. That is so great, and I am very happy for you!!! :-)

You are sounding extremely determined, and your goal is set for the next two weeks - good luck!!!

It is so lovely having you and the other Fab 5'ers on board for supporting this thread, and thanks also to all the people within the thread, who are all just amazing too. :-)

Your advice to push a little harder is really good - all those small changes and tweaks add up - and patience is definitely a virtue. I remember historically that sometimes I would 'give up' when I didn't lose any weight for a while - those plateau's would make me 'give in' to temptation, but these days I know that I just need to 'wait it out' and stick to my goals, and eventually it will show on the scales.

We'll miss you next Monday, but hope you have a great time away. :-)

Thanks for your encouraging words about my slight gain - I am thrilled to be doing the 30 day strength challenge alongside you and others. It is incredibly motivating!

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to

That is SO awesome!

Ruth you should be really proud of yourself - a loss like that so close to your goal weight just shows how dedicated you are being.

Go you :D

in reply to Dave1961

Thanks Dave! Definitely not letting up. In my head I'm telling myself to treat everything like I'm still at the start. I don't want the weight loss to slow down just because I'm nearly at my goal. I'm to impatient to just get there now! :)

ellie263 profile image

Starting today. Start weight 13st 3Ibs. I also plan to do more walking and some stretching excercises.

in reply to ellie263

Good luck Ellie :-) Lots of support and motivation here !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ellie263

Hi Ellie263,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us in this Monday weigh-in group. You've taken the brave step of sharing your initial starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do. Hopefully you'll be lighter and achieving your goals as time goes on. It's great that you're already planning to do more walking and some stretching exercises, those both sound like great forms of exercise, and I hope you enjoy your first week.

Have you seen the NHS 12 week plan? It is a great structure and offers lots of information and advice. Many people in this forum are on it, as the forum is connected to the NHS plan - you can see the icon above which is labelled 'Weight Loss NHS' - so just click on that and you can find your way to the 12 week plan - and can download whatever you want from those pages.

Using an app like Myfitnesspal is useful to help you keep on track of your calories and exercise. It's free to use and makes it really easy.

Wishing you a great first week. Hope to see you at next week's weigh-in, and around and about within the forum. It's a very friendly and supportive place.

Lowcal :-)

Elissy profile image

Good morning Lowcal and the FabFive,

what a great idea to share the work!

Sorry to hear about your gain, Lowcal, could it be muscle growth? You have done plenty of exercise last week, so even if you didn't lose any weight, you certainly became that bit fitter and stronger!!!

I have managed to go from 209 lb last week to 206.8 lb this week. I have kept to some of my exercises and really managed to eat sensible, but I know this will slow down soon.

Have a great day all of you,

Elissy :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Elissy

Hi Elissy,

Good morning! Yes, I think it might be muscle growth - that's what I'm hoping for! At least if I have more muscle, it will mean my metabolism will improve to burn off more calories in future weeks. That would be great!!!! :-)

I am feeling a bit fitter and stronger, so those are good feelings to have. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2.6 pounds this week (hope that's correct), that is really great!!! :-)

You are making great progress. Well done for keeping to some of your exercises, and to eating sensibly. Really good! :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Elissy

Thats fantatstic - you should be so chuffed with yourself!

Keep going - we're going to in this battle!

Nsky24 profile image

Sorry you gained, I ended up 5 lbs heavier last week, due to being unwell , bloating and hormonal stuff, I know it wasn't a true reflection, had a couple of bad days, so prob a small gain this week too

in reply to Nsky24

Hi Nsky24

At least you know there's a reason for the gain, and hope that this week goes better for you. Hope you are feeling better as well :-)

in reply to Nsky24

Hi Nsky24, try not to pay too much attention to the scales if you've been unwell. They will be all over the place, as you say bloating, hormones etc, none of this helps. Focus on getting well, we'll all still be here, and when you're back to your normal self I'm sure the scales will start to return to where they were at before pretty quickly. The important thing is to not let the numbers affect how you feel about the progress you've made so far. Maybe revisit your earlier posts and look at your overall achievement, and put some plans in place for when you are well enough to start making healthier meals and be more active again. Wishing you loads of get well vibes :) :) :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nsky24

Hi Nsky24,

I hope you feel better this week. Look after yourself.

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hopefully you'll be feeling much better by next Monday's weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Nsky24

I know its disappointing but as long as you're exercising and eating well thats all you should be thinking about.

Keep focused - you can do this :)

Nsky24 profile image
Nsky24 in reply to Dave1961

thanks, not eating as well as I should, party at the weekend tho, abroad!

I guess it just boils down to being at the mercy of your hormones, managed to get some stuff at the health food shop , which settled things!

Thanks for your encouragement! X

kitkat34 profile image

I have lost 2ib

but I'm sure that was with the support of low cal I know low cal must be disopointed

but if you keep up the good work it will soon show

you have been on plan a long time and that shows true commitment

good luck for coming week every one

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi Sienna5luis2daisy2,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week. That is really great! :-)

Thanks also for your very kind words about my slight weight gain.

I hope you have another great week ahead, you're making great progress.

Lowcal :-)

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to Zest


I'm an emotional eater

Just back from 4 months visiting family

41 inch waist discusted with my self all but 12 stone 5foot 2

don't normally put anything up on net I'm 61 proberly an age thing

well upon my return grandaughter broke my glasses

so I go for an eye test

ops they find something at back of eye

refer me on 12 weeks wait

well i nearly gave up but figured if it was anything I would be better with a smaller waist now 35 inches

sorry to bore you just wanted to let people know it was a mole my children live I. New Zealand v thin ozone layer

I didn't k ow you could get moles behind the eye

so just to warn people always wear your sun

Glasses my mole was fine but they will keep an eye on it

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi Sienna5luis2daisy2,

Wow, that must have been quite stressful, especially worrying about your eye health and having to wait for 12 weeks to hear the results - I'm so glad your mole was ok, and that they are keeping an eye on it now.

Thanks for sharing that information, as it is a good public health message to point out and make people aware of - I certainly don't wear sunglasses very often, but after hearing about your experience, I will make sure I use them regularly in future.

I am so glad that you kept with your healthy eating plan, despite your tendency to comfort eat, and that you didn't give up - and it's so great that you're with us as part of this Weigh-in group community.

I am impressed by your waist reduction, wow, down to 35 inches - you've lost 6 inches. That's amazing. Really well done. Along with your 2 pound lost this week, that is so great! :-)

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to Zest


I didn't wait 12 weeks for results

12 weeks to see a consultant

but because I didn't know if I should be exercising ie jolting eye all I did was walk on treadmill 2.9 for 50 mins burning 300 cals daily

so it's so inspiring to see more fitter members doing there thing you can lose wait and in my case inches middle age spread through walking and counting clerics 10 7

hope fully want to be 9 stone new grandchild due in Feb

hopefully would like to go to nz next year not over weight

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi again,

I'm glad you didn't wait 12 weeks to see someone, that would have been a long time. Great that you can now exercise more, now that you have the all clear.

How exciting that you've got a new Grandchild due in February, I'm presuming your name is a combination of your Grandchildren's names? That's why I edited my initial response when I shortened your name to 'Sienna' briefly - I changed it quickly, as I thought that Luis and Daisy shouldn't be left out! Will you lengthen your name when the new Grandchild is born? :-)

Hopefully you'll be nice and slim for when you go to NZ to visit your family.

Lowcal :-)

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to Zest

Hi low ca

you sussedme out i used my grandchildren because every time I go to nz I say never again

the journey is horrible 23 hrs on plane

I would like to change my name to this could be the last time but I don't know how to

we'll yesterday some one asked me if I was ill

because they thought I had quite a lot of weight

bit of a ba k handed complient , But today I got into a size 12 Wallace e dress

So was able to say no to sausages for lunch

I love hearing everybody's keep fit regimes

isn't it nice to be able to do normal thin people take for granted

well I'm never going to like physical activity Cause there is not one invented trust me

so please can you give me some advice on gentle exercise to rid me of bingo wings

preferably some miracle cream I could apply

ha ha I look forward to reply no torture please

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi Sienna5luis2daisy2,

I found this link that gives some exercises to target the bingo wing area - I guess you can make them as 'gentle' as you want - pick one to try perhaps first, and just build up if you feel comfortable to do so.

Or maybe get some cans of food produce and use those as hand weights - unless you have some hand weights to use of course.

Anyway, here's the link:

Not sure about a miracle cream - I doubt such a thing exists...! Otherwise we'd all know about it. :-)

Have a great weekend when it comes.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi again everyone,

Just to say I am excited by how many people are doing so well with their weigh-ins, it's really inspirational, and I can see that the Fab 5 are all up and about, and 'Good Morning' to everyone! :-)

I must say that I find this thread really motivational, and it's sooooo tempting to respond to each and every one of you, but I know that sharing the responses between the Fab 5 is the way to go, and means we can keep the thread going.

I will therefore try to respond in a 'random' way - but at the same time, I will ensure I read each and every person's response, and will indicate that by 'liking' the post - for me it feels a bit alien to not respond to everyone - so I need to 'hold myself back'.

As it happens, I have to go out this morning, in a minute infact, as I have some errands to run, and an appointment to keep, but I'll be back this afternoon, and I'll therefore reply to some people then.

Thanks again to Prin, Suzybenj, Candystripe and Ruth for being so fantastic and supportive!

Thanks again to everyone that contributes to this thread for their enthusiasm and support.

I'll be back this afternoon and will respond to some posts then.

I know Candystripe is going on holiday this afternoon, so I hope you have a fantastic time Candystripe!

Lowcal :-)

Spader profile image

Morning all,

Lowcal, that hard work will pay off in the weeks to come. Good luck for this week :-)

First time weighing in, thanks for the welcome this week. Last week I weighed 12st 7, and this week I'm 12st 3 for a 4lb loss. I am delighted with that. I've worked really hard this week, circuit training six days and kept focussed at the weekend and did clean eating and no alcohol either. Going to keep it up this week, although do have a night out planned on Friday, but will just make sure my fridge is stocked for Saturday so I eat sensibly even if I have a bit of a hangover.

in reply to Spader

Well done Spader :-) That's a great first week, you must be feeling very pleased !! Lots of motivation for this coming week, and I bet by Friday you won't feel like over-indulging too much !

in reply to Spader

That's amazing Spader. Your posts have really shown how focused you've been this week. The clean eating, no alcohol and circuit training have all really paid off. This week holds a challenge in store for you, but you're more than up to it. Maybe plan in advance how many drinks you'll have (even if this is more than the plan would technically allow you to have). I find if I have a number of drinks in mind I'm more likely to pace myself well throughout the evening. Good luck keeping everything up, and I look forward to seeing more of your positive and motivating posts :)

Spader profile image
Spader in reply to

Thank you. That's a really good idea to set myself a number of drinks. As I am a really swift drinker, so that will definitely help with pacing.

in reply to Spader

Same here, I really really have to pace myself, but have managed to do it now. Another tip is always have a glass of water next to you too, and try to keep it closer to your hand than the other drink. You'll find you end up having a fair amount of water which will slow you down too. Good luck!

gracie1985 profile image

I am impressed you have kept this group going for 3 years, that is quite a commitment. Sadly I am one of those people who start things and never stick to it.

This week my weight stayed the same, no surprises there. I've already established that, with a BMR of 1460 and a fat mass of 46%, the best I can hope for is to maintain my weight until I improve my fitness.

I was just sitting at my desk at work listening to the strength and flex, week 1 and it seems doable so that's a relief, looking forward to doing that this week.

in reply to gracie1985

Hi gracie1985. Can I point out two things please - (1) you said you 'never stick' to things and (2) you have maintained your weight. Even if you've had a less than perfect week, you have kept your weight the same, this is an achievement in itself! It seems that 'getting started' is your main challenge now, so how about injecting a bit more positivity? That's what we're all here for, so here goes!

(1) You're still here, you've posted on Lowcal's thread again, and you've listened to the strength & flex podcast: you're showing series signs of sticking to this, and I for one think you will, once you've found a way to do it that works for you. Have faith in yourself!

(2) You've shown that you can watch your eating well enough to make sure you don't gain - so the positive take on this is you only need to watch it a little closer to see a loss. Examine what you did well this week, and do more of that!

I hope you have an excellent, positive-thinking week ahead :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie1985,

Well done for maintaining your weight this week, and I hope that the Strength and Flex exercise goes well.

I know you said that you are one of those people who start things and never stick to it, but maybe on this occasion, you will feel able change that, and you'll be able to stick with this. Just set yourself small and achievable goals, and remember that every step towards a larger goal is a step forward.

Maintaining your weight is an achievement, and you're right, you're aiming to improve your fitness, and that will help your weight loss goals.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jigglypuff_62 profile image

Morning all! Up 1 lb on last week so rather disappointed as was good with food and exercise, but heigh-ho. It is approaching THAT time of the month so maybe that's the reason for the gain. Prior to new diet and fitness regime would regularly put on 3-4 lbs, so 1 lb gain might mean a net loss, right? Anyway, I am determined that this time next week I will be reporting a loss. Have a good week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Hi Jigglypuff_62,

Great to see you again. I think it should not be under-estimated regarding how much our time of the month can affect our weight - and as you said, prior to your new diet and fitness regime you would have regularly gained 3 to 4 pounds, so the fact you've only gained 1 pound this week is indicative that you've made great progress. Congratulations! :-) I think you'll definitely be reporting a loss on the scales this time next week, providing you carry on as you have done last week.

I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Jigglypuff_62

I love that you are not too bothered by that box of springs telling you how to feel and can recognise that we can fluctuate wildly some times with our weight.

If you are eating well and exercising then thats all you should focus on :)

Hi Lowcal,

Try not to feel too disappointed blips happen and you will turn it around.

I do not weigh in on a Monday but do like to check in with you all as my 'keeping on track' and love reading all the posts.

Love the sound of Fab 5, they will do a great job.

Have a lovely week.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flossie358,

I am glad you're still checking in with us, as your support is really invaluable. I will look out for your weigh-in post later in the week, and hope you have a great week!

I agree, it's a blip regarding my weight gain, and I hope to squash that blip with some squats this week! :-)

Yes, I love the Fab 5 too.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Blip-squashing squats - love it :)

Hi Lowcal and everyone !

Firstly, good idea about changes to the thread and well done to the remaining Fab Five for taking up the strain. Clearly I've been recommending this thread to too many new starters - sorry !!!

Aww Lowcal, you must be feeling a bit disappointed with the (v.small !) weight gain. It's those extra muscles you are developing hanging onto water I reckon :-) I am keeping fingers and everything else crossed for you for next week :-D

Well, I'm officially weighing in for the last fortnight as I was ignoring last week after my few days away. I weighed 193lbs a fortnight ago, and this morning weigh 190.8lbs, so a loss of 2.2lbs (happy to record that as 1.1lb each week). But I'm especially happy as that actually represents a loss of 4lbs from Monday so managed to get rid of that extra I put on pretty quick and a bit more :-) Clearly those strength exercises (thanks Ruth!) and C25K runs are paying off !

This week is going to be a test for me. Daughter went back to school last week, and husband back to work today, so I am back to normal routine which means mainly being at home working on my own for most of the week. My aim is to keep away from the boredom snacking. On Tuesdays I am back to my volunteer job in an office with free biscuits on tap - another danger area ! I WILL RESIST :-) :-)

Good luck everyone for next week !!

Jigglypuff_62 profile image
Jigglypuff_62 in reply to

Well done on the loss lucca10. I'm in the same situation: husband and daughter at work, son at school, me working from home all day. I'll keep away from the biscuit barrel if you will. Just to go to work out when to fit in run today. At least it's sunny! Good luck!

in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Hope you manage a good run. I was very organised and got up early this morning and was out by 6.30 for mine. It's getting worringly dark in the mornings now so I wonder how long my enthusiasm for such early jogs will remain :-) Ok - deal - we will both keep away from the snacks this week !!

in reply to

Good morning lucca - yes it is definitely your fault for recommending too many people to join Lowcal's thread - how dare you be so positive and encouraging to the newbies and not too mention some of the old-timers too?! :) But actually it is so cool I think, as there's a real feeling of everyone going through the same thing together. Every week a certain number of people gain or stay the same, but (so far) more people lose, in fact there's always an impressive overall loss figure - 51.91lbs for last week - amazing! The odds are that we should all end up losing some weeks, and it's good to know that we're not on our own when a gain or no loss shows on the scales too.

I think your 2.2lbs counts as this week's loss - who knows what last week would have shown, and it's absolutely valid to take a week out now and then. I'll be taking next week off too, (but won't take my eye off the ball - those squats don't happen by themselves you know!).

Hope you're reassured now that c25k won't build up so much muscle that it'll cancel out your healthy eating efforts, and good luck avoiding the biscuit barrel of doom (stuff your bag with lots of healthy alternatives as 'snack insurance' - it works!). Have a great week :)

in reply to

Ha Ha ! I'm just storing up some good karma really for when I need a bit of positive encouragement in return ;-)

The biscuit barrel of doom - I like that, I shall call it that everytime I make a cup of tea tomorrow as I studiously attempt to ignore it sitting on the table calling out to me..."Come my pretty, I have chocolate digestivesssss just waiting to munched" - Arggghhhhhh !! :-)

in reply to

To be defeated by the charming young heroine - the tupperware box of pre-prepared smugly-smiling healthy snacks :)

in reply to

I foresee an epic battle in the kitchen tomorrow :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Oodles of Good Karma are coming your way Lucca :-) Non-calorific and nutrient-dense ones of course! (Sounds like 'noodles' to me... thinking about food again!). Your fault for mentioning chocolate digestives! :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

This thread is ace a bit like a free sliming club, you don't have the excuse you cant make it this week since it's open all day and you only need to visit the bathroom or bedroom as in my case and hop on the scales and you are done! I reccomend the thread all the time and people that stick around often get the result they want

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to

What a great loss for you!

Each time you get a craving and may give in promise yourself you will go for a quick walk first. Preferably round the block but even round the house is fine.

This doesn't mean you can't have what you are craving but you just promise yourself you will do that little bit of activity first. It helps to break the mental strength of the craving and if nothing else burns a couple calories off to make up for it.

Those biscuit and cake cravings are just that little brat inside having a sob because he/she can't get what they want. Naughty corner!

in reply to Dave1961

No, no Dave - it should mean that I can't have what I'm craving !!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Lucca,

Hope you're coping today (Tuesday as I write this) - as I know you're doing your volunteer job in the office with free biscuits. Hope you're resisting!

Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Back home now and completely resisted - the tangerine and the apple threw the almonds at the digestives, there was some chocolate carnage, but in the end the good guys won the day :-) :-)

Cass6 profile image

Hi All, excellent idea to share the weigh-in load Lowcal. Don't be too disheartened with the tiny gain, overall it'll work out. It could just be muscle with all those sit-ups😜

Well last week I was 14st 12.75lbs, this week 14st 10.2bs so 2.5lbs off.

Exercise-wise swam 65 lengths Sat & joined the gym. Did a bit of cycling & cross-trainer and am feeling a little sore in places today !

Pleased with progress - back in the swing of things again.

Been using my spiralizer this week so courgettes instead of pasta certainty saves loads on the calories and adds in veg portions.

Have a great week everyone

Cass x

in reply to Cass6

Those spializers are great aren't they. Do you use it for anything other than courgettes ? I should really experiment with something else - or the family will be getting fed up with courgetti !! Well done with the weight loss :-)

Cass6 profile image
Cass6 in reply to

Hi Lucca, I've tried carrots, with limited success! Also cucumber but both of these we've eaten raw / cold rather than cooked. But my 10 yr old loves it! I have a spiralizer cook book but have yet to practice much beyond the courgette- cos that's so easy & quick!

What about you?


in reply to Cass6

Only courgettes - tried carrots once, but they were a bit thin, so didn't spiralise too well ! I I will have to widen my repertoire at some point !

in reply to

I haven't tried a spiralizer (yet), but I heard they're good for butternut squash, maybe try that next?

in reply to

Oh yes, I bet they would be. I will have to experiment with that some time :-)

Cass6 profile image
Cass6 in reply to

Good idea, will put on the shopping list

in reply to Cass6

Amazing progress with the exercise by the way! It sounds like you've really found some ways to do exercise that you enjoy. Hope you're not aching too much from all the gym time, and hope you can keep healthy eating fun and interesting with all the spiralizing etc :) Congrats on an excellent 2.5lb loss this week, and lots of luck for an excellent week ahead :) :)

Hi Lowcal you are maintaining which is great and maybe the added exercise has given you muscle. It's good that you can move on. Good luck next week with hopefully a loss in weight. I start officially today with losing some of the summer weight so will weigh in on Friday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Juliet,

Thanks as always for your support, which I really appreciate! I really hope to have a loss on the scales next week, but I'm not putting a figure on it - just any loss would be happily received!

Good luck with your goal of losing some of the Summer weight - and I'll look out for your weigh-in on Friday. Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

Emmajohnson58 profile image

Week 1 done...last week I weighed in at 16st 3.5lbs and this week have weighed in at 16st 1.5lbs... I have lost 2lbs😊 I'm really pleased as this week has been abit of a battle. I'm looking forward to smashing out of the 16's next week. Good luck everyone for the week ahead

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Emmajohnson58

Hi Emmajohnson58,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is really great!!! :-) I know this was your first week, so I hope you found it an enjoyable week, although I notice that you've described it as a 'bit of a battle' - I agree it can be challenging at first, but hopefully you'll get used to the changes you're making, and you'll enjoy it more as time goes on, especially when you're 'smashing out of the 16's' - which hopefully will happen very soon. :-)

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Emmajohnson58

Bring on the 15's

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Emmajohnson58

Thats fantastic new Emma - go you!

You mention its been a battle? How so - can we help? :)

las2811 profile image

This is my first post on the Monday weigh in but needing some extra motivation.

This week I lost 1kg and now weigh 90.4kg

This brings my total to 18.8 kg lost since May

Hoping to be under the 90kg mark by next Monday :)

Hope everyone else is doing well

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to las2811

Hi Las2811,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Congratulations for losing 1kg, that is really great. :-)

Wow, you've lost 18.8 kg since May - that is fantastic!

Wishing you success in achieving your goal to be under 90kg by next Monday.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to las2811

Congrats on that wonderful loss over the past few months

Getting under 90 is completely doable as long as you stick to your lower calories and keep up the exercise :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to las2811

Do belong to a gym? If so try loading 18kg on to a bar and lifting it - not easy imagine carrying it around all day, running for a bus with it and having to carry that AND a bag of shopping! Well done, great achivement keep it up!

WeightWarrior profile image

I just started last Wednesday, 2nd Sept, but decided to shift my weigh in day to Monday as it seems to be the day most people weigh, and I want to be "accountable" as I think it'll help me keep on track. So, I'm nearly at the end of week 1, but I'm just calling it week 1 anyway so that I can go from Monday to Monday in future...

I lost 4.5 lbs just through adjusting my diet so I'm very pleased. I hear it slows up after the first week so if I can lose a pound or maybe even two next week that will do me nicely, as I have a lot to lose.

Hope everyone has a great week and thank you for this thread!

in reply to WeightWarrior

That's brilliant - well done :-) Seems like you've managed to make some good diet adjustments - have you found it fairly easy to get through this first week ?

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to

I have to say, yes, it has been fairly easy in the sense that I haven't really felt hungry. I have just looked at exactly how many calories were in what I was eating and made a healthy change to salad for lunch rather than a cheese sandwich or a pork pie, for example, really done the same with evening meals too. I'm finding that substituting with lots of veggies/salad at mealtimes is filling me up enough. Breakfast wasn't an issue really, have always had the same amount of all bran & semi skimmed milk, just never weighed/measured - turned out the amount was perfect anyway! The calorie counting was the most time consuming bit, working out things like the total calories in my family pan of stew and then splitting it into portions to figure how many calories I was eating on my plate, stuff like that. But I'm making lists as I go along which I have saved into a document for calorie counting, because I know what we eat regularly as a family (we have pretty basic tastes lol). I may need to adjust things as the weeks go along, but I'm recording everything I eat and drink every day so that I will easily see where I fall down IF I do!

in reply to WeightWarrior

Sounds like you've done well ! You are the same as me regarding the calorie counting, I find the meals for the family the worst, trying to keep track of everything. I'm trying to be fairly relaxed about it, and keep repeating the things I know work without having to count calories all the time !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to WeightWarrior

Hi WeighWarrior,

I love your name! You sound 'determined' and 'strong' - both great characteristics for winning against the weight. You've certainly made an excellent start, and Congratulations for losing 4.5 pounds in your first week. That's brilliant! :-)

A very warm welcome to the Monday weigh-in thread. We are really happy you've joined us, and look forward to seeing you in future weigh-ins.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Julesy64 profile image

Hi Lowcal and the Fab5, I think you do a brilliant job keeping this thread and all the support and motivation you give to everyone is amazing. This week, Week 2 of NHS 12 week plan, I have been really good, used MFP and my Fitbit and stuck to my 1400 calories. Exercise wise, I've been swimming 4 times, swam 1km each time so swam 4km. On Saturday morning I did a 30 minute Omnia fitness class at the gym, which was a HIIT workout using kettlebells, squats, push ups, ropes, etc, which was quite hard, really energetic, and yesterday I ached all over, today I still ache but not as bad. So this morning when I got weighed I was so disappointed to have gained weight :( last week I weighed 12st 1 & 3 quarter pounds, today I weigh 12st 3 and a half pounds. In the past I have done loads of diets (Weight Watchers, Slimming World, 5:2 Diet, etc) and the one I was the most successful at was Weight Watchers years ago, 1997/1998 when I lost 2.5 stone. I'm 51 now, and really struggle with sticking to diets due to this reason that has happened today, I normally just give up and think well what's the point I've been good with food and exercised and I've put weight on or stayed the same, so that's normally the end of the diet and I go back to eating crap and unhealthy food. The strange thing is though, today I can feel that I have actually lost weight across my body - tummy, love handles, etc. I've decided that I am going to stick to the plan and keep going, although its just a bit disheartening when you've put all that effort in and achieved no weight loss. Thank you all for the support from this thread.

in reply to Julesy64

Aw - that's a shame that you didn't see a result on the scales, I know that can be a bit disheartening. But that fact you feel a bit slimmer I'm sure means that it's doing you good. Stick with it - carry on doing what you are doing - and I'm sure next week you'll see a loss on the scales :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Julesy64

Hi Julesy64,

Firstly, well done for sticking to the healthy eating and exercise goals, and you've certainly done lots of hard work over the week, and you deserved to have a loss on the scales, so my commiserations with you that you gained. I must say my poor Maths brain is struggling to work out how much you've gained - you mentioned 12 stone 1 and three-quarter pounds, and now you're 12 stone 3 and a half pounds - I make that a gain of 1.75 pounds? I hope that's correct.

I am so glad that you can feel the impact on your body of all that healthy eating and exercise - the fact you feel like you've lost weight across your tummy, love handles etc is fantastic, and I'm thrilled that you have noticed those differences and that you're going to keep going with it.

I agree completely that it can feel a bit disheartening when the scales don't reflect the positives you can feel in your body. You're toning up, you're gaining strength, and you're getting fitter, and the weight loss will catch up - hopefully you'll see some results on the scales next week. Maybe take your body measurements too - I do mine once a month, and it can be very helpful.

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Julesy64

Hi Julesy64, there's no reason to be disheartened. You're doing everything you need to be doing, so you will see a loss on the scales eventually. The fact you're feeling the difference is already a great sign. Have you taken all your measurements so you can compare as you go along? If you've gained but been doing lots of exercise, your efforts may well show in a smaller waist measurement. Also, are you maing sure you're drinking enough water? The increase in exercise could be making your body retain more water, and this could be affecting the weight. Drinking lots of water will help with this. Lots of luck for sticking to the plan, and for being patient with the scales. Hope you see a result very soon :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Julesy64

Julsy keep going a diet should be something for life NHS e.g with treats thrown in holidays etc that works for me I excersise my ass off so I can have weekly treats have been at goal for 2years!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Julesy64

Its disheartening when that box of springs won't cooperate but as you say you can feel the weight shifting.

Unfortunately we place so much emphasis on that little box of springs making us happy or sad that we forget that we are actually trying to do is make ourselves feel healthier, more energetic and to live longer.

I bet you feel a little brighter, have a little more energy than last month or last year? Thats what matters not that stupid number.

Keep at it - you're rocking it!

Good morning, My second week here and this week I did loose a little weight. Last week I was 13st 3 lbs, this week 13st 1lb. Not a great loose but it is a start. I'm trying a new exercise class on Wednesday called the Highland Hustle. It's an exercise class based around highland dancing so that should be fun. I've been doing ab exercises and upper body flexiblity and strength exercises which are specific for my sport.

Had my medication changed at the doctors last week, so it'll be about a week or so before I know how that affects my appetite.

I'm happy with a slow weight loss and every pound I loose is good.


WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to

2lbs = 4 packs of butter - you did great, well done!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi 20Voices,

Great to see you again, and Congratulations for losing 2 pounds this week, that is fantastic! :-) I would challenge your thought that it wasn't a great loss, I think it definitely is a really good loss. WeightWarrior has put it well in terms of reminding you that it is the equivalent of 2 packs of butter - great to know that's no longer with you! Really well done! :-)

I hope you've enjoyed doing those ab exercises and upper body flexibility and strength exercises specific for your sport. What sport is that?

I hope you enjoy the Highland Hustle exercise class on Wednesday, it sounds like fun!

Good luck with your medication change, and hope it doesn't affect your appetite too much, or at least that you can cope ok with any changes you notice.

I think that slow and steady weight loss is definitely really good.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal and WeightWarrior,

Thank you for your kind words. My sport is archery. I love it. Great way to look after your posture and get a good upper body workout and the people at my club and who I have competed against are really nice.

Hoping to get back into competition next month. Had to order a new cheque book to pay for the competitions so keeping my fingers crossed that there are still places left when I get my cheque book and send in the entry form.

I'm on a fruit and veg day today so am feeling good about that. :-D


I share your disappointment LowCal, although I did manage to lose: a miserly 2 ounces! That was after an average intake of 1436 calories a day and 1 hour 45 minutes formal exercise a day including 3 strength sessions! Enough to turn me to comfort eating! Maybe, it's all in there waiting to pop out and then surprise us next Monday.

in reply to

It is all there waiting to show on the scales Caree! I stayed the same last week and lost 2lbs this week, and to be honest this pattern does seem to repeat a lot, where I have maintaining weeks followed by a good loss. Just keep watching the cals and keep doing the exercise, maybe up the exercise a little more even, and you'll definitely see a loss next week (or at least a bit more than 2oz!) :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to

We have to break out of the reliance on that box of springs to make us happy or disappointed. My weight can fluctuate 2 or 3 or even 4 pounds in a day so you really shouldn't let that number bother you too much.

Its how you FEEL that really is the key. Do you feel a little brighter, a little more energetic? Then you are doing the right things for your body.

Keep making your body happy and one day before you know it the scales will be smiling back at you :)

MrsBooboo profile image

Hi Everyone,

I weigh in at 16 stone 13lbs. I am down 3lbs this week. I am so pleased to have entered into the 16's finally, I have been a bit stuck these last few weeks. Although good thing was, I maintained my weight, until I started to drop again.

To my workings out I have lost 19lbs in 16 weeks. That is an average of 1.18lb a week lost. There is 16 weeks until Christmas (15 weeks to Christmas, as I worked this out last week). I could potentially loose another 19lbs in that time frame. Which is quite exciting. This is not a lot of loss per week, is it, but I think this is a more realistic goal for me, then saying 2 pounds a week or going by what my fitness pal says.

I have lost that amount once, I can do it again. Onwards....

(As I mentioned Christmas, I am not planning to buy anything additional. I just want a good roast dinner and dessert on Christmas day. No to snacks).

in reply to MrsBooboo

Hey MrsBooboo that is really great news that you've finally seen a loss, and a good one! It's also a great boost to cross a threshold as you have from the 17s to the 16s. Do you know what you did this week that made the difference? If you do, keep doing it! If not, then maybe it is, as you say, just a slow but steady overall rate of loss which shows some weeks but not others. 1.18lb/week is well within the recommended 1-2lb per week that the NHS advises, so you should be proud of that. Wishing you a great week ahead, and good luck with your goal to lose a further 19lbs by Christmas :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to MrsBooboo

Thats fantatstic about your loss and you must feel so good about breaking out of that plateau - hopefully it gives you even more inspiration to keep going :)

Yay you!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

This is the first time I've ever done anything like this. Even my other half doesn't know how much I weigh, in fact, until this morning, even I didn't know! Ok, here goes, deep starting weight is 19st 10lbs. My first goal is that this time next week it will be less.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

A very warm welcome to you, and thank you so much for joining us for this Monday weigh in. I think it is a very brave step that you have shared your weight with us today, and we are priviledged, as you don't share that information with your other half. I hope it felt ok.

I hope you will enjoy being part of this forum, and I hope you enjoy your first week. Have you seen the NHS 12 week plan? It's a really good source of information and advice, and you can find it easily by clicking on the icon above which is labelled "Weight Loss NHS' - just look at the middle of the top of the screen and you can see it there. You can then link to the 12 week download pages, and take a look.

Using an app like Myfitnesspal would be another recommendation that I would make, as it really helps to keep on track of calories and exercise.

I hope you have a great first week, and we'll look forward to seeing you at future weigh-ins, and out and about in the forum. It's a very friendly and supportive forum.

Wishing you all the best with your weight loss journey, and here's to being lighter on the scales for all of us next week, all being well. :-)

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Thanks so much Lowcal.

The sharing of the weight was a big thing, but I need to do things differently and be accountable for my sins.

I have downloaded the 12 week plan and am aiming to follow it.

I wish I could use an app like Myfitnesspal, but I don't have a smart phone as we can't get wifi here. I am using the NHS calorie counter and will wait until some of the excess blubber is gone before I start any serious exercise, as at the moment it's not very feasible.

I think the members of this forum are second to none and it's an honour to become a member.

Thanks again for your support and advice. x

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to moreless

Congratulations on having the courage to reveal your weight. Its a big step in the right direction and considering I started at over 21 stone don't feel like you are by any means the heaviest person around :)

I wonder what you mean by "serious" exercise? Because even a 10 minute walk once a day makes a big difference.

If you can't manage that then just swing your arms around for a few minutes or do leg lifts - any calories burned are calories you no longer have to carry.

Good on you for starting the journey :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Dave1961

Thanks Dave, it was a huge step for me, I have to say.

I have been doing walks around the house and marching on the spot. Who knows what I'll be capable of next :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to moreless

I LOVE that! I work in a shop that has very few customers and every 20 minutes I try to get up and just do a couple laps around the inside of the shop. Its about 70 steps and I do probably 3 laps sop thats about 200 steps and takes no more than a minute or two.

Thats 600 steps an hour thats 2400 steps a day which is about 2 kilometres!

So don't feel like a few steps round the house is nothing, when you do it consistently it can really add up :)

I have a Fitbit which counts my steps and I just love it - it really keeps me moving :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Dave1961

Thanks for the encouragement, it means a lot.

I wish I could have all the gadgets, cos my counting is naff! :)

in reply to moreless

Just make your own log or chart and record your exercise in units. E.g. record every time you do a 5 circuits-walk round your house, every 2 minute session of power walking on the spot. Use it to tally how much you manage to increase by. E.g. whether you do 3 of each every day or 10 of each. Also, maybe the walk round the house can start to take in the garden, the walking on the spot could stretch to 5mins, etc. Then start to set yourself targets... by X date I'll be walking down the street and back, etc, small manageable steps and you'll get there. Good luck :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I should have said before, much as I would love to congratulate, or commiserate with everyone individually, I don't have the skills to do so, so would everyone please take it as read :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to moreless

Don't worry, just pop in leave your weight and your goals we love having you here, if you don't know your weight you are not in control, you have shifted that control ,well done. My fitness pal is an ap and toy can get step counter apps for phones too otherwise some of the fit bit style activity trackers aren't too expensive, whatever keeps you motivated! Good luck

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Prin

Unfortunately I don't have wifi, so none of the apps work. I'll just have to stick to counting :)

Thanks for your support, it means a lot,

sueper profile image

Hello Fab 5 :)

As some of you know I weigh on a Friday and by Monday a little has piled back on. So now I am weighing and recording on Friday and Monday so I can try to tackled the weekend and also I can still see my progress from Monday to Monday which should help me feel less down on a Monday.

So my Monday to Monday weigh in saw me lose 3lb :)

My total loss to date it 52.5lb based on my Friday figures.

I ate a lot on Saturday so pleased generally. I walked 8km yesterday to try to undo some of the damage.

Hope the Fab 5 are having a good week and sorry about your small increase Lowcal, hopefully next week will be kinder to you.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sueper

Hi Sueper,

Thanks for your kind words about my small increase. I am hoping next week will be kinder to me too. :-)

Congratulations on your Monday to Monday weigh-in result of losing 3 pounds. That's really great. I think your strategy to have two weigh-in days to help you tackle the weekends is really good! I know that people vary in their views about how often to weigh-in, but I think it's a personal decision, and basically working out what works for each person, is what counts. I weigh myself every day, but only share it once a week - with you all in this thread. I always find it interesting to see how much weight can vary day to day, which is why I like to do that for myself. It's the overall trends that matter more than anything however.

Well done for doing that 8km walk yesterday, I hope you enjoyed it.

Wishing you another great week, and I'll look out for your Friday weigh-in post too.

Lowcal :-)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal. I am a daily weigher too but usually only update my chart once a week but now moved to twice a week :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to sueper

3 lb is fantastic considering how far along you are - you should be really pleased with that.

8 km ? Thats huge!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Dave1961

Thanks Dave :) I nearly died after the 8km - had walked around town too so maybe slightly over did it.

slimjan profile image


I didn't check in last week as away on holiday. Ashamed to say I have put on another 2lbs, not suprised with what I have eaten and drunk from fish and chips to champagne, it was our 45th wedding anniversary so ate and drank and had a great time.

I am now 12.12 and had got down to 12.8 so have to get back into healthy eating as don't want to spoil all my hard work this year.

I am out for a meal on thursday but will eat healthy for rest of the week and hopefully show a loss next week.

I am not suprised you need some help with the group I don't know how you have managed, but credit to you as without your encouragement the group wouldn't have grown so much.

Good Luck to everyone and many thanks Lowcal for your support.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,

I hope you enjoyed your holiday! Welcome back. :-)

Congratulations on your 45th Wedding Anniversary, that is certainly something special to celebrate, and glad you ate and drank and had a great time. Your 2 pound gain is not very much, considering a holiday and Celebrations, and I'm sure you'll soon get it back off again, now you're back home and can get back into a routine.

Hope you enjoy your meal out on Thursday, and hope the rest of the week is a good one.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image

Thank you to the Fab5!

I have had a very up and down week which the scales have reflected. Unfortunately ended up with a 2.5lb gain. Only my self and some lack of will power to blame I had even sorted out my wardrobe and got rid of all things too big and for the first time only have clothes in there that will why did I lose will power this week. I gave myself excuses such as daughters birthday to over indulge! Hoping to get back on track this week, as I have been hovering around this point for a while!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to vickster5

It can be tough when you start plateauing especially when you know only you are to blame.

When those cravings hit listen more closely to them. Don't just give in but start fighting that voice with in.

For me I imagine it like a whiny 4 year old brat who has always gotten its way and when we put up even a little resistance it has a tantrum and we give in.

Time to put your old self in the naughty corner :) I hope this post helps - please have a read.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Vickster5,

Sorry to hear you've gained 2.5 pounds this week. It was your daughter's Birthday, so that could definitely have contributed, depending on how much you over-indulged, but remember that you lost 1.5 pound last week, so your weight is hovering around a bit at the moment, and you've maintained your previous weight loss - evidenced by your need to remove all the larger clothes that no longer fit you from your house!

It's great that you've sorted out your wardrobe and that you have got rid of all those clothes that were too big for you - that is great, and now you have clothes that will fit you, you can keep motivated - that will-power is not failing you, you just need to celebrate your successes and build on them. You are aiming to get back on track this week, so maybe do a bit of pre-planning as to how you can achieve that goal, and be prepared and fore-armed for things that might come your way.

Be aware of any events that might stand in your way over the coming week, and think of strategies to help you to get through them. You can do it, Vickster5!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

kars1111 profile image

Afternoon lowcal and all,

lowcal your gain is minimal and well done for the positive attitude you have.

This week I've lost 1lb was hoping for 2 but 1 us better than nothing.

good luck to everyone for the following week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kars1111

Hi Kars1111,

Congratulations for losing 1 pound this week. I know you were hoping for 2, but 1 pound is really good. :-)

Thanks for your kind words regarding my minimal gain.

Wishing you and everyone a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

killfatbecky profile image

Week 1 - lost 4lb! Not as much as I was expecting but it's going in the right direction!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to killfatbecky

Hi Becky,

Wow, what a fantastic start! Congratulations on losing 4 pounds in your first week, that is really great!!! :-)

I hope you enjoyed your first week, and that you enjoy Week 2.

Usually people's weight losses reduce after the first week or couple of weeks - so maybe next week you might not necessarily lose so much - so don't be disappointed if that happens.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to killfatbecky


Well done - you shouldn't be disappointed about losing 4 lbs at all! I think thats great.

Go lift up 4 pounds of sugar and now imagine having carry that around for the rest of your life, cause thats what was going to happen if you didn't make a change.

Good on you :)

monkeyescapade profile image

Hi - I had a bad week, I couldn't resist the urge to make scones on Thursday and then couldn't resist devouring them with cream and jam. I put on a pound for my lack of discipline.....but having got on the scales this morning and weighed in at 10st, I am spurred on to eat healthily and sensibly this week. My aim is to be 9st 12 next Monday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to monkeyescapade

Hi Monkeyescapade,

What a great name! I love it! :-)

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us in this Monday weigh-in group. Scones with jam and cream are indeed delicious, especially when home-baked, so I can completely understand how it would be difficult not to eat quite a few. At least you've only gained 1 pound, it could have been far worse! :-)

You've shared your starting weight today, at 10 stone, and the fact is being so close to the 9's, and having been in the 9's before your scone experience will no doubt motivate you back there again - so best of luck with your goal to be 9 stone 12 pounds next Monday. Hoping to lose 2 pounds is a good goal to have. Good luck! :-)

Are you doing the NHS 12 week plan? It provides a great structure and some helpful advice and information, so if you've not seen it yet, it's worth a look. Just click on the icon above (centre of screen) labelled 'Weight Loss NHS' and you can access it with a couple of clicks in the right places. But if you have difficulty finding it, let me know and I'll send you the link.

Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

monkeyescapade profile image
monkeyescapade in reply to Zest

Ah, thank you. I came up with the name when I left the world of work just over a year ago, went travelling round Asia, a bold move for a former work addict.....but now I have to lose the pounds of noodles and rice eaten in the last year. Thanx for the pointer on the 12 week plan, I have just downloaded and will give that a go.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to monkeyescapade

Myfitnesspal is a good free app to go along with the plan, as it helps to keep account of calories and exercise. Good luck! :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to monkeyescapade

I understand the desire to make baked goods but next time give them to the neighbours. The bigger they are the smaller your look ;)

Niftyfifty profile image

Hi I joined today and would like to join the weekly weigh in please, started my 12 week plan today so fingers crossed for next Monday. Starting weight 13st 7lbs aiming to lose 3 stone eventually.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Niftyfifty

Hi Niftyfifty,

A very warm welcome to you, and really glad you joined us for this Monday weigh-in. You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do that. Here's to a lighter week for you next week, all being well.

Have you seen the 12 week NHS weight loss plan? Just click on the icon in the upper middle of the screen, entitled 'Weight Loss NHS' and you'll find the downloadable pages - if you want to see them of course! :-)

Many of us use an app to help us to track our calories and exercise, and I use Myfitnesspal, which is free and it's easy to use, so I would recommend that one. But there are lots of others of course.

Wishing you a great first week, and will look forward to seeing you at future weigh-ins, and also around and about on the forum. It is a very friendly and supportive place.

Lowcal :-)

Niftyfifty profile image
Niftyfifty in reply to Zest

Thanks that's great to hear, yes following the nhs 12 week programme aiming for 1-2lb a week

Ryan22 profile image

Have lost 2lbs this week. To be honest i should have lost more but wan't very good at the weekend, which tends to be my downfall!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Ryan22

Hi Ryan22,

Great to see you. :-)

Great that you've joined us for this Monday weigh-in, and Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week. That's really good, especially as you feel you weren't very good at the weekend. I agree with you that weekends are definitely more challenging!

Hope you have enjoyed your week, and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Carolecal profile image

Hi Lowcal & team ....and everyone.

Reporting in quite late as I've been busy all day packing for our imminent move ...hoping all that walking about and lugging boxes around will have burned off some extra calories !

I weighed in this morning and was chuffed to bits to see 65.6 kgs on the scale, a

loss of 1.2 kilos for last week loss of 1.9 kilos since I started on here.

Want to stay focused this week and would love to drop down to the 64's.

Have a great week everyone 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Carolecal

Hi Carolecal,

Don't worry about weighing in during the evening, we're open for weigh-ins all day, and we still accept some late weighers on Tuesdays and occasionally beyond! :-)

I bet you've been burning off some calories with all that packing, and lugging boxes around. Best of luck with the move, and hope it goes really well.

Congratulations on losing 1.2 kilos this week - and to achieving a loss of 1.9 kilos since you started on here. That is such great progress! :-)

Good luck with your goal to drop down to the 64's. Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Zest

Thanks for your good wishes for the move.

I meant to say you shouldn't fret about about last week's teeny weight gain ...I'm sure you'll turn things around this week .

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Carolecal

Thanks Carole,

I am thankfully not fretting about the slight gain - I am determined it will come off again - hopefully soon. Thanks so much for your encouraging words :-)

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Carolecal

Well done you, 1.2 kilos is fantastic!

Maybe moving house should become an aerobic activity we can include in our workouts!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Dave1961

Cheers Dave ....must admit I surprised myself a bit ...I'd expected a bit more off last week and not so much this week,not the other way round ...but I'm not complaining 😝

Not sure I'd recommend the moving house thing ....although it's ️maybe the stress that's helping burn the cals....they say it's up there along with divorce and bereavement I think !

Well done yourself mate ...1.3 kgs,you are doing amazing stuff 😊I've read all your motivational and thanks for the linking to those Cut the Fat podcasts ...I've listened to a few now and being a bit of a seasoned dieter ,I I didn't think there was much left to know ...but I've been proved wrong on that score ...there's some very helpful info and tips .

Have a great week !

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Carolecal

I always considered myself a professional dieter as well. I have always thought that if you want to know about how to eat healthy find the biggest person in the room because they have probably read more about dieting than anyone else :)

But yes - those podcasts continue to teach me stuff - I hope you started form the first few - very informative, I had to listen a few times to get my head around them.

Have a great week!

Dave1961 profile image

Hi @Lowcal. I am bummer for you about the weight gain but in the end its a number. If you ate right and exercised well then thats what matters and thats what makes you feel good in your body :)


Starting 139.5 kg (307.5 lb)

Last Week 130.7 kg (288.1 lb)

This Week 129.4 kg (285.3 lb)

Loss 1.3 kg ( 2.8 lb)

Total Loss 10.1 kg ( 22.3 lb)

It was a good week and was happy with my eating - a little more activity would have been nice but I can't expect to be an Olympic athlete in 5 weeks :).

Its quite strange, from what I can see, when I get to my goal weight my calories for weight maintenance will be around 2,500 as long as I continue this moderate activity level - that seems ENORMOUS to me right now being on 1,700 and not being hungry :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Dave1961

Well done- the steady downward trend is what it is all about. Good luck for next week:-)

in reply to Dave1961

Re the 2500 maintenance cals. All sorts of things may change by then Dave! If you're competing in cycling/running events as per your dream, then you will be in the position AndrewLeon finds himself in, struggling to get enough fuel. It's great that you've seen a good loss his week despite the path becoming less smooth since your change in routine. Lots of luck for keeping it all working how you want it to. Also, thanks for all your encouraging posts on the thread, great to have the extra viewpoint, extremely positive as always! Have a great Tuesday (I presume that's the day you'll be waking up to next?) :)

Joyce29 profile image

Hello Fab 5 & everyone

Just over 1lb again this week - 22lbs in total. I'm happy with that as I've been on leave for 2 weeks and haven't had my usual routine to keep me in order.

Hope next week is good for us all.


suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Joyce29

Well done- keep positive. One small step at a time- all the losses add up:-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Joyce29

Wow being on holidays for 2 weeks and losing a pound - thats fantastic.

Gold star for you :)

nickynoo77 profile image

Hi lowcal

Sorry to hear you've gained this week, its frustrating to gain I know. Heres to the next week and a good loss for you, you deserve it.

I too have started squats this morning, I did 15 and aim to increase each day and at least double the daily amount by the end of the week. Exercise bike has also been dragged downstairs again 😨. I like the feeling that exercise gives me but find it hard to start.

Here's to a great week

Nic ☺

nickynoo77 profile image
nickynoo77 in reply to nickynoo77

I'm just starting to work my way through the huge amount of posts on this thread, bear with me 😁

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to nickynoo77

Great news on the exercise. Squats are meant to be the best overall exercises. Atta girl:-)

the_old_me profile image

This morning I weigh exactly the same I weighed last Monday. I was a bit disappointed about losing only 0.4 kg the week before last week and what happened to me is more disappointing. I am worried I might end up gaining weight this week.

I have been working on my C25k and strength and flex exercise and also some cycling. I dont know whether i need to work harder on workouts and add some more aerobic exercise! I generally eat less so I cant make it less than that. I might shift from white coffee to black one!

Sorry, low cal hearing about your gain but I really appreciate your determination to leave it behind and go forward. I should be learning from you to be motivated until I reach my goal. Hope you will lose this week!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to the_old_me

Hiya TOM- i am sorry you have not lost this week - it can be very frustrating to not lose. but do not lose heart- as you are doing the right thing with all the exercise. they say you should aim for 3 x a week cardiac work for 30 mins. By that I mean plain old walking will do do - the idea being you need to work up to being breathless.

Good luck for the next week:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to the_old_me

Hi The_Old_Me,

Thanks very much for your kind words. I appreciate them. :-)

I remember that you were disappointed about losing 0.4 kg last week, but I reminded you that you'd lost 1.1 kg the week before that, and the fact is that this week you have stayed the same, which means that you've actually maintained a weight loss of 1.5 kg - that is still great progress, so please try to challenge any thoughts that you're not doing as well as you hoped.

You're doing hard work focusing on your exercise - the C25k and strength and flex exercise, plus the cycling. You'll be getting fitter, and your muscles will be reacting to all of that. Some people (Ruth, and Meshyt) have recommended to me that I drink more water - to help the fluid out of my body that may have built up through doing more exercise, and I would suggest the same to you. Don't overdo the water intake of course, there is a healthy balance with these things, and drinking too much water can be dangerous. But maybe up it a bit, to ensure you are keeping hydrated.

Let's hope we both lose some weight next week. I think you are making good progress. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Ali911 profile image

Hi Lowcal & everyone

Great idea to have some assistance with the thread .. thanks to the lovely volunteers. It's nice to see so many people posting.

I'm very impressed with your squats & sit-ups Lowcal .. all the hard work & commitment will show on the scales very soon & that 2lbs will be history.

After my week of having family home, eating out & hubby's birthday I have only lost one measly pound but quite frankly I'm astonished that I didn't gain .. just hope it doesn't come back to bite me next week.

I haven't had a chance to read back but hope everyone is doing ok .. all the best for the coming days x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Ali911

Hi Ali911,

Thanks very much for you kind encouraging words, which I appreciate! :-)

I hope you enjoyed having family home, and eating out and your husband's Birthday - I think you've done brilliantly to lose 1 pound in those circumstances, as they are all challenges! So really well done. :-)

It will take you some time to read over everyone's posts today - I can't believe that there are already over 220 posts today - that's a record for this Monday thread. Really exciting. :-)

I am also excited by the formation of the 'Fab 5' - all doing such a great job of assisting with this thread. I couldn't have kept it going by myself, so their assistance and offering the help has been such great timing, and so much appreciated!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)


New to the programme, and just finished my second week,

started at :20st 12 lbs,

end of week 1: 20st 6 lbs

end of week 2: 20st 1 lbs

feel ready to get fit and really motivated (for now at least.....)

a weekly weigh in is a great idea by the way......

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Welcome to Lowcals thread. Fantastically well done on your great start. Do keep visiting here over the forthcoming weeks - you will see some fantastic achievements. We look forward to hearing from you next week:-)

in reply to suzybenj

Thanks.... and i will be back!!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Health_Kick_2000,

Glad to hear that you'll be back, and a Very Warm Welcome to you. I concur with Suzybenj that you've made a really great start - Congratulations on losing 5 pounds this week, and 11 pounds in total since your started your weight loss journey - fantastic! :-) You are close to the 19's already!

Look forward to catching up with you at next week's weigh-in. Glad you're feeling ready to get fit and really motivated - it's motivating to hear you're successful start. :-)

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Nic1976 profile image

Hi Lowcal

It's only the very slightest of gains for you this week and it sounds as though you are doing really well with the core excercises so hopefully you will be reporting a loss next week.

Last week I weighed 10st10 and this week I weigh 10st7. This came as a pleasant surprise as for the past 5 weeks I seem to have plateaued at 10st10. This means I am now in the average weight range for my stats with a healthy-ish BMI.

Good luck Lowcal and to our the rest of our little weight-loss army for a good week ahead xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nic1976

Hi Nic1976,

Many thanks for your supportive words regarding my slight gain. I am enjoying the core exercises so far. I hope I can keep up with them. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 3 pounds this week, that is fantastic, and shows that being patient during a plateau reaps the benefit in time! Fantastic to hear you're now in the average weight range for your stats, and that you have a healthier BMI - really great! :-)

Weight-loss army - yes indeed - here's to a great week ahead for us all.

Have a lovely week.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi again everyone,

I just want to say that I think it's amazing that so many people have contributed such amazing posts today - over 230 of them! Wow!!!

I'm going to go to bed now, as it's 11.15pm and I'm tired - but I am less tired than I was last week, as my Fab 4 (I might as well say that, as we can be a band called 'Lowcal and the Fab 4' - but I can't sing, so perhaps that's not a great idea!), but basically, I am really happy to have such great pals to help out with this thread, so thank you again to Prin, Suzybenj, Candystripe, and Ruth_Canal_Runner. We make a great team. :-)

Candystripe is on holiday now, so we hope she is having a great time. I know Ruth will be away next Monday, but the remainder of the Fab 5 will be here for the Monday weigh-in thread next week, and I will post before 7am as usual.

Don't worry if there are any late weighers today - we stay 'open' in this thread for a couple of days after, and if you're posting later tonight, then one of us will respond when we spot your post tomorrow.

Sleep well everyone, including you Dave, over there in Australia.

It's felt strange for me not to reply to everyone individually, but I have read everyone's responses and I am thrilled by how everyone's doing. Really well done to you all. :-)

Night night.

Lowcal :-)

Hi everyone. Really pleased to say that at the end of my week 1 I have lost 2 pounds, even though I did have lapsed a couple of times and given into temptation. Started week 2 with a run so hopefully another loss next week. Well Done to all!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Jodie88,

Welcome back, and good to see you again. Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is a really great start. I hope you enjoyed week 1. I know you said you had a couple of lapses and some temptation, but you've obviously coped well with that, and it is part of life. Really great that you've lost 2 pounds. Well done. :-)

Like you say you started week 2 with a 'run' so hope that you have another loss next week.

Enjoy Week 2 and hope to see you in next Monday's weigh-in, and out and about on the forum.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Oh my stats - lost a pound only because I am giving you my evening weight till 11.3 but you know what not too bothered, I have had a stinking cold, but bought lovely size 8 tea dress from Asda £4. I am looking forward to this week and hope you will all have a great week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin, (another of the lovely Fab 5) :-)

Yes, the stats are important. Ruth is collating them from this week, and I know it's not an easy task, but she is definitely an excellent woman for the job! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week - which I know is your evening weight, but that's the one you're going with. :-) That's a good loss. :-)

Sorry to hear you're suffering from a stinking cold, but good to hear you bought yourself that lovely size 8 tea dress - what a bargain at £4. Brilliant! I'm sure you'll look fab in that dress. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead, and thanks again for everything. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Prin

Hi prin....your an absolute star for helping low cal and the posters here. Huge thanks ...and the tea dress sounds lovely!

Portlandprincess profile image

Hi Low Cal, what a brilliant idea about spreading the load and a huge thank you to the famous five....I have a problem getting onto the site...often won't load so this is the first time I've accessed...all the other posts are not a problem it could be the traffic on the post?

Although it's dissappointing to stay the're so positive ...staying the same and remaining positive is such a good role model. So next week will be a go do week for day at a time!

Good look!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi Portlandprincess,

Yes, maybe it was traffic on the site yesterday that caused you difficulties, I know that Jo also had difficulties too.

Glad you got here today though, and yes, the Fab 5 are amazing - I am indebted to them! I wouldn't be able to keep going with the thread with the volume of people by myself, it needs team-work, and they are proving to be an excellent team.

I love the way other members are also extremely supportive too - such lovely people! :-)

Thanks so much for your very kind and supportive words. I am definitely feeling spurred on by the enthusiasm on the site, and it does help to motivate me to keep going. I've even set a Christmas goal now to try to get down to 12 stone 7 pounds by then. That was thanks to Sueper's post of yesterday.

I made Ruth's version of the Banana cake over the weekend, and it is sooooo delicious! I can definitely recommend it. Full of fibre and goodness. No sugar, just some dried fruit for sweetness. Delicious!

Hope you have a great week, and I'll look out for your posts.

I really hope the site will cope with the volume of traffic in this one on a Monday, so you can access it ok next time.

Lowcal :-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Zest

I'm re cooperating after an op so have a bit of time on my hands...posting on the forum keeps me out of the were one of the first posters who really encouraged me and I am so grateful! Thank you😄

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Portlandprincess

I hope you recuperate well, and glad you're enjoying the forum too. You are definitely an enthusiastic and lovely contributor. Thank you! :-)

Dutchgirl profile image

I have been trying for 2 weeks now and have lost 3.5 kilos. Feeling very chuffed.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dutchgirl

Hi Dutchgirl,

Wow, that's a great result - losing 3.5 kilos in 2 weeks. Really well done!!! :-) I can understand that you're feeling very chuffed, that is so great!

For our weight loss stats, do you know how much you lost in this second week? Ruth is going to be compiling our stats for the week, so one option would be that we count your loss as 1.75 kilos per week? But I just wanted to check that you're ok with us counting that amount? You might have lost more in the second week, or less, so I want to include the amount that you are comfortable with.

Wishing you a great week ahead. Thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. We are still accepting late weighers, even though it's Tuesday.

Lowcal :-)

Dutchgirl profile image

Thanks for the encouraging words. I lost 2kg the first week and 1.5 the second. Not bad as I had a rather boozy Friday.

Carolee13 profile image

I-pad keeps freezing on this site so couldn't manage to get to the thread before. Good idea to get help and thanks to all of you. I just stayed at 57 kg on Monday but seem to be losing again now. Fingers crossed!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Carolee13

Hi Carolee13,

Sorry you had some difficulties accessing the thread before, and glad you got here ok today! Congratulations for maintaining your weight this week, and good to hear you're losing some weight again after that.

Yes, keeping fingers crossed that we all see some great results next week. Good luck!!! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Fabulous Five ;-) last Monday Ihad 96,.. kg on my shoulders, Tuesday 94kgs and now, Saturday, I am staggering about 93kgs. But no wonder, it is the typical first moment approach when you lose quickly and then you follow the tracks of your own fat burning... I will see how much discipline I have, by Christmas I want to be in shape again... And I am the JOJO type of woman, so don't suffer if I should complain! :-D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flower-Arranger,

Great to see you!

It's great to hear how well you're doing - will you be able to join us in the weigh-in on Monday 14th September, because then we can record your weight loss in next week's stats - you're a little bit late for 7th September's stats, as that's for last week, not this week.

You might have lost even more by Monday! Try to join us then if you can, so we can count the whole week's loss for you! :-) I'll be posting the thread just before 7am on Monday 14th September.

Congratulations on losing 3 kg since last Monday! That is such a great start! :-)

You're on your way towards being in shape again for Christmas, that's a good goal to have, and hope you're enjoying the weekend.

Lowcal :-)

ChrissieBee22 profile image

I just started yesterday and my start weight is 17st. Hoping for a good loss in my first week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ChrissieBee22

Hi ChrissieBee22,

You've added your post to an old thread dated 7th September, so I'm just giving you the link to the latest thread, so you can read and add to it if you want to be part of our latest Monday weigh-in group thread. You are very welcome to join us.

Wishing you a great first week.

Lowcal :-)

ChrissieBee22 profile image
ChrissieBee22 in reply to Zest

Duh - thank you!

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