Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (21st December 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
275 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone exactly, and today I weigh 13 stone 2.6 pounds, so I've gained 2.6 pounds this week. I managed to do 2 gym sessions this week, having re-joined the gym. I meant to do 3, but I've had my period this week, and it made me feel more lethargic and also enticed me towards the dark side, in terms of ensuring I snacked on some 'naughties' - including Stollen Cake; chocolate; and a couple of extra bags of crisps. I also had a couple of Christmas Do's to contend with, so all in all, I am not surprised that I've gained. I am of course, disappointed, as I was hoping to get into the 12's. My sights are still on those elusive 12's, which I hope to achieve in 2016, but hopefully sooner!

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, this is probably one of the most challenging weeks, so the Fab 5'ers would like to suggest that when we weigh-in next week (Monday 28th December) that we perhaps make a comparison with where we were this time last year - or any other prominent date you want to go from. Therefore, we can compare the weight back then with now, and report on that. This is just an idea, and of course what you report back is completely up to you - you could stick to your weekly weight change, or include that plus the comparison with previous weight. Alternatively, feel free to ignore those suggestions, and just contribute whatever you personally want to say.

Also, I would like to mention that Lizzy383040 is starting a new Super Challenge on 4th January, which is entitled "Around the World in 80 Days". She is hoping for 60 participants to help her achieve the goal of travelling around 40,080 kms (which is 501 km per day) - thereby each participant would aim for 8.5 kms per day (you can do that via walking, running, using an exercise bike etc). If you are interested and would like to read more, here is link to Lizzy's sign-up post:

Please consider joining her for that Challenge, if it appeals to you. I've already signed up - should be fun!

Here are our stats for this week, thanks to Fab 5'er Ruth_Canal_Runner:

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 58

Total overall weight lost: 54.1 pounds (24.5 kilos)

Total people who lost weight: 38 (62.5 pounds lost) (28.3 kilos)

Total people who gained weight: 4 (8.4 pounds gained) (3.8 kilos)

Total people who maintained their weight: 11

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 1

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 4

The Fab 5'ers (myself, Prin, Suzybenj, Ruth_Canal_Runner and Moreless) will be here today to respond to anyone who joins us for this Monday weigh-in - we all have commitments at different parts of the day, but one or more of us will be here to respond to each and every one of you who takes the time to join us. You are all welcome, and if you're new, then please come and introduce yourself. You can share your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so) and your goals for the week. We also encourage everyone to interact and respond to posts in order to encourage one another - we are a friendly group - a supportive forum, and we hope that together we can work towards achieving our various goals and aspirations.

Wishing everyone who celebrates Christmas a Very Happy Christmas, and hope everyone enjoys the festive holidays.

We'll be here on Monday 28th December for another weigh-in, so hope to see you then. I am not going to set myself a goal for this week, except that I hope to have an enjoyable time and hope that I won't go overboard with the festive celebrations. Damage limitation is my aim, whilst hopefully achieving some balance.

My sights are on the 12's, which I hope to achieve soon.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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275 Replies

Happy Christmas to everyone who weighs in

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Aqua-Marine,

Happy Christmas to you too! I wish you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to

And back to you Aqua_marine, have a lovely time


NocturnalBear profile image

Hey everyone! It's finally here! Yes that's it its eventually Christmas week! If you had set a Christmas target then hopefully you have achieved it by today!

As we are getting closer congratulations to everyone who's continuing to lose with all the temptations of beautiful treats everywhere you look!

Sorry to hear of your gain lowcal you were ever so close to sneaking into the 12s last week but it's probably come at the worst time for you! It's not much of a set back though so you'll clear that gain in no time!

So that's week 8 of my weightloss complete! This weeks target was once again 1kg after another good loss last week!

Slightly stepped up my exercise, I've been training for about 40-45minutes 4 times this week doing run/walks and has been going well. The half marathon still a long way off so still not worrying about anything regarding that! and as long as I get out to do my training then I'm confident il complete it feeling reasonably good come May!!

Ok so as for weightloss ...

Starting weight = 123.2kg

Week 1 = 117.8kg

Week 2 = 116.0kg

Week 3 = 114.6kg

Week 4 = 113.1kg

Week 5 = 112.4kg

Week 6 = 110.7kg

Week 7 = 109.4kg

Week 8 = 107.9kg

Which means it's a 1.5Kg loss for me this week

Pretty happy with that and even though it's Christmas on Friday This weeks target is 1kg again, I'm going to eating and drinking to celebrate the birth of our Saviour on both Christmas and Boxing Day but still believe I can get a 1kg loss mixed in

Still aiming for that target weight of 100kg

Merry Christmas everyone have a great week


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to NocturnalBear

You've smashed it again NB, what a star you are :)

I just know you'll manage your target this week, even with Christmas goodies to enjoy.

That goal weight of 100kgs is getting ever closer now :)

Merry Christmas to you too.

Tinkle72 profile image
Tinkle72 in reply to NocturnalBear

well done! You are a star.

nanashon profile image
nanashon in reply to NocturnalBear

Well done NB 👍

in reply to NocturnalBear

Great result, so happy for you, enjoy the festivities and catch up soon


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Good morning Lowcal and all,

I feel your disappointment at not getting into the 12's and in fact gaining a couple of pounds, but know that you were hijacked by Mother Nature and Christmas "do's". Not to worry, enjoy the festivities because they only happen once a year and get back into the swing of things in 2016, because those elusive 12's will be there waiting for you :)

I am again reporting a fantastic week, but this one even more fantastic than the last :) I set myself a seemingly impossible target of 3lbs, to take me to the 2.5st loss, but managed to smash through that barrier by losing 5.5lbs! :)

I can't tell you how pleased I am and delighted that my efforts have been rewarded. My aim now is to be into the 16's by the New Year :)

I too have signed up for Lizzie's Around the World in 80 days Challenge and am excited to see how well we all do :)

It's just left for me to say I hope everybody has a wonderful Christmas and that Santa is very kind to everyone :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

Yes, I felt like Mother Nature and Christmas hijacked me this week, and between them they did a pretty good job of helping me to gain instead of lose weight this week. Never mind, hopefully it will soon be off again, all being well, and I'll see the 12's for 2016. Thanks for your encouraging words. :-)

I am absolutely amazed by your weight loss this week - many Congratulations for losing 5.5 pounds in one week, that is phenomenal!!! You have achieved your goals and more! Really well done, and I am really happy to hear your news.

It's good to have Lizzy's Super Challenge to look forward to as well, as I know that will also help us to kick the Kms.

Yes, here's to a Happy Christmas to us all - and here's to a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal,

I attribute a lot of my weight loss to Lizzie's kicking the K's challenge, cos it keeps me going when I'd rather be vegging out :)

Jenever profile image
Jenever in reply to moreless

Oh Moreles! what a fantastic weight loss, no wonder you are so delighted and rightfully so, well done girl. Hope you have a great Christmas.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jenever

Thanks Jenever, we've both had super weeks this week. WTG us! :)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone in reply to moreless

Oh more less, very very well done, you cracked it. Excellent. Merry Christmas to everyone.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 191253summer

Thanks summer :)

Merry Christmas to you too.

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to moreless

Wow well done!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2bFabnfit

Thanks 2bFabnfit :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to moreless

So kind low cal, my binges are now behind me, now shopping for a warm last minute dress ( so annoying when everything is too big)!

Thanks to the group and weekly weigh in, I feel more accountable week by week, a very happy msintainer

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Diana

Amazed by your fab loss too

in reply to Diana

Enjoy your shopping


Diana profile image
Diana in reply to

Dress idea was scrapped, not needed, new coat and wedding shoes ( for next July) bought.

Both in sale too

in reply to moreless

Wow - that's an fantastic loss moreless :-) :-) What a great Christmas present !!! And even more amazing to be getting those kind of losses around this time of year when there is so much temptation ;-) !!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Lucca, I just try to block out the Christmassy temptations in the same way that I block out every other kind of temptation :)

in reply to moreless

Wow moreless! Congrats on such a major weight loss this week! I hope you'll see a 16 on the scales very soon. See you over on Lizzy's thread :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Ruth :)

I'm 17st and 1/2 a pound now, so not far to the 16's :)

I'll be there with bells on :)

in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

Fab result it's all going good girl and you will get that target in 2016😃 You must be feeling so proud and pleased that all your hard word is paying off.

Have a lovely Xmas and see you on the 80 days challange lol


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I have to say Flossie, that I'm absolutely chuffed to bits! :)

It's kicking the K's that's done it for me :)

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to moreless

That's amazing well done how did you manage that? Its a grat feeling when the scales say less x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Thanks lizzie,

By not eating anything I shouldn't and cycling 100kms in a week :)

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to moreless

That's along way was it on an exercise bike? hoping to get to gym today as with cold last week didn't get much exercise in. Had bad news just now as found a lump and dr sending me to cancer clinic in next2 weeks so hope this wont set me back with my resolve to loose !

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

It was on an exercise bike :)

I'm so sorry you've found a lump! How horrible for you. Try not to let it get you down too much and wait and see what's said at the cancer clinic.

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to moreless

Thank you will try to stay positive and loose as much as I can before appointment I will make it my new target

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to moreless

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr moreless that's what is coming out of my mouth reading this. I'm so happy so pleased for you and can I just say 'way to go you' I can do it, I will do it' and you 'DID IT'!!!! Smashed it with those 5.5 lbs you see moreless that anything is possible and you made it possible so very well done mrs :-) The suspense is over now and I can breath again LOL x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to trafford1

LOL Trafford :)

I've got the extra incentive of "if you can do it, so can I" :D

Thanks so much for all your support, it means heaps :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to moreless

That's so cool moreless, love it :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to moreless

Not ONE not TWO, but THREE goals smashed AMAZING :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to trafford1

Yaaaay me! :D

SVR28 profile image
SVR28 in reply to moreless

Wow, Wow and Wow! Well done moreless, makes your Christmas all the more cheerier!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to SVR28

Thanks SVR, I can't think of a better Christmas present :)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to moreless

Well done that is amazing, yoh should feel very proud!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to vickster5

Thanks vickster, I do :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi NB,

Wow, what a fantastic result! Congratulations on achieving a loss of 1.5 kg this week. That is really great! It's good to see your progress listed too - and all that training you're doing for your half marathon is clearly paying off.

Have a wonderful Christmas and good luck with your target to lose another 1kg this week. You sound determined and in a good frame of mind.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Lowcal and all the Monday Gang,

Well, as you rightly say Lowcal, this is a difficult time for watching what we eat and drink so a small gain shouldn't be too much of a surprise I suppose, and it sounds as though you've have had a busy festive lead up to the big day but I'm sure you'll be well and truly into those 12's early into next year.

I think it's a great idea to compare next Monday's weight with where we were a year ago, very positive suggestion I think.

I took myself right back to basics last week, looked at everything I was doing and eating and cut out any extra treats that had gradually slipped back into my every day life, a bit difficult as we had a mulled wine and mince pies party at ours at the weekend but I'm absolutely delighted to report that I lost a great big 4lbs...fab fab fab. Mr J lost 1lb, I put that down to him eating that gingerbread man!

I would like to wish everyone a joyous and peaceful Christmas, relax and enjoy.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Yes, I did enjoy this week, so it's all good! :-)

Glad you like the idea of comparing our weights over the year, or time period of choice, for next week's weigh-in. The other Fab 5'ers thought this up whilst I was away, and I thought it was a great idea - really positive. Glad you also like the idea.

Wow, another great result - Congratulations to you for losing 4 pounds this week. Going back to basics obviously gave you the key to success, and you have succeeded big style!!! Really well done. :-) Great that Mr J. also lost 1 pound, and yes, perhaps that was due to him eating that gingerbread man.

Merry Christmas, and have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jenever

Woohoo Jenever!

That's fantastic! :)

It's amazing how we can start to eat "mindlessly" and scupper our weight loss without having any idea how, or why. You've done a great job of getting back on track, just in time for the Christmas goodies :)

Mr J will have to watch out now, Mrs J is putting him to shame :)

in reply to Jenever

Another amazing weight loss Jenever :-) You and moreless have been done so well at this time of year to be recording those losses - you are the Queens of Willpower :-) :-)

in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

What a result 😃 and at this time of year you have iron willpower good for you and as for Mr J, a gingerbread on the lips ................. Lol

Have a lovely Xmas and rock into 2016💃🏻


trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Jenever

Wow Jenever 4 lbs gone how wonderful is that :-) very well done to you and to Mr J on losing a lb way to go both of you :-)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Hi Lowcal, this is a hard time of year to be sure! Sorry about your gain but the new year is just around the corner and the 12s will be yours for sure.

I'm amazed I lost 2lb this week, don't really know how that happened, but I'm not complaining. I now weigh 11st 7lbs down from 14st0.5lbs in 18 weeks. What a brilliant idea for next week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 191253summer

Oh well done summer! 2lbs is a great loss at such a difficult time of the year :)

Your total stats are brilliant too :)

Keep up the good work and try and minimise any damage Christmas might inflict :)

in reply to 191253summer

Fantastic stats you must be feeling so pleased and proud.

Enjoy Xmas


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi 191253summer,

Wow, Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, especially as it was your Birthday on Saturday - belated Happy Birthday for then by the way, I hope you had a really lovely time.

You're into the lower half of the 11's now, and well away from the 14's that you started out at 18 weeks ago, that is fantastic progress, really well done!

Glad you like the idea for next week, and many thanks for your kind words regarding the New Year.

Merry Christmas, and here's to another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

I'm just going to have my breakfast now, but I'll be back later. :-)

kars1111 profile image

Morning all,

Lowcal sorry to hear of your gain but glad you did enjoy your week anyway. I too am suffering from mother nature calling at the most inconvenient time of the year but was VERY surprised to find a 1lb loss on the scales this morning cant explain how that happened but not complaining.

All thats left to say is to wish you all a very Merry Christmas x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kars1111

Yaay Kars, you've managed to foil MN! A 1lb loss is fantastic and sets you up nicely for Christmas :)

kars1111 profile image
kars1111 in reply to moreless


in reply to kars1111

A Ib is a precious Ib, enjoy your Xmas.


2bFabnfit profile image

This is such a difficult time of year to eat healthily and we all need celebration in our lives. I too have gained having enjoyed various Christmas do's. Up by 0.9 kg to 54.8.

Putting that in context though I am still below my maintenance goal of between 55 and 57 kg

As many of you know I went cold turkey and gave up refined sugar at the beginning of August. Since hitting my original goal of 57 kg I have allowed myself an occasional treat at a celebration. I can honestly say that it hasn't been difficult and after the first 3 days I haven't craved sweet things at all.

However this last week there have been more celebration times and close together so I have allowed more treats and I have started craving again. Just shows that the more I have the more I want.

Need to be mindful about this over th next week or two! I also need to get active as now I am not at work for two weeks it is all to easy to vegetate.

All the best to the rest of you.

Happy Christmas

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2bFabnfit

I'm with you on the sugar cravings 2bFabnfit. It's definitely a case of the more you have, the more you want and vice versa.

You're managing to maintain really well considering all the culinary distractions at this time of year :)

To keep you motivated, why don't you sign up for Lizzie's Around the World in 80 days challenge? :)

in reply to 2bFabnfit

It's all good, and you are right it is easy to vegetate when everyone else is ! My plan is a brisk walk a day and visitors can come if they want !!

Have a lovely Xmas.


suzybenj profile image

....half around on for me- that will be the Friday evening jamboree and two back to back xmas parties yesterday ....

That is 2.5 pounds on since beginning of dec:-(

Mr SB and I are having a very safe last chicken and salad tonight for tea....

But still half a stone is still 'lost' overall - so remaining optimistic!!!

Aim to maintain this week!!

Good luck everyone - and as for the those fantastic losers - full respect:-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

Chin up Suzybenj, as you say you still have an overall loss, so things could have been much worse than just an extra 1/2lb this week.

Sign up for Lizzie's challenge for motivation and distraction :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to moreless

:-) thanks already signed up

eating grapefruit and yogurt for breakfast- sigh....

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

That would be a yaay and a yuck then :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to suzybenj

Enjoy! You lucky eating yogurt it is just I love dairy but can't eat it due to endo!

Morning Lowcal and everyone :-)

Aww - Lowcal, such a shame you've had lots going on to contend with. A difficult time to try and lose weight, but well done for getting back to the gym :-) Feeling positive you will get those 12s in the New Year !!

Well, my weigh in today takes my weight on Saturday morning, which was 166.4lb - a loss of 0.6lb this week. My Christmas officially started on Saturday (everyone now off on holiday for 2 weeks and I have had my first mince pies !!). I have decided my plan is that in two weeks time I am not going to weigh more than 167lbs - so I will manage my exercise and eating to keep within this 'maintenance' target. (So I won't weigh in next week). Then back to the weight loss proper in the new year.

Have a lovely Christmas and New Year everyone :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Great job Lucca, you've managed to lose 0.6lbs, even with the mince pies :) I like your plan to keep within a maintenance target over the holiday period, very sensible and probably more realistic to manage. We'll miss you at next week's weigh-in though :)

I hope you have a smashing Christmas and New Year :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

good luck luck for that maintenance plan. And enjoy those mince pies:-)

Well done on half pound loss- all going in the right direction. And a big re-group plan 2 jan 2016:-)

Catch you on the other side of xmas:-)

in reply to

Hi Lucca,

Good job done, did the mince pie taste as good as you thought ?🤔 I'm so looking forward to mine ( how sad is that lol)

Have a lovely Xmas and here's to a fab 2016


Emma-and profile image

12.10 gained a pound but I'm happy still under 13 stone after a bad week x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Emma-and

Good to hear that you're still feeling positive Emma. Staying in the 12's is a great achievement when you've had a bad week, just need to keep things together as well as possible to make sure you stay in the 12's through all the festivities :)

in reply to Emma-and

It so hard at times, never mind the festive goodies. Onward and downward( well once Santa has been lol)

Happy Xmas.


Diana profile image

Oh sorry you gained, never mind, you've come so far, the goal us in sight.

10st 5 1/2lbs, so a 1lb loss, although maintaining, seems easy given how much I can eat!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Diana

That's great news Diana, it means you'll be slim and trim forever :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to moreless

My cravings are far less, although between 10st 4lbs and 6lbs is my ideal, things never go entirely to plan, that is just life............

I'm a happy msintainer, I certainly don't intend to gain between now and christmas

Elissy profile image

Good morning everyone 🙌

I think reporting how far we have come is a great idea and puts our loss into prospective considering there will be some gains in the next couple of weeks (definitely me 😉).

Have had a tiny loss this week, really don't know how. Had a work-do, beer, .....

I was 193 lb last week, now 192.4 lb.

Looking forwards to Lizzies challenge in the new year to get focused again. Have a fantastic Christmas 🎅 everyone,


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

Good work Elissy! 0.6lb loss is a great achievement when you've had a "do" and beer! :)

We'll just have to kick the K's like mad to keep us on track :)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to moreless

Just been out running in the pouring rain, must be mad ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

hahaha It's amazing what Lizzie manages to get us to do! :)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to moreless

Yep, the power of this place and it's people is just plain AMAZING !!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

I would never have achieved what I have without them :)

in reply to Elissy

A loss is a loss! Enjoy Xmas and see you on the trek !


LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Sounds like you had an enjoyable week, the lbs will come off again easily enough in the new year.

I lost 2lbs this week and that was despite a meal out and being too tired to work out properly on Friday and Saturday. That brings my weight safely into the early 16stone range, nearer and nearer to the 15stone range, yay!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

Yaay LtL, 2lbs down is brilliant! :)

It's so exciting when you get close to the next stone down. You're a stone ahead of me, but I'm coming after you :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

Thanks, Moreless, I am clearing the spiderwebs away for you!

in reply to LessToLose

It's all good, have a lovely Xmas and come 2016 you will smash it.


trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to LessToLose

Well done LotToLose on your 2 lb loss this week :-) that's just brilliant !

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to trafford1

Thank you - I have a feeling there won't be much lost next week!

Tinkle72 profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Sorry to hear you've gained this week. For those of us who celebrate Christmas now is a very challenging time - I feel your pain in gaining especially as you are so close to breaking into the 12's. I am sure that after the festivities you will soon blast through that barrier!

With more Christmas do's and a chest infection - only one trip to the gym, I have maintained again this week. In between, I have been good and would have loved to have lost but it was not to be :o(

I would love to maintain again next week - losing would be brilliant but I'm a realist and with everything in the house it will be challenging.

As I am off work for the next couple of weeks with the children, I am hoping to get some more exercise in and my aim is to do my 10,000 steps a day - unfortunately the gym is not open much over the next few weeks! Plan for today is to walk round and hand deliver all the local Christmas cards as well as down to our local shops. So that should increase the number of steps I do today - normally my job is desk bound so getting over 5000 steps can be a challenge. This I'm hoping will counteract any temptations I succumb too.

I am planning to weigh in next Monday as I think it will help to keep me on the straight and narrow.

All that leaves me to say is that I wish you a very Happy Christmas!


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tinkle72

I think managing to maintain at this time of the year is an excellent result and fingers crossed that you'll manage it this week too :)

If you're intending to up your walking, have you signed up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge, it's a great motivator :)

in reply to Tinkle72

A maintain is a loss in my book !! I agree to maintain next week will be a bonus ( I hope I do ! Lol)

Have a lovely Xmas


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Tinkle72,

Thanks for your kind words. :-)

Well done for maintaining - it sounds like you've been through alot with your chest infection - I hope you're beginning to feel better from it, and take it easy with the gym - try not to overdo things till you're feeling much better. I pushed myself too hard last February, and a chest infection was incredibly difficult to shift as a result. I hope you feel better and that you have a lovely Christmas.

I think you've done well to maintain, and hopefully you'll have a great time with your children over Christmas - enjoy your break.

Great that you're aiming for 10,000 steps a day, that's a great target. Brilliant that you're thinking of weighing in next Monday, and we'll look forward to catching up with you again then.

Happy Christmas!

Lowcal :-)

sebz123 profile image

Morning everyone,

I have had couple of bad weeks. 2 weeks ago I was 64.4kg now weighing 65.5kg. With all the snacks and xmas vibes it is hard. But we continue with healthy living lifestyle. Merry xmas everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sebz123

Hi Sebz123,

I'm so glad you've joined us today, and a Warm Welcome to the Monday Weigh-in Group.

I agree with you that it is a challenging time of year, and I'm sorry to hear you've had a couple of bad weeks.

You've gained 1.1kg in 2 weeks, so we would only count the change for 1 week, so maybe if I divide that by 2, and say you gained 0.55 kilos this week - are you happy for us to take that figure for our stats? Alternatively, as you have just joined our weigh-in group today, you could choose to purely record your starting weight as of today, which is 65.5kg, and have your results recorded from now on? Up to you - so if you do have a preference, then just let us know by responding here, otherwise Ruth_Canal_Runner will make an executive decision when she does the weekly stats.

I hope you have a great Christmas, and hope to see you at future Monday group weigh-ins. Good luck with your goals.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to sebz123

Hi and welcome sebz,

It's not a totally disastrous gain and is perfectly understandable.

You've learned the necessary lessons for a healthy lifestyle and will soon get back on track :)

Merry Christmas to you too.

in reply to sebz123

Sometimes life gets a bit sticky but we learn through it, and all the festive goodies very tempting !!

Enjoy your Xmas.


nanashon profile image

Morning everyone...well think thats two or three weeks I havent weighed in!! Basically its not going great...hormones givn me grief and Im feeln like a beached off work the now with the cold so not been at gym for bout ten days!! Anyhow weighed in at 12 7....lookn bak think my first weigh in last month was 12 6.5!! I need to get focused and will!! Class booked for tmz!!! Same as you lowcal I have recently rejoined the gym and have to go regular as expensive lol!!! And with christmas week I know the eatings not gonna be fab but I will try not to lose it completely lol!! Merry christmas to all you guys...😃

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to nanashon

Hi Nanashon,

Great that you've joined us again for a weigh-in today. Really sorry to hear that your hormones have been giving you grief - and that you've got a cold too - try not to push yourself too hard with the exercise side of things till you get better - it can really prolong the recovery period (at least I've found that from my past experience).

I hope you feel better really soon, and good luck with Christmas week - hope you have a lovely Christmas, and wishing you a Merry Christmas too.

You've gained just half a pound in a month, so I think it's fair to divide that by 4 for the weekly stats, and say you've gained just 0.25 pound this week - does that sound ok to you?

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

nanashon profile image
nanashon in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal!! Yup thnkn its the hormones hittn the tummy area...the jeans are soooo tight lol!! probably be back at work tmz. So no excuse for not going to the gym then haha!! Have a lovely week!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to nanashon

Hi Nanashon,

Good to see you back with us :)

Things aren't too bad, if you're only up by half a pound :)

To keep you motivated and to beat those hormones, why not sign up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge and get motivated to kick the K's at the gym :)

nanashon profile image
nanashon in reply to moreless

Spooky was just reading that post re the challenge....obviously first thoughts are....offft hard work 😂😂😂😂 now theres the reason Im not losing 😂😂😂😂

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to nanashon

Positive thinking is what you need :)

It's going to be great fun doing the challenge together and just think how slim and fit you'll be at the end of it :)

nanashon profile image
nanashon in reply to moreless

Signed up for it!! Thanks moreless 👍

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to nanashon

Well done you! :)

in reply to nanashon

Slow and steady wins the race, and take it as it comes😃 Hope you feel a bit better by the time Santa comes. Then look out 2016 it's. Going to be your year !!😃


nanashon profile image
nanashon in reply to

Thanks Flossie...have a lovely christmas!

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to nanashon

I get that menopause bloat at times low carb does help , all to do with estrogen upsetting the bile, I've been known to gain 5lbs and Hen lose it all over 3 days

nanashon profile image
nanashon in reply to Diana

Its a nightmare Diane!! 😭

Hi Lowcal, I really feel for you - an overall excellent week with the gym trips etc, turned to pot just in a couple of days. I suggest you don't see the hard work of the earlier part of the week as being undone. I too overdosed on chocs, crisps etc this week - there are so many temptations around. But I don't think this is the sole culprit for a 2.6lb gain - I'd put this down to water gain instead. Hopefully once your period's gone the water gain will go too, and you'll show a loss rather than a gain. Don't let the lethargy take you over too. As is said a lot on here - what's done is done - move on and get back on the wagon :)

For me, I've 'got away' with what I thought was a bad week - lots of crisps and temptations by the way of chocs at work. Yet I've stayed the same for the 3rd week in a row at 10st3. This is bang in the middle of my maintaining range which I'm very happy with. I do however feel a bit bloated from over indulging so will be trying to be more restrained this week. Also, I think I balanced things with over 60k of cycling again last week, which is less likely to happen this week, as I'm not at work as many days, although I may finally get time to do some running. So I will also be keeping myself in check over the coming week.

I think posting our overall losses sounds like a great idea for next week. I'll also be joining Lizzy's challenge as I want to keep my cycling and running up in the new year so I think that's a great idea too. We need all the motivation we can get at this time of year!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Thanks so much for your enouraging and positive words regarding my weight gain. I really do appreciate it. I've been on the cusp of the 12's before, and seen them escape from my grasp, and it is disappointing to have that situation repeated again - but I completely appreciate the timing and the circumstances, and like you say, a lot of it will be water retention. The thing I need to focus on is not letting my disappointment scupper my resolve to achieve the healthy balance I hope to achieve this week, in terms of coping with Christmas. There are many differences to this Christmas than to previous ones, in that instead of putting chocolate Christmas decorations on the tree, I've not got any on there this year - we've cut down the number of chocolates we put in our Advent boxes as well, and we've not been buying in as many extra treats etc as we normally would- so there are some changes that feel good.

It's great to hear you've had an enjoyable week, and enjoyed a few treats, but that you've managed to maintain your weight at 10 stone 3.0 pounds, that is really great! Your 60k of cycling is amazing, and I am sure it would have helped achieve some balance. Hope you enjoyed all those cycle rides. Enjoy the runs you are hoping to do this week. Hope the weather is kind. It's certainly been a lot milder than previous years.

Glad to hear you're also joining in with Lizzie's Super Challenge. It's an inspiring and motivating thread and I'm sure it will keep us going for the New Year.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to

You are doing really great Ruth. It is hard with so many temptations around but it is about about trying to keep a balance.

Enjoy the festivities


Berylbee3 profile image

Morning LowCal and happy Christmas to you and everyone within this group. I have maintained my weight this week at 12.12 which is surprising considering the naughties. This week will be different as I won't be undertaking the 10000 steps that I do on most workdays. Sorry at the moment the elusive 12s are eluding you LowCal but you will get there so don't be disheartened it's just a blip in a downward trend X 🙂

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

Hi Berylbee3,

Well done for maintaining your weight this week, that is really great. I think it's definitely a positive when the festive season is upon us. Like you say, surprising considering the naughties.

Thanks for your encouraging words, and I will try to stop myself from getting disheartened. There was part of me that felt rebellious and felt like eating lots of things, but thankfully a greater part of me stepped in and helped me gain more perspective and realise I didn't actually need or want to eat those extras. So that was good! Also, knowing we are all on the same path working towards our goals helped me stay focused - I always appreciate weighing in on a Monday, as it helps with challenging times like weekends etc. Having to be accountable on a Monday really helps me, and I hope it helps everyone who weighs in with us - we can do this!

Wishing you a great Christmas, and hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Berylbee3

It all sounds good to me, take it all in your stride.

Have a lovely Xmas.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Berylbee3

Hi Beryl, well done for managing to maintain :)

I was wondering if you'd signed up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge. It'll be a great motivator for keeping up the 10,000 steps/day, even while you're at home :)

kitkat34 profile image

hi low cal

I don't think you have put on 2ib

probably water retention

I've noticed sinice I've been maintaining,

my weight flutuaites daily weekly by a pound or two,

this week 9/10

a pound off

still maintained

new year I would like to maintain at 9/7

Happy Christmas

to every one

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi Kitkat34,

Congratulations for meeting your goal of maintaining, and also for losing 1 pound this week. You're right, weight fluctuates regularly. I am sure you're right about the water retention - Ruth has also mentioned that, and I think we often get that when it's the time of the month.

Great that you've set your goal for the New Year already. You have made excellent progress and you're getting very close to your ideal of 9 stone 7 pounds.

Happy Christmas, and have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to kitkat34

Good result Kitkat, you are still maintaining

Enjoy Xmas


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I found skinnylizzy on an old thread and have copied and pasted her

I am weighing in at 12stone 6.25 lb which is 3 lb less than last mon it is week 6 for me so I am really pleased to have lost that much this week have set a goal of 12 stone for new years day probably a bit too ambitious but I will try. Am so far avoiding all xmas stuff but enjoying wearing clothes with labels still on that I bought and never managed to get into. Merry xmas everyone x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

Great that you found Skinnylizzy's post on the old thread. Thanks for copying and pasting her here.

Message to SkinnyLizzy: Congratuations to you for losing 3 pounds this week, that is a fantastic result. Really good!!! Great that you've set yourself a goal for New Year's Day Lizzy, and good luck with that goal.

Great to hear you're enjoying wearing those clothes - hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to moreless

Ok Lizzy, I've brought you back :)

A 3lb loss is fantastic, WTG you! I'm a great believer in setting goals that are a real challenge, because they make you work harder and even if you don't achieve them, you know you've done the very best you could.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you reaching your target and like you am discovering clothes with tags on that I'm now able to wear with pride :)

Good morning and Lowcal and well done for giving yourself some treats and time out :) A small gain's a small price to pay.

Last week I weighed ..........188.75lb

This week I weighted ........ 187.50lb

Weekly loss .............................1.25lb

I'm surprised to report a loss, given that I had eased up this week and mainly put it down to increased activity including a 5 mile walk on Saturday.

As mentioned in previous posts, I'm getting by with not calorie counting and just trusting my judgement, so this is a positive result for me and I feel a lot more comfortable with my lifestyle and at ease with my food choices.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Tewson,

Wow, another great loss, Congratulations for losing 1.25 pounds this week, that is fantastic. I hope you enjoyed that 5 mile walk on Saturday.

Great that you're coping well with trusting your judgement and no longer relying on the calorie counting. That's a positive result, and great that you're feeling a lot more comfortable with your lifestyle and at ease with your food choices. I enjoy seeing your posts about the things you've been eating, and especially seeing pictures too.

Merry Christmas and here's to another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to

Hi Tewson,

It's all going good, and great to hear how positive you are feeling fab !

Happy Xmas to you and yours


in reply to

Hello flossie, fancy seeing you here :D

Have a lovely Christmas :)

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning Lowcal, Morning Everyone

Don't be too disappointed about your gain Lowcal, as you say it is a challenging time of year without the dreaded mother nature calling as well. I'm certain that you will limit any further damage this week and you may even report a loss on Monday, weight gained at this time of the month does seem to disappear as quickly as it appears.

I can't report a loss this week but managed to maintain my weight in spite of a 2nd

pre-Christmas night out which I am delighted about. My goal this week is pretty much the same as yours Lowcal, to enjoy the festivities and spending time with family and friends whilst keeping one eye on damage limitation.

I'd like to join you in wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2016, may we all achieve our weight loss goals in 2016. Finally, a huge thank you to the Fab 5 for the huge effort and support that you continue to contribute to the forum, you certainly help to keep me and I'm sure many others on right path.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi Mrsg3,

Oh I really hope you're right about the possibility that I might see a loss on the scales for next week - I would love that, but I just didn't feel confident to put it as a goal for this week, as I admit I do fear the potential that Christmas Day and Boxing Day could scupper that goal. But if I do see a loss on the scales, then that will be an unexpected bonus, and I will be really really happy.

Congratulations to you for maintaining your weight in spite of that second pre-Christmas night out. That is a great result! Well done!!!

Great to hear you're also aiming to achieve 'Damage Limitation' and that you are looking forward to enjoying the festivities with your family and friends.

Very Merry Christmas, and here's to us all achieving our weight loss goals for 2016. Great that we're all on the right path. Glad you enjoy the Fab 5'ers Monday Weigh-in Group thread as much as I do.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

You've done good, and do agree about damage limitation!!! For me once I take the 'brakes off' it all goes to pot so my plan it's about eating sensibly!

Have a lovely Xmas and I know 2016 will our year( all of us I mean)


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Well done for maintaining mrsg - no mean feat at this time of year :)

Hope you're all set for our trip Around the World :)

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to moreless

I'm not sure that I'll be much help in the Around the World km challenge, I go on holiday for 3 weeks between Christmas and New Year and I'm not expecting the wi-fi to be all that reliable. I wish you all a safe trip though and will be joining in the next excursion when I get back.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

The challenge will be going long after you get back and we'll need you with us :)

trafford1 profile image

Hi Lowcal, I was hoping to be celebrating with you today. If I had one wish this Christmas it would be that you had gotten into the 12's, but not to worry I know from my own recent experience that the body does hold onto water when it's your time of month and this happened to me just at the six stone marker and the water I drank just wouldn't leave my body so I am sure that would have something to do with it and It couldn't have happened at a worse time hun.

I predict with Christmas day heading our way and boxing day and new years eve and new years day....we are all going to face challenges, but I have no doubt that once the new year rolls round we will all jump back on the weight loss wagon and have a very successful January and you will see the 12's by then.

Just remind yourself of how far you have come on your journey and how your life has changed for the better. It's not just about where we are today so let's all remind ourselves of where we came from and celebrate all our achievements in 2015 :-)

Today I am celebrating my wardrobe and I have purchased some size 10 clothes and I have them all laid out on my bed and as I look at each and everyone of them they make me feel so proud of myself as I was wearing a 22 this time last year. Go and find yourself something to celebrate such as looking at an old photo or just look at yourself in the mirror and congratulate yourself today and most of all be proud.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Lowcal :-)

Trafford1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thank you so much for your kind words, and your constant encouragement. I always look forward to your posts, they are always really positive and encouraging, and I wish I could have shared the news that I was into the 12's today, but of course, it is not to be. But I retain hope and I am sure that water retention is partly to blame - but I have also eaten some naughties - I particularly enjoyed the 'stollen cake' - it is very moreish, so I am glad I haven't got any more of that in the house. Infact, I have to admit, I had wrapped up a box of the stuff as a Christmas present for someone else, and of course, knowing it was there, somehow that naughty gremlin persuaded me to open it and eat it!!! Can you believe it???? (I wonder how many other people have been doing that this year - I have done it in past years, mainly with chocolate sweets for children, which has made me feel bad!)

Anyway, that's my confession over, and I hope not to do any more of that sort of behaviour this week. :-)

I am excited to hear you're enjoying looking at all your lovely size 10 clothes. Wow, amazing to think that previously you had size 22's - that is such a vast change in body size - you are many times reduced in size Trafford!

Actually, I haven't done my body measurements for a while - I normally do them once a month, and I've just not done them for about 2 months now. I will have to investigate.

Your idea to get out an old photo and compare with now is a good one. Infact, you've reminded me that someone who I'd not seen for 3 years actually didn't recognise me when she saw me the other day. I had to literally tell her who I am - she was amazed! I hadn't realised I'd changed that much, but my husband said he wasn't surprised at all, as he said I do look different now.

Anyway, this is a long reply, but I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your support, and I will look for your Saturday post - if you'll be posting on Boxing Day? If not, then whenever you next post, I'll look out to see how you're getting on. Good luck! You're doing brilliantly. :-)

Happy Christmas and have a lovely week.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Zest

Not sure if I will be weighing in the day after Christmas day Lowcal LOL :-) Not sure anyone will be weighing in on boxing day teehee :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

You're right there Trafford1 - I'd forgotten it was Boxing Day on Saturday. We definitely won't be weighing in on that day - any of us. I doubt it very much... :-)

in reply to trafford1

Fab, fab,fab xx


Prin profile image
Prin in reply to trafford1

Trafford don't pay too much mind to lowcal, she is very tall and is a healthy BMI ;) I want her to achieve her goals though too!

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Prin

She will definitely get there with us pushing her :-) and I remember she posted she was a tall lady and it's good to hear that all she wants is to be in the 12's so let's continue together with the support and motivation she needs to succeed in reaching her personal goal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to trafford1

I tell you what -the power we have collectively is amazing - morelesses weight loss has kept me smiling all day!

Hi Lowcal,

Like your attitude you know what's gone on and you are going with it, it's hard to stay on track day to day with all this extra food around

Like you I will not get my target of 'legs 11' but I know we have all 2016 to focus on and what with trekking round the world and Suepers Easter egg challange it's all go.

Have a lovely Xmas and if I don't catch you on the 28th then best wishes for 2016 and thank you for your support and open friendship xx


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flossie,

Thanks very much, I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement, and I really hope that you and I achieve our goals in 2016 - you to get to lovely 'Legs 11' and me to get to the tempting 12's. You're right, trekking round the World with Lizzy will definitely help us.

Now, I've not heard of Sueper's Easter Egg Challenge, so now I need to check that out!!!

Hope you have a lovely Christmas, and best wishes to you for 2016 (incase we don't catch up on 28th), and thanks for your supportive posts and encouragement. Really appreciated as always.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

skinnylizzie profile image

High everyone hope this is the right place now, weighing in at 12st 6.25lb which is a 3 lb loss on week 6 so very pleased. It has strengthened my resolve to not eat xmas goodies but wear my clothes which have been stashed away new with labels on waiting for me to shrink!! Merry xmas everyone keep strong.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to skinnylizzie

Hi Skinnylizzie,

Yes, you're in the right place. Moreless has also copied and pasted your post that you did in the old post - and I also replied to that above, but basically I said:

Message to SkinnyLizzy: Congratuations to you for losing 3 pounds this week, that is a fantastic result. Really good!!! Great that you've set yourself a goal for New Year's Day Lizzy, and good luck with that goal.

Great to hear you're enjoying wearing those clothes - hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Lizzy - you're doing really well, hope you have a fantastic week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to skinnylizzie

Go skinnylizzie, fantastic, enjoy cutting those labels off and ' moderation is the key' (remind of that when I weigh in next lol)

Have lovely Xmas


in reply to skinnylizzie

It's good to see you here skinnylizzie and fantastic that you lost 3lb. Enjoy Christmas in your new clothes :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to skinnylizzie

You are doing such a great job skinnylizzie and I am so please to hear you have lost 3 lbs this week on week 6. Many congratulations hun :-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi everyone.

Lowcal they don't call it the curse for nothing. Those elusive twelves are beckoning you. Well done on making all your gym goals.

What a fantastic thing this thread is. I woke up this morning feel ing ill, blobby and defeated: high jacked by a week of Xmas eating and addictive snacks -sugary food is really bad for my moods. Thanks to you all I weighed myself, got the very bad news out the way, read all the posts so far and I felt energised.

I gained 1.2kgs last week. I now weigh 91.2kgs. I logged everything I ate into MFP so I know how badly I ate last week, when and why. The real problem is that sugary, greasy stuff is addictive so a very small slice at a party generates cravings: I now need to today is all about that (oh plus work, carols, a few visits on the way home..)

The weather is glorious. Happy holidays everyone.💐

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gonti

Hi Gonti,

Really sorry to hear you woke up feeling so rotten! Sounds like Christmas had hi-jacked you as well, making you eat those addictive sugary snacks - it doesn't help our moods does it...!

Really glad you're feeling better for having read through the posts, and also that you're feeling energised too - that is a good feeling, and hope you can maintain it, and enjoy the rest of the day, and week ahead.

You've gained 1.2 kgs - and you know what contributed to that. Good luck with your goal to detox today - sounds like you have a busy day, so hope you get through it ok and enjoy the glorious weather.

Wishing you very happy holidays, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

So good to hear from you Gonti, the nice thing about any gains this time of year, is that they are only temporary. :)

Have a lovely Christmas

in reply to Gonti

When we know how it all been done then it's easier to put right. Enjoy the festivities and you are so right once tasted those goodies just keep on coming !lol

Happy Xmas


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonti

This thread should be on prescription! I'm so pleased that it made you feel heaps better after waking up feeling bleeeuurrgghh! :)

Stay away from the sugar, it bites! :o

Happy hols to you too :)

bakersdozen profile image

I have lost 3 lbs this week! Iam now 12.10 and hoping to loose this week at least 2 lbs. This past week I have increased my walking.

Have a nice week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bakersdozen

Hi Bakersdozen,

Wow, what a great result, that is fantastic. Congratulations on losing 3 pounds this week. You're well into the 12's now, that is so great!!! :-)

Did you enjoy your walks? It's great that you've upped your walking, such a healthy form of exercise.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to Zest

Thanks ! I loved the walking. Well I only see on this thread exercise so I got jealous and decided I also have to join in and shift those unwanted pounds! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bakersdozen

That's great - you could join in Lizzy's Super challenge if you've not already done so. It's great that you're enjoying the walking. Let's hope the weather stays milder so we can enjoy some good walks. :-)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to Zest

The reason why I am hesitant to sign up is that one has to walk 8.5 hours every single day and I have to admit it is a bit much. Yesterday I walked 2 hours and I can usually do 6 days a week not 7 plus this week my son has a half day so that day is out. Am I eligible as I would love to sign up?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

Not 8.5 hours, 8.5 kilometres! :)

Believe me bd, every K you kick would be welcome and no matter if it's not 8.5 :)

We may sign up 120 people, then the average requirement would only be 4.25K's :)

You are more than eligible, you are wanted! :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

Sorry I thought a km is an hour but it sounds like I have to go back to school! :) Thanks for welcoming me!

Great you lost 5.5 lbs in such a challenging week that is amazing! You are a star!

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

I worked it out 2 hours is 10 km. Am I correct?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

You need to know how many steps you're doing to be able to calculate a distance.

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

Oh my goodness you are really making me work hard! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

It's what we all have to do. Some people have gadgets and gizmos to help out, I just have to use the old-fashioned method of counting :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

Which is good counting cause than I learn how to count! :) Actually it does say on Google how long a km is 10 min moderate walking!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

But how do you quantify moderate? Is your moderate the same as my moderate, or Paula Radcliffe's moderate? ;)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

I count steps lets say 200 steps and than times to km. Is that how you convert it? I can hear you are so perfect! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

All you have to do, is count the steps you take. Lizzie will do the conversion :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bakersdozen

Hi Bakersdozen,

Lizzy told me that you take the number of steps and then divide by 10,000 and then times the result by 7.5 to get the Kms.

Therefore 200 steps divided by 10,000 = 0.02 and times that by 7.5 = 0.15 km.

Hope that helps.

Lowcal :-)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to Zest


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bakersdozen

I agree with Moreless, you are definitely elligible. I rarely manage to do 8.5 km in a day, so I am hoping to just do what I can, and it all contributes, so the more the merrier for Lizzy's challenge. Great that you're going to sign up - the link to her post is in the top of this thread, so you can easily link to it and sign yourself up. :-)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to Zest

Thanks for encouraging me! I thought you only wanted people who run marathons! :) Is that what you are trying to do and than my hubby will tell me to stop as I will be too skinny! :)

I didn't even say that I am sorry to hear about your gain when you encouraging me that is so naughty of me! I better behave or else! :)

in reply to bakersdozen

Fantastic loss, well into the 12's.

Enjoy your Xmas and the walking


bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to

Thanks for replying!I am over the moon!

in reply to bakersdozen

Well done Bakersdozen, you'll be entering the New Year a "New you" at this rate :)

Have a lovely Christmas

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to

:) Thanks for replying!

I liked your post regarding you are now judging yourself and not cal counting!

RoundRobin profile image

Morning all, so after my 2.4lbs gain last week I've lost 3lbs so that is another 0.6lbs in the right direct. My Christmas strategy is skinny jeans. Only so much food you can eat in skinny jeans haha

Congrats to everyone that's lost and commiserations to any gains. Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas week 🙌🎅

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RoundRobin

Hi RoundRobin,

Fantastic to hear you've lost 3 pounds this week, which means you've achieved an overall loss over the past 2 weeks - I suspect that Ruth will count the whole 3 pound loss as this week's result, as she would also have counted your gain in last week's stats.

You've got a new strategy for Christmas with your skinny jeans. Let us know how that goes.

Wishing you a fantastic Christmas week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to RoundRobin

Fab result and enjoy them skinny jeans, maybe that's another challange ? how much can we eat in skinny jeans ! Lol.

Enjoy Xmas


in reply to RoundRobin

Well done on turning things around and ending in a loss :)

Have a lovely Christmas

vickster5 profile image

Sorry for you gain Lowcal, at least you know why and well done on the gym, i hope it went well.

i am pleased as lost 2lbs this week, despite succumbing to all festive sweet things one day and a couple of Xmas dos. I believe for me hormones play a huge influence on my weight as i am sure another week that would have been a good few lbs gain! I did see the 11s at some point this week but not today. Lowcal we will continue to strive for our elusive stonage in the NY. I too will be aiming for damage limitation. I love the idea of a comparison next week as it should be such a positive instead of us feeling perhaps down after Christmas excess! ☺

Well wishing those celebrators a happy Christmas

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

I did enjoy being back at the gym, thanks. I had mixed feelings before I went, but was glad that I felt ok when I got there, and I enjoyed my work-outs. I wish I'd managed to go 3 times, but I just couldn't manage it. Twice was good though!

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, that is fantastic!!! :-) Hope you enjoyed your Christmas Do's and the festive sweet things. Great that you saw the 11's at some point last week. Hopefully you will see them again soon! Yes, we must continue to strive for our elusive stonage shifts in the NY. Good luck with Damage Limitation.

Glad you like the idea of a comparison next week - definitely a positive after a time of potential Christmas excess.

Happy Christmas!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to vickster5

It's all good, I like the plan ' damage limitation ' it works for me!

Have a lovely Xmas


Wood05 profile image

Good morning everyone!! :)

First off a bit premature but Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!!!

So my weigh in this morning saw me loosing 1.1kg! Yippee so happy! I'm now the lowest weight I've been in about 3 years- still have more weight to go++++ but am amazed at what I've achieved in 9 weeks

By March 7th I hope to have lost another 13kg and be at 70kg but I'm not sure how realistic this is-

My partner also managed a loss of 0.7kg- I know he's found this week hard so I'm very proud :)

I guess all that's left to say is I hope everyone had a happy healthy and comfortable festive period I know my clothes will fit more comfortably than they did this time last year! :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Wood05

Hi Wood05,

Wow, another great result - Congratulations on losing 1.1kg!!!! That is fantastic!!!! :-)

You've achieved such a lot in 9 weeks, and it's so great to hear you're the lowest weight you've been in about 3 years - that is brilliant! Great that your partner has also managed a loss of 0.7kg - Congratulations to him too, especially as he found the week hard.

Enjoy wearing those more comfy fitting clothes, and hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year for 2016.

Wishing you another great week.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Wood05

Yaaaay Wood WTG you! A 1.1kg loss is fantastic! :)

It's great when you can see just how far you've come. You hang onto those pipe dreams, they make you work even harder to achieve them and if you don't, you know you've tried your hardest :)

Here's to 70kg and a big well done to your partner :)

in reply to Wood05

Fab result, for you and partner, and I'm sure you will reach your target in 2016.

Have a fab Xmas


in reply to Wood05

Well done on the very respectable loss and for your partners loss too.

What a team! :)

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones :)

Ok so first time here, I'm weighing in stones, is that o.k. Anyway, 11 stone 6. Not expecting miracles next week with Christmas but at least I know something will have to be done.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pilpala,

I am so happy you joined us - a very Warm Welcome to you, and weighing in in stones is absolutely fine. We cope with stones or kilos, depending on a person's preference. Ruth_Canal_Runner does our weekly stats, and she copes well with either too.

Thanks for sharing your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so. I think it's admirable that you're starting before Christmas, as there's no time like the present.

Many of us are doing the NHS 12 week plan, so if you've not seen it, and would like to take a look - it can be found easily by clicking on the icon in the top centre of the page (entitled Weight Loss NHS) and then following to the link pages for the 12 week downloadable plan. It's really good. Many people also use Myfitnesspal to keep account of calories and exercise etc.

But whatever you do, I would like to wish you success with your weight loss goals, and hope you'll have a great first week.

Have a great week, and hope to see you in future Monday weigh-ins. We will be here on 28th December if you fancy a post Christmas weigh-in. :-) We are here every Monday!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks for welcome low cal, I shall have a look at site you suggest, but I have been there before and my motivation just wasn't with me. Now however I know I need to make an effort. I have M.E. and find exercise hard. Feel shattered today, don't know why, but went for a walk. Only intend to cut food slightly as I want a permanent change not a six week wonder. Let's see what happens after Christmas.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pilpala,

I agree, having something that becomes part of your ongoing lifestyle is definitely something that can be potentially maintained for life. The NHS 12 week plan does give pointers that can be maintained long-term. It's not a fad or six week wonder - it is more sustainable. That's my opinion of course, I know that what works for one person is not necessarily something that works for another. We're all individuals. We need to find things that work for our own lifestyles and preferences.

Great that you enjoyed a walk today. Lovely to be out in the fresh air - a great way to exercise.

Yes, let's see how things go over Christmas, and wishing you well.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Hi and welcome Pilpala,

It's great that you've joined us and shared your starting weight with us. I'm an old fashioned girl, so stones and pounds are what I understand best :)

What a great time to start on your journey, because it'll make you more mindful of what you eat and drink over the Christmas period.

Looking forward to seeing how you've fared next week :)

Have a super Christmas :)

in reply to

Just go for it, slow and steady wins the race.

Enjoy your week


Marianne0915 profile image

Thank you Lowcal for a very informative post, I also have not reached the 12s but have had some do's along with some chocolate biscuits brought from Germany for us so... i was 13.1.6 and today 13.1.3, a minuscule loss but I'm satisfied. Happy Christmas and a Positive Happy New Year to everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Marianne0915

Hi Marianne,

I think you've done really well to achieve a loss on the scales this week, especially with the Do's and those delicious sounding Chocolate biscuits from Germany. Congratulations on losing 0.3 pound, that is really good!

Wishing you a Very Happy Christmas and also a very positive and happy New Year for 2016.

Enjoy your festive week.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Marianne0915

A loss is a loss Marianne and is therefore to be celebrated, but not with a choccy biccy ;)

Keep going like this and you'll emerge into the New Year a happier and healthier person and no further from your goal of the 12's and maybe even into them :)

Happy holidays :)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to moreless

Thank you, all the best.

in reply to Marianne0915

It all counts, even the little bits ! Lol

Have a lovely Xmas and 2016


Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to

Thank you flossie358, the same to you and yours.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

10.00am - I am going to go to the gym! I'll be back later! :-)

flavourfiend profile image

Wow! Well done everyone. Don't know how you losers managed it this week ☺

Keep it up!

I managed to stick at 110 kgs, same as 10 days ago. Down from 120 kgs in 9 weeks.

That was despite 2 parties, with lots of nice food, and an evening with a Polish friend who came round unexpected, carrying a bottle of vodka and a bag of naughties, seeking consolation for his awful love life. And once you open the bottle, you know, it just won't keep... ☺

So not unhappy with that. If I can see in the New Year without putting anything on, I'll be delighted. The knees are feeling better, so will hopefully manage to get more exercise in the New Year, too.

It says that, to have a BMI of 25 (instead of the current 34), I should weigh 81kgs - last seen in 1988, when I was living in a very poor part of the world, in a mountain village without any roads. Not sure if I'll get close to that, but anything around 90 kgs would allow me to wear all my old clothes. Some of which may now even be fashionable once again!

That's my goal for 2016, anyway.

Good luck and Merry Xmas to all.

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to flavourfiend

Hi, keep positive and always have your end goal in mind. Best wishes for now and 2016.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to flavourfiend

I would say you've done extremely well flavourfiend and are probably the envy of some that have succumbed to Christmas goodies, but not fared as well :)

If you're needing any motivation with your exercise, may I suggest signing up to Lizzie's around the world in 80 days challenge? :)

I'm sure that 2016 will see you fitting into your retro clothes :)

SVR28 profile image

Happy Monday everyone! Last weigh-in (a couple of weeks ago) I was 101.1kgs, I am now 99.9kgs so a loss of 1.2kgs Yippee! .

Although I fear this will be short lived because yesterday I baked with my little boy a tower of biscuits to make up a Christmas tree decorated in butter icing and hundreds and thousands etc. There was cookie dough left over so of course we had try some of that, then there were a couple of mince pies while decorating the actual tree, so I think this eating will catch up with me in the next couple of days so I had better get back on track forthwith! My aim for Christmas was to be in the 90's.

Also I have been floored by a nasty cold boarding on flu for the past 9 says so have been a-bed and off the forums. It's been awful and has thrown my eating off completely.

Lowcal I'm sorry to hear of your gain but you have your target in mind and I am quite sure with your spirit you will do it! Come on those 12's - best gift of all at Christmas.

Best of luck to everyone over this difficult time. It's just a roast dinner afterall and we don't need all the other stuff, not really.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Yaaaaay SVR, you've gone under the 100! WTG you! What a great achievement and you've reached your Christmas target :)

Sorry that you've been so under the weather for so long, I hope you're feeling much better now and that it's not going to impact upon your enjoyment of Christmas.

You're right, it's just a roast dinner and I have one of those most sundays, so why should this one be so scary :)

Loving the mantra, make sure you don't forget it the next time you're baking ;)

Carpo82 profile image

Morning everyone. this will be my last weigh in this year as I'm off to Norway for Christmas.

I weighed in at 82.6 kg today.last week I was 82.9kg so I've lost 0.3 kg. i was expecting to have gained as i haven't had much time for exercise or eating properly.have had a stressful week at work, lots of loose ends to tighten up before going away combined with launch of a new computer system and a server crash... also mother nature decided to come knocking and had all our friends over yesterday for a Christmas party and i probably ate/drank about double my daily calories. But it's Christmas only once a year:)

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all.see you on the other side.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Carpo82

Wow Carpo! Considering everything you've been dealing with, a 0.3kg loss is amazing! :)

If you can manage as well during the holiday, you'll be laughing :)

I hope you have a smashing time in Norway and we'll look forward to hearing all about how things have gone in the new year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you :)

slimjan profile image

Hi Lowcal, I haven't signed in for a few weeks as decided to give it a rest and enjoy the Christmas season, however pleased to say I haven't gained any weight so hopeing to maintain this over the Christmas week but hey ho it will come off after if I don't.

Talking about compairing with 1st of January last year I am still over a stone lighter and that is deffinatly down to your help and support. I will be getting back to it in the new year so can I take this opportunity to wish everyone a VERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to slimjan

Hi slimjan,

You're doing really well not to have gained in the lead up to Christmas and I'm sure you'll be able to continue in the same way throughout the festivities :)

Well done for being a stone lighter than a year ago :)

Thanks for the good wishes and wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year too :)

According to my WiiFit I am 12 stone 3 pounds this morning. I need to lose 6 pounds to get to my current target which is 11 stone 11, which will put me at the very top of my healthy weight range BMI 24.99.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Hi Anthony,

Is this your starting weight? It's great to be mindful of what we're eating through the Christmas period, it stops us from going completely overboard and gaining heaps of unwanted pounds. I'm sure then, that once the festivities are over, you'll have no problem getting rid of those 6 pounds and you'll be back within your healthy weight range,

All the best and Merry Christmas :)

in reply to moreless

Hi moreless,

Back in Autumn 2014 I was in the obese BMI category over BMI 30, over 14 stone. I did get down to just under 12 stone a few weeks ago, but have been a bit naughty stuffing my face with sandwiches at a staff buffet on Friday and then an Indian takeaway at the weekend plus scoffing some shortbread and chocolates over the weekend that were given as Christmas presents by people at work. Now I'm back on track again until Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Wow Anthony, what a great journey :)

Let's hope we can help you get shot of those last 6 pesky pounds :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony43,

That is great progress, really well done!!! :-)

Merry Christmas!

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I found FFUDON on a old thread and have copied and pasted his post

24,04 / 23,10 / 23,06 / 23,03

This last week I doubled my exercise and cut out all carbs, I was expecting a big loss, but today I'm 23,01.

At least I'm still going in the right direction ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to moreless

Be patient FFUDON, your body's probably gone into shock! :)

2lbs is still a great loss though, especially at this time of year :)

You are most definitely going in the right direction, so well done you! :)

Keep going and have a smashing Christmas :)

FFUDON profile image
FFUDON in reply to moreless


rosie-2015 profile image

Hi lowcal I'm sorry to hear that you've missed out on the 12s but i have no doubt whatsoever that you will hit it after the holiday or even before then, I'm a bit dissapointed myself because I've gone from 16st 4ozs to 15st 13lb 8ozs I'm still glad of any loss because my mobility is zero due to health problems i'm looking forward to xmas day and i wish you all a very merry xmas 😁

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

Why are you disappointed Rosie? You've lost 4.5lbs and have moved from the 16's into the 15's! In my book, that's a fantastic achievement :)

Keep doing what you're doing, because it's obviously working :)

I hope you have a lovely Christmas :)

rosie-2015 profile image

Thanks moreless I'm on to my 10th wk and hoping to reach 15st 12 lb at the end of wk 12 that will be a loss of my first stone only another 5 to go lol. I hope you have a lovely xmas and a great 2016 😁👍

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie-2015

Hi Rosie-2015,

You are doing really well, Congratulations on getting into the 15's, and you're really close to your first stone.

Merry Christmas and here's to a great 2016.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

I'm sure you'll get rid of that pound and a half by the end of your 12 weeks Rosie and don't worry about having another 5st to lose, I've got 6! :)

doctorwho68 profile image

Hi everyone,

Not a good week stress wise. Put it this way if it could go wrong it did, from a dead mobile phone to discovering a very damp wall at floor level in the dining room.

Not as much exercise this week and had a period too and been getting a little lightheaded and feeling lethargic.

Saturday night had an evening with friends and consumed more food and wine than I would have liked and definitely paid for it with a hangover from hell on Sunday. After that was not expecting the best result this week.

Last week 15/12/15: 10st 8lbs

This week 21/12/15: 10st 9.25lbs

So that's a gain of 1.25lbs

With next week being Christmas week I'm going to try at best to lose the 1.25lbs that I've gained this week and at worst not gain again this week.

Love to all. 😃

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to doctorwho68

Hi Doctorwho68,

Sounds like you've had a stressful and challenging week, many things have contributed, but at least you've only gained 1.25 pounds, it could have been worse!

Hopefully you've had your quota of bad luck for the year, and 2016 will see a turn-around and lots of good things coming your way!

You sound positive, and I am sure that will help you to achieve your goal for Christmas week.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

doctorwho68 profile image
doctorwho68 in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal for your encouragement, it's definitely not a good time of year to be losing weight that's for sure with all the temptation in the way.

Since I've been losing the weight it seems to help me deal with stress better if that makes sense. I certainly don't feel as depressed an anxious anymore.

Hope you have a fabulous week 😀😇

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to doctorwho68

Really glad that losing weight has helped you feel better in yourself. That's a great outcome. :-)

WeightWarrior profile image

Hi everyone and Merry Christmas! Just checking in quickly for the Monday weigh in. Congrats/commiserations to everyone. Sorry about your gain lowcal, but Mother Nature definitely had a big hand in it, I'm sure. Onwards....those 12's await you after Christmas!

Lost 3 pounds this week. Crazy stuff but I'm happy because it's a "good" crazy. My chart says I have a half a pound to lose to be on target for my original birthday goal, because I originally started on a Wednesday and then moved my weigh in day to join you all. Not sure I will manage to kick that half pound before this Wednesday, but even if I don't, I've still done better than I thought I would so all is well.

Merry, Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all have a fab time!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to WeightWarrior

Hi WeightWarrior,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words.

Fantastic to hear you've had another great result this week, wow, 3 pounds lost is so great, and I know you achieved the milestone of losing 2 stones in total last Monday - you're well on track for your original Birthday goal - good luck in shifting that half a pound before this Wednesday - but even if you don't do it, you've done better than you thought you would - so either way it's a 'win-win' situation.

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas! Here's to a fab time for us all. :-)

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to WeightWarrior

Yaay WW! 3lbs down is fab! :)

I bet you can get that other 1/2lb in time for your birthday, you go for it.

Just in case I forget, many happy returns for your birthday, I hope you have a great time, especially as you're so much slimmer and trimmer :)

How's that bicycle thingy going? :)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to moreless

It's really not at the minute! I've been drowning in present wrapping and card writing and don't seem to have the co-ordination to be able to pedal and wrap/write at the same time! I think I have 4 things left to wrap. My memory and concentration are so poor that I thought I finished, and then more stuff arrived through the post which I'd forgotten I ordered. The plus side of this is that we'll have a happy, even if perhaps a little spoiled, son this year. He's been finding it hilarious...boxes arrive and hubby asks what I've ordered this time, and I say, because it's true, I genuinely have no idea what's in the parcel - lol! It's kind of like early Christmas for me, I get to unwrap lots of parcels and don't know what's in them :-D

I am still mindful of the pedal thingy, I just seem to have been struggling to juggle not having too much pain and normal household stuff AND present wrapping. Sounds pathetic when I say it, I'm really hoping that as more weight comes off things will get easier to manage physically because right now I only have to add one extra thing and it seems to affect me...bah humbug to that, let's have a good Christmas and pop those pills eh! (rolls eyes - you know how I feel about that!). xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to WeightWarrior

It's a bit like that patting the head, rubbing the tummy thing :)

You sound like my daughter, she buys presents all year round and puts them in the loft. Come Christmas, it's like Aladdin's cave up there and she has no idea what she's got! :)

I'm dying to know how you get on with the pedaller, because the exercise bike made such a huge difference to my legs, I've actually got ankle bones now! Mind you, I'm gutted, because I pedalled the poor thing into oblivion and it's now gone to that great exercise bike place in the sky ;)

I don't think you sound pathetic at all, Christmas is both physically and emotionally draining for all of us and I suspect that most of us are hankering after a little peace and quiet.

I hope you have a fab Christmas without having to resort to too many pills :)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to moreless

Yep, that's me, the spare room is that cave. A couple of nights I was up late finishing some wrapping and found soppy films to watch at same time, ending up going to bed way too late. My leg had swollen up profoundly. Then in the morning when I got up, the swelling had gone down quite a bit, although those couple of nights, it hadn't gone down to "my normal" for the morning. So yes, I will be very interested to see how the pedal thing affects things too. Is there a way that the rotation of the pedals can translate into kms for the group lowcal speaks of? I wonder if I joined that group whether I might be more motivated to knuckle down and fit it in around other stuff in the new year...

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to WeightWarrior

I should just say...the reason I ask is because there is nothing which tells you how far you've gone etc.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to WeightWarrior

That's the same as my now defunct exercise bike :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to WeightWarrior

Absolutely! That's how I clock up most of my K's.

I calculated that each rotation of a pedal was one rotation of the wheel of my bike. I couldn't accurately measure the circumference of the wheel because it's encased, but I could measure the diameter. Then I found a mathematical formula online to calculate what the circumference was.

It transpired that the circumference equalled an average step (75cms), therefore 10,000 steps (rotations) equals 7.5kms.

I could never pedal for that long, so broke it right down to 200 rotations to start with (keep a chart), then kept increasing until I was doing 3000 at a time.

Last week I managed 100K's using that formula :)

It would be lovely to have you on the team and travel Around the World together :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to WeightWarrior

I find that on the bike at the gym, it says I do 3km every 10minutes.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

That's because you're super speedy :)

I could never guarantee an average speed, so to be more accurate, I counted pedal rotations :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to moreless

That sounds like a good plan!

I start pedalling like crazy if I get near the end and the counter seems too far off from the 3k, lol.

thealley profile image

Work Xmas do meant a 1lb increase this week but to be expected too much food, alcohol and a late night kebab!

Ashamed :(

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to thealley

Oh my goodness thealley, don't be ashamed, you're no less human than the rest of us. If you can't let your hair down at Christmas, then when can you?

Lift up your head and be proud that it was only 1lb and you have your eye on it. With the new year will come new determination and that pound will be kicked back to where it came from (probably the kebab shop ;) )

Forget about this and have a fantastic Christmas :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to thealley

Ashamed? More like human! I hope you enjoyed it

thealley profile image
thealley in reply to Prin

That's the worst bit I don't even remember the taste although I did ask for lots of salad! :)

nickynoo77 profile image

Evening all

Just popping in to say that despite maintaining for 2 weeks I have now managed 1.5lb loss this week. Not quite at my goal for Xmas (1.5lb away)! but so proud of what I have achieved in the last few months. I have now lost a total of 1stone 6.5lbs 😀. Swimming is now part of my weekly routine and I go 2-3 times a week.

My goal for the New Year...yes I know I've said it before! but the gym will become part of my exercise regime in January as well as swimming. Hubby hs pursued me and we'll be going together like we do with swimming and walking.

My goal weight loss wise is to lose a further 2 stone (taking me to 10stone 8.5lb) and see how I feel at that point.

Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas. See you on the 28th when hopefully I will have managed to maintain over Christmas 😉 and not gain (how likely this is remains to be seen).

Nic ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to nickynoo77

Hi Nic,

Congratulations to you for achieving a loss of 1.5 pounds this week, that is really great! You've lost an amazing total of 1 stone 6.5 pounds - that is really great too!!! :-)

Glad you'll be with us for the weigh-in on 28th December, and hope you do well with your goal to maintain over Christmas, and most importantly I hope you have a really lovely Christmas.

Wishing you a festive week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

nickynoo77 profile image
nickynoo77 in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal it really means a lot being on this forum with all yours and others support.

Happy Christmas

Nic ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to nickynoo77

Hi Nic,

I know what you mean - I love the forum too - it's so great that our Monday weigh-in group is popular and that people are so enthusiastic and committed to their goals. We help each other through when it gets tough, and encourage one another - and it's really good.

Happy Christmas! :-)

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to nickynoo77

Hi Nic,

2015 has been a good year for you weight loss and fitness wise and I'm sure 2016 will be even better :)

Many congrats for the weight you've lost so far and good luck for the other 2st :)

Now that you're regularly splashing out the lengths at the swimming pool, walking and are about to embark on a fitness regime at the gym, how about signing up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge for extra motivation and to log all of the kilometres you've been able to kick? :)

tubbycat profile image

One pound off this week now 11.11 so steady does it. However for two days I have been out a lot and found it so hard to keep track of calories. A sandwich for breakfast at St Pancras this morning, a take away cous cous salad for lunch... and then you give up counting. I haven't gone mad but just feel disheartened, a bit out of control especially with Christmas coming, the pressure get s worse (family sitting here with large box of chocolate biscuits in front of them- they are all skinnies!)

I suppose if I am working up in London I need to plan in advance but family are visiting and it is all very busy,busy busy......

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to tubbycat

Hi Tubbycat,

Wow, that's great - Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week - you're all the '11's today! Sounds like you've had a busy couple of days recently, being out and about. It can be more difficult to keep track of calories at such times.

Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit disheartened though - try not to let that feeling take hold, because you need to keep your strength and resolve when faced with those skinnies and that large box of chocolate biscuits - it's good to have a plan of action beforehand to help you to cope - you know it's going to be a probable scenario, and so think about your tactics of how you'll handle it - maybe you could limit your selection to your favourite biscuit, and just have the one. Or if you don't want to have one at all, then try practising saying 'no' beforehand.

I know you're anticipating 'busy, busy, busy' - and I suspect you'll be right about that, but a mantra that helps me sometimes is thinking 'This too will pass' - I often think that on occasions when I am finding a situation stressful in some way, and somehow it really helps! It might not help you, but if it does, then that's great! :-)

Pre-planning is very much a key to coping - at least in my book, and putting the time in to pre-plan may help you to get through something that would otherwise leave you feeling out of control, and therefore stressed out.

I feel as if I'm 'rambling' at bit - so I am going to go and watch a bit of TV now, and will pop back later, incase there are any late-night weighers about.

Hope my reply makes sense, and that it's hopefully helpful in some small way.

Wishing you a great week ahead, and Congratulations again on such a great result in such a challenging week.

Happy Christmas.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

I'm going to pop back later to check if there are any late-night weighers. So rest assured that one of the Fab 5'ers will respond to you. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

11.50pm - I'm off to bed now - but I will pop back tomorrow morning, just incase there are any late weighers. Hope everyone has had a great day, and I am impressed by all the great results, especially considering it's the festive period.

Night night! :-)

I have been wavering around 11st 11 for ages; seemed to go to 11;10 then back up. Shocking day where it (I) hit 12 again. Today was 11st 9.5. Not getting enough exercise and now kind of waiting for Xmas to be over.. probably the wrong way to go about it. Anyway, was very happy to see a single figure for the second number. Trying to push on to 11 and a half now. All best wishes to all for the holiday season, and thank you to the community.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Well done Frankie for hanging on in there and getting that single figure :)

For some extra motivation to get more active and reach that goal of 11 and a half, how about signing up for Lizzie's Around the World challenge? :)

suzybenj profile image

C'mon Prin - waiting to commiserate or celebrate:-)

Dutchgirl profile image

Cannot weigh myself as I am at my dad's in UK and he has no scales. However I know I have gained as the old demon stress eating has visited again. Dad is in hospital and has been very ill so I turned to chocolate again. It has not helped of course! I am cross with myself but am going to get back to my healthy eating today. It will be hard at Xmas but I am sure I can do it. Good luck everyone with the coming week, and enjoy!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dutchgirl

Hi Dutchgirl,

So sorry to hear your Dad's ill and hope that he is comfortable in hospital and that they are giving him some good treatment there. Understandable that you have been stressed as a result, and turning to chocolate can often happen at such times of stress.

Good to hear you're getting back to healthy eating today, and good luck with that. Thanks for checking in with us, and letting us know how things are going for you.

I agree, Christmas is a challenging time, but you sound positive today, and the fact you feel sure you can do it is really great.

Wishing you a good Christmas, and look forward to catching up with you again on 28th December, if you fancy that day for a weigh-in.

Best wishes for your Dad's health, and hope he feels better and comfortable.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Not read past morelotlesses post well done girl! Will catch up with it all in a bit I am 11st dead today will take that :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Welcome back from your travels and hope you had a wonderful time in sunny Spain. :-)

Great to hear you're 11 stone exactly today - on the cusp of the 10's.

Wishing you a great Christmas week, and enjoy reading the thread later - it is really inspiring as usual.

Have a great Christmas!

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Zest

Grand thread this week where is Candystripe? great to see so many newbies joining us at this difficult time of the year and the oldies this thread works! No way would I have got on the scales this morning thanks to the fab 5 for prompting me ;) and it wasn't quite so bad after all!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Good point - I wonder where Candystripe is...?

Glad you coped ok with your weigh-in this morning, you were brave to face it so soon after getting back from your trip away. :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin :)

I want to be where you very cleverly are, at 11 stone. Only 6 stone to go! :D

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to moreless

a dose of trafford-itis should see you rack that up! PDQ especially with that bike of yours -this is my 3rd slim xmas not going back!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Prin

Trafford definitely keeps me on my toes, but my bike has died a death. Will have to wait til after Christmas to get myself sorted out.

Can't wait to be a successful maintainer like you :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Prin

Well done:-)

tubbycat profile image

Forgot to say (it was a little busy in the family room when I posted last night and I was worn out after my first day working flat out,with a trip up to London for a meeting), it is rotten to put on weight like that Lowcal but the vital thing is not to give up (not that you are likely to!) and forgive yourself sometimes. I was boating last night in my post how I resisted the chocolate biscuits and then later walked into the kitchen, saw the box and ATE TWO.

Have I already given this tip for low fat roasties at Xmas dinner? Pick out your portion from the par boiled ones (weigh them), put in a baking tray and spray with low cal spray oil and a little sea salt. Roast, and I swear you won't tell the difference! You may have to spray again half way...or do everyone's like that (but you'd have to be brave!)

I am out for dinner at friends tonight and have decided portion control is my damage limitation rather than offend, and go on about being on a diet. No one notices usually....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to tubbycat

Hi Tubbycat,

Great tip for low fat roasties - thanks for that! :-)

Many thanks for your encouraging words - I really appreciate them. I definitely won't give up - being part of this Monday group weigh-in thread helps to keep me focused and determined to succeed. It really helps a lot.

Hope you enjoy your meal out with friends tonight, and your strategy of portion control to ensure Damage Limitation sounds a really good plan.

Here's to an enjoyable Christmas, and here's to Damage Limitation. Achieving balance, and making the most of every moment.

Lowcal :-)

tubbycat profile image

I did not see you had replied LowCal (I am digitally hopeless I'm afraid) but thanks and yes preplanning is the key probably...and your mantra! Thanks for taking the time to reply-- PS the long term view is a great tip- look how far we have all come over all, not just looking at Xmas week aaaaargh

Want to join

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Gougougirl,

That's great, and welcome to the weigh-in. The weigh-ins are on Mondays, so the next one will be Monday 28th December (I'll post it before 7am). If you want, you could let us know your starting weight today (but only if you feel comfortable sharing it, there is no obligation to do so) - or just join us on Monday 28th December and start from there.

Wishing you a great Christmas, and it's great that you've joined us.

Are you doing the NHS 12 week plan? I would recommend it as a great plan and more of a lifestyle change than a 'diet' - definitely worth a look if you've not seen it. Just click on the icon in the top middle of the screen, labelled "Weight Loss NHS" and you can get to the 12 week downloadable plan, via the link pages. If you have any difficulty finding it, just let me know and I can paste you a direct link page.

Good luck with your goals.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks.I am in.I weigh 78kg...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Fantastic! Welcome to our group, and we'll look forward to catching up with you at the next weigh-in (28th December, if you're up for that one). Have a great week! :-)

LynFS profile image

Sorry for late entry, really disgusted with myself, I have put on 3lbs this week, too much temptation went to 4 Xmas markets over a couple of days with friends mulled wine etc. Nearly every town in France has these markets, so just had to sample a few. Was very tired afterwards and when I get tired I EAT. I live on my own except for the dogs and cats so there is no-one to stop me, and once started I find it hard to stop.

So I am going to start again in the New year. At least I haven't put all the weight I lost back on.

Happy Xmas & New Year to all.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LynFS

Hi Lyn,

Not to worry about being late :)

Don't think that you're the first person to be scuppered by Christmas, nor the last!

Ditch that disgust and put it all behind you, there's still room on the bandwagon :)

The fact that you haven't regained all the weight is great and I'm sure that come the new year, those 3lbs and more, will be banished forever :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to LynFS

Hi LynFS,

I agree with Moreless, put it behind you, and look forward to being healthy for the New Year. Great that you're joining us, and glad to have you on board.

Have a lovely week.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi all, can't get the thread to load up properly (last 2 weeks :/ ) and its like typing thru treacle!!! Just wanted to say I hope every one has a lovely Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas then i hope you get to enjoy some quality time off work..

I'm going to try and get on the thread early in future - seems the only way my phone can cope :)

See you next week :)

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Really sorry to hear that you had difficulty loading the thread up properly over the last 2 weeks, that must have been so frustrating! Glad you made it here today though! I did wonder where you were, and hoped all was well. :-)

We'll be here for the weigh-in on Monday 28th December, so your plan to log on early should hopefully help you access it ok.

Look forward to catching up with you then, and in the meantime have a lovely Christmas!

Lowcal :-)

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