Hello all!
I’ve been away for a long time. Back in late 2018, I joined Health Unlocked and got a lot of help and advice, then in 2019 I had a bad foot fracture and inaction took its toll. I basically stopped trying and life went on. Then my husband died very suddenly in 2020 and everything was made difficult by Brexit and Covid so I had too much to do to think, full stop.
It’s now 17 months later and, though not everything is sorted, it’s about time I started doing something about myself. So here I am! Computer said I couldn’t use my previous username because it was already used. I know that, I used it! 😂😂 It was annie dog walker.
I’ve gone back up to 71kgs and would like to go down to 65 as my first goal. I’m going off meat lately and would like to go on a 4/5 days veg and the rest meat, though right now I can only face white meat.
Well, that’s it for now, I hope to find some old names and to meet some new ones.