Hi my names Dawn l
Bored at home : Hi my names Dawn l - Weight Loss Support
Bored at home

It's easy to become bored, can't you think of anything to do, or do you just need to get out for a break?

Hi I'm a 12 week isolated I can't go out so a walks not even on the cards for me
Where abouts are you living Dawn? I thought walking was acceptable?
Sowerby bridge I got a letter saying I have to stay in no face to face no walks. It’s killing me this doing nothing every day. Driving me nuts
Hello and Welcome to the Weight Loss Forum Dawn1309
First of all, if you haven’t already then please read the Pinned Posts here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... Please read it carefully so you can find all the information you need to find your way around.
Boredom is a common trigger for overeating, we have lots of things happening around the forum to encourage extra activity or just friendly chat.
As a peer to peer support group we rely heavily upon mutual encouragement. Nothing beats joining in, reading posts and replying to others. Our Group Weigh-in and the Daily Diary are probably the best places to start
Best wishes in your weight loss journey
Indigo 😊

Have a look at Lytham jailbreak challenge. There are lots of ideas of things we are doing to keep busy. Lots of us are decluttering/spring cleaning/decorating. Do have a cupboard, room or something that needs a tidy? I have taken up knitting again and started an online photography course. Do you have a hobby that you would like to restart or an interest that you have never got round to starting? How's a great time to do it. There are lots of free courses available at the moment and lots of things like exercise workouts on YouTube.
Have a look at the daily diary on here for meal ideas and join in nutty natterings for a chat. There are lots of things you can do if you are bored and will help keep you away from the snacks if you find yourself eating due to boredom. Hope to see you around.
Hi thanks for the welcome. At the mo I'm trying to get sorted was supposed to be moving today. But that's been haltered till July now
Hi Dawn1309 I'm sorry to hear you are bored. I can't walk or weight bear because of my disability, but I have found a great new fun way to exercise. flidfit.com/2020/04/23/more...
You can find other ways to exercise too (take a look elsewhere on-line) - plus I spend a lot of time planning and preparing healthy meals as now, more than ever I need to concentrate on making sure I keep on track with my weight loss.
I completely sympathise. I was dreading getting a shielding letter as still on the GPs records for COPD in spite of a discussion re taking me off it. I was most frightened about people not physically seeing that I was OK and staying sane. Posted some notes to elderly neighbours and have a "look out for you" arrangement with one. We know where spare keys are and phone every day/ every other day. I have no one else. V healthy built like a rhino, never been in hospital overnight, but being ill really frightens me.

Welcome Dawn1309 and I'm just wondering - how long have you been in (out of the 12 weeks) are you almost passed the halfway point yet? My friend is in the same boat as you and it's really hard... can you do face time with friends and family or phone up friends ?
Or a zoom class - my niece does pilates classes at..... chapelallertonpilates.co.uk/
I walk every morning and evening (in front of my TV ) for 30 minutes see the links below...
Hope you get some good ideas on here... 🌈
Hi Dawn. If you have a window sill plant something. Lettuce and radish take very little time to grow and you can eat them after.
Welcome back andyjudo
Have you lost all of your excess weight now, or are you still on a weight loss journey? We have an active Maintainers' Club that may interest you.
As a reminder, all of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... and I hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.
We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.
Wishing you all the best