Working from home - : Well it will... - Weight Loss Support

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Working from home -

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone
29 Replies

Well it will likely be my last day in the office today for a little while.

I don’t do well without interaction from people...or when I’m bored...or when I don’t have a plan and clear timelines of when it will end. Working at home gives me some structure but it’s really not enough.

I ordered a few books from amazon I’ve been meaning to read that friends have suggested in the past few months-if you have more recommendations let me know ?

What else can I do to pass time? I’m high risk for eating when I’m bored and I’m not very into watching lots of tv.

How is everyone else planning to entertain themselves ?

How are you working out or planning your exercise?

I live in a fairly rural spot I’m hoping to still take the dogs out for walks to stretch my legs and stop them going crazy in the house but that’s tricky when it’s dark out of my working hours as there is limited pavements, and narrow grass verges with ditches, it’s not safe for them or me.

All ideas welcome !

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ScarletM profile image
2 stone
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29 Replies
lucigret profile image

Hi Scarlet,

If you are working from home, can you change your times of work so that you can take the dogs and yourself out at lunch time instead?

I think if I end up having to be at home for a long period of time, I will start to have a really good declutter of my house. I also have a garden so will spend some time out there and like you, read. I also like to knit, so I am sure the needles will come out.

Maybe it's time to start a new hobby :)

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to lucigret

I can flex my diary a bit but it’s tricky with all differences in time zones for people I need to connect with and all the uncertainty that is around at the moment.

I have a list of house jobs including going through my wardrobes and getting everything that’s now too big ready to go to charity shops or sell online.

I recently decorated the house top to bottom so there isn’t a lot to do around here ...I like the garden idea and getting everything ready for spring ! Thank you :)

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to ScarletM

You could also join the Read all about it thread here. A place where people discuss the books they have read and you will find some recommendations for things to read. You can find it in pinned posts :)

Zipped-Mouth profile image

Hi and all the best with it, it's a daunting thought

I would have been able to work from home in my old job (left it last week) but the new job is in hospitality (not the best time to change jobs but decision was made and notice was being worked before all this hit)

I have a Wii fit and intend to do that - how about some you tube exercise videos? I know some people on here use them

I will also be de-cluttering the house and wardrobe, walking the dog

Do you have anyone at home or will you be on your own? As I will be getting some board games out (like scrabble etc) to play with the family

Need to get some books sorted too

Good luck

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to Zipped-Mouth

I’m not all alone but my partners still going out to work and on sifts so I’m alone a lot at night without a way to get out of the house now :(

Stalk profile image
StalkRestart Jan 2024

Hello, ScarletM, do you live alone?

I live alone, and when I realised last night that every single thing I do socially has been cancelled I felt very isolated. However, today is a new day, and we are just going to have to find a new way to live our lives for the duration.

I wonder what time do you normally walk your dogs? It's lucky that we are coming into the longer hours of daylight so we can go out for a walk when it's not crowded.

I walk my dogs early in the morning, 6.30 this morning,. I am lucky that I can drive a few minutes to the forest, we have it to ourselves, except some days the husky teams are practising racing with their little carts. We don't get near, we just wave to each other.

I suspect we can all find ways to pass the time, doing those things we have been putting off.

( It will take me 4 months to weed my garden, for a start!)

I suspect that for those who live alone the social aspects will be the most difficult, although it could be very difficult for families with children if they are cooped up for weeks, we do need exercise and fresh air for our sanity.

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Stalk

Stalk, I can understand how isolated you must be feeling, although I am lucky enough not to live alone.

I don’t know if you have seen it on the forum, but we have a chat thread called Nutty Natterings. it is a place to have a chat about everything and anything.

So if your feeling lonely and isolated, please come and have a chat - I understand virtual friends are not the same as having human contact, but it will help you feel less isolated. I am sure you will find many others in the same situation as you.

Take care 😊

Stalk profile image
StalkRestart Jan 2024 in reply to lucigret

Thank you for this, lucigret, I will be taking your advice, also about the book group.

Take care.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Stalk

There are lots of things happening around the forum, and I hope that our members who are isolating themselves will make use of them, we are open every day and there nearly always someone around with a cheery word 😊

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to Stalk

I’ve started taking them twice a day once really early then again later on....they are both have health issues to more short walks suits them better, they don’t really cope with long walks.

I’m going to try to nip them out lunchtimes too from now on -I just feel trapped and it’s only day one (I’m hoping I settle and get into a groove lol)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to ScarletM

A routine is helpful Scarlet 👍 Also dog walking can be social as you meet other dog owners, as long as you stay a few feet away, you can still say good morning 😊

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to IndigoBlue61

My boys love going out too in short bursts so they will like it :)

There are lots of exercise you can watch on YouTube for exercising at home, maybe you could have a go at some.

Catch up with family and friends through video call if we are all housebound.

D. I. Y


Come on here and chat.

Read books.


Housework /decorating.

Etc etc.

I hope you don't get bored.


ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to

I’m deffo going to do garden and catch up on reading ...I’ve also put some social chat time in with a few work colleagues who feel the same as me to try to break the days up.

The house is new and I just decorated right through so no diy to be done - it’s a shame I like a project!

I’m super house proud which gives me issues with working out here at home, the idea of sweating on my new carpets and rugs .. I can feel the anxiety rising just typing about it lol

in reply to ScarletM

I'm sure you will keep busy enough, if you do sweat on those new carpets you will have plenty of time to clean them 😂

We might all be in the same boat eventually so we will all have to think of things to do.

SugarPopple profile image
SugarPoppleRestart March 2024

Hey ScarletM,

I am also wfh from today onwards following advice given by our company. I am also finding this time a bit trying as it makes me feel very uneasy with all the panic happening around me.

As for what to do to pass the time by, do you have any hobbies or things you enjoy doing? Currently I have an assignment due so that will keep me busy for the next few days. I am also planning on going to gym more (we have been advised to still keep up exercise). Aside from that I love sewing so am going to do that during lunch.

Some people in our company have also set up drop-in sessions for people who still want some human interaction throughout their day, which I think is a good idea.

Is there anything you can set up, or maybe do video calls with friends/family?

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to SugarPopple

I have friends and family to txt and call I’m just not good being trapped. This whole thing has highlighted that I really need a hobby that is not socialising with friends or going out based ... I’m not sure I’ve ever really had one.

I’m considering something to build or make but I’m not sure what to go for, I built a tiki bar in my back garden maybe I can do something to go along with it once I’m done tidying the winter away out there

SugarPopple profile image
SugarPoppleRestart March 2024 in reply to ScarletM

We are here for you and we will get through this together. Maybe try going out for walks if you are able, or sit in your garden if you have one?

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to SugarPopple

Thank you - I will go out walking a few times a day I’m pretty rural I location so u likely to bump into anyone lol

SugarPopple profile image
SugarPoppleRestart March 2024 in reply to ScarletM

Lol, sounds like a good plan

I work from home a lot in my current job & I am rubbish at it. In the past when I have had a lot of phone calls, starting early & finishing late, its worked well. But I have great gaps in my diary when I am supposed to be being proactive in my job, and I spend a lot of time doing home stuff - and I don't enjoy it because I feel guilty that I am not doing my job. Now I am at home for the foreseeable future, its time to get much more disciplined.

I am actually really glad of the extra time for all sorts of things - a lot of family life is busy and rushed - a few weeks ago, I had a mad fortnight of travelling for work & socialising & it was much too much. I am going to try to make this period of time really productive - getting chores done, I don't normally have time for, but also spending more quality time with my son, being outside more, and getting really super dooper fit. Writing on the thread here, is the catalyst I need to put blocks of time including exercise into my work diary. Doing it now.

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to

That’s a positive view - it’s really made me think ...thank you

jd65 profile image

I've set up a few different whatsapp groups today with friends to talk online. I have the friends I socialise with, my work friends and women friends who go out for a meal and drinks with. We won't use these for work but for general chatting. We've also set up virtual coffee breaks over Skype with work colleagues so we can catch up.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to jd65

Love the idea of the virtual coffee break 😊👍

ScarletM profile image
ScarletM2 stone in reply to jd65

Love the coffee breaks I’ve set up a couple of lunch ones but I think shorter ones would be good idea too thanks

Hope177TT profile image

I'm walking my dog early morning so it is light but not too many people around. I'm studying online,reading writing,painting,yoga,meditation and dancing round the house like a lunatic

TheBigM profile image

Hi ScarletM

I am on day 3 of working from home and as I live alone it's quite challenging.

Can you work at anytime or do you need to be available during standard office hours? It might be worth discussing with your manager that you get some daylight time and go for a walk.

I have been getting up at my normal commute time and walking in the local park then again after the school run has finished.

I have ensured that I don't have lots of bad foods in the house as I fall into the eat when bored category. Hoping to get some gardening in too if the weather improves.

Good luck.

Craftyperson profile image

What times will you be working? Can you not change your hours so can have a break midday... Surely you have a dinner hour and take the dogs out then and first thing before work.

As for what to do work as usual don't think I'm at home now so I'll just nip into kitchen for a snack and out of work hours keep busy with maybe a new hobby is there something you've always wanted to try? Will you still be talking to work colleagues on phone? So not completely isolated.

Enjoy your books something I find relaxing and filling in time is the adult colouring books fancy that?

Good luck

ChubbieChops profile image

Totally agree with lucigret re walking doggies during the day, but if that isn't an option, the clocks go forward next week, so you will have lighter nights which will hopefully ease the walking position. I also agree about the gardening idea and I have knitting and quilting to do when it rains (went into my local patchwork materials shop last week to stock up!!) But if none of those appeal, there are more and more things appearing online - sofa choirs I think they're called, I think I heard yesterday that you can now learn Hungarian online now for free (useful for me as my d-I-law is Hungarian) and there are various exercise classes springing up. There is also the HU community to engage with. Keep safe x

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