Need Help!!! : Morning all, only just... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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Need Help!!!

9 Replies

Morning all, only just joined this forum. After reading a few of your posts feel very inspired. I have been overweight by 7 stone for many years and just want to feel healthier. My two daughters are very active and sporty. I want to try something that I’m not going to get bored with. Tried every diet going. Lost 4 stone with SW but just couldn’t keep it off. Tried WW, slimfast you name it I’ve tried it with no success. Help !!!!!

9 Replies
Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hello and welcome , Yup, I've tried all of those too, just couldn't sustain them forever! Have you considered Low Carb High Fat? The food is lush and I'm not at all hungry with it! Good luck on your journey :-) x

Diane2 profile image

Hello Nomes100 Hello and welcome to this Forum!

I think you gave made a great step forward by coming on here and am sure you will find the support and inspiration from fellow members helpful

Here's a link to the Site Guide which we strongly recommend you read as it will help you find your way about the Forum and provides other links on security, picture guides on navigation and other useful info'

Please note, don't use the HU App, it is much easier to use the website!

There's a lot there but it's worth taking your time to read, honest!

We recommend that members join a Weekly Weigh-In, on the day of your choice, and also use the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans and get useful feedback. The site guide link will tell you where to find those pages

A special feature of our Forum is the degree of support between members which you will experience (and add to yourself !) as you join in and chat with others.

All the best on your weight-loss journey ! 😊

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

Hello and welcome. I hope you're going to ditch the diets, now you know they don't work :)

Have a look at the Daily Diary and you'll see the range of plans that members are following and you can post your own. You'll find it in Pinned Posts

Servi profile image

Hi Nomes100, I have a lot to loose too. and have done a lot of diets in the past. I have always ended up putting back on more than I have lost. This time I am determined to make changes that will last. I have tried to cut out processed foods, limit alcohol and caffeine. I have also tried to ensure I get enough sleep by going to bed and getting up at the same time each day and avoiding screen time before bed (and less screen time in general). And getting some exercise. I have been using recipes I like form various different diets I have done in the past- the nhs one you easy meals app has some good ones on, I still have my slimming world books and my family also enjoy the hairy dieters recipes.

My philosophy this time is I am not going on a diet - I am changing my diet. I am hoping this will work but it will be quite some time before I am at my target weight so time will tell.

You'll find everyone is taking a slightly different approach, so hopefully you'll find something to suit you.

Good luck with your journey, once you have found your way around the site you'll find lots of helpful information and support.

Pineapple27 profile image

After a lifetime of trying to lose weight (overweight from the age of 9), at the age of 49 back in 2012 - I decided that enough was enough. I managed to lose 4.5 stone in 2 and a half years through calorie counting and logging/weighing all of my food. The first 18 months I didn't include any form of exercise - I am disabled (Thalidomide impaired) and my excess weight was making even regular daily activity really difficult.

So in 130 weeks my average weekly weight loss was less than half a pound - of course some weeks I lost more, others I gained... but I am trying to impress upon you the importance of just keeping on going, even though the weight may not come off as quickly as you would like it to.
 Think of it as a permanent lifestyle change, taking one step at a time to address your eating habits. Each change should be completely embedded into your every day life - and more importantly, your mindset,

I cannot stress enough how important this part of the weight loss journey is - being able to recognise just how much we are eating and address that. It is not about cutting out any foods but about being able to make informed choices about the foods we eat . Also about learning how to behave differently around food. Just because food is in front of us does not mean to say that we have to eat it! Being able to exercise control and moderate intake is paramount.

I re-gained some of the weight I lost, then lost it again and have now managed to more or less maintain for the past 3 years around 10/10.5 stone. Still considered "over weight", but my goodness, how much healthier and fitter I am now. Used to get asthma, no longer affected. Could barely stand and walk when I started. Now am able to do things that I would never have believed. See my Blog post for just one example of regular tests of my improved fitness and mobility:

I don't view exercise as a way to earn additional calories to eat - I use it as a way to remain flexible and independent. It's important not to be reliant on exercise to lose weight as firstly it only accounts for about 20% of weight loss (80% is achieved through food intake) and also if you injure yourself or are unable to exercise for any period of time, you suddenly have to reign back on the amount you are consuming.

I do a stretch and bounce seated routine around 4-7 times a week which lasts around an hour.

I try to do cardio exercise as often as possible, but because of my disability, it's quite a challenge. For that I walk and run (HIIT) on a special treadmill called an Alter G which is able to support a percentage of my body weight as I walk and run - currently I exercise at 80% of my body weight. I do this for 30 minutes every other week. I'd love to do it weekly, but I need assistance to get into the machine and can only get this support fortnightly.

I don't deny myself anything in terms of food - however, I have changed over the course of my weight loss to eat much more mindfully - considering "Do I really want to eat this?" ahead of eating food that is particularly calorific or not very healthy. Even leaving food that I'm not enjoying - never heard of in my "previous life"!

If I want to east a slice cake - I've worked out the calories beforehand and if I chose to have a slice then it DEFINITELY has to be worth it! If making cake, I slice and freeze any remaining cake in packs of two so that myself and my husband can enjoy it on other days rather than knowing it's there and needing to be consumed to stop it going off.

I have reduced the number of times I eat out as it's impossible for me to stay within my low (1100 calorie) limit by eating out regularly - even if I choose wisely. But to be honest, I am very happy cooking my own meals and eating those, as I know precisely what's in them - and I love, love LOVE my vegetables. I hardly ever get a takeaway (perhaps 1/2 times a year - usually at others instigation when I am visiting friends). I used to resent these things, but I now accept and embrace them. I no longer view this as a tortuous journey but more a new way of life.

I view my way of eating as keeping myself as healthy as I can in order to minimise the risk of developing middle aged illnesses (diabetes, stroke, heart attack...)

I don't judge my success by what others achieve - I just try to do the best that I can for myself and in a way that works well for me.

It does help that I have an extremely supportive husband who's always been happy to eat the same as I do (meals and quantities) - even though he doesn't need to lose weight. He has lots of little "extras" to make up.

I have just kept on going.... as it's what works for me.

I hope this helps.

Green26 profile image
Green26 in reply to Pineapple27

Thankyou for your inspirational post Pineapple, I found it extremely helpful regarding the importance of attitude and mindset.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Green26

Glad you found my post helpful Green26 :-) You might also enjoy reading this post from my Blog:

Allyways profile image

I have just joined the NHS Weight loss Plan as just found out I have Acute Kidney Damage. I also joined my local Parkrun, I don’t run it but walk the 5k . There are loads of walkers that do this and the encouragement doesn’t just come from the organisers but from the runners that pass you! I love it and even did it today in the pouring rain. It’s got me wanting to walk more . You will do it, you just need to believe in yourself

S11m profile image

Hi, Hidden , welcome.

My father was 24 stone - and lost seven stone in a year. I have lost five stone, mostly at one pound a week.

If you "slim smart" weight loss is not so hard! It is not all about motivation and masochism.

Some of us here find that what works is a combination of The Low Carbohydrate, High-Fat (LCHF) diet (see the forum here on Health Unlocked) and Not Snacking All Day AKA Intermittent Fasting (IF). See:

Newbies IF FAQ:

The Fasting and Furious Forum, here on Health Unlocked:

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