My weight is now 72.2kg! I had lost 1kg. Now I am big again in one day. I missed a meal today that might help.
I am huge: My weight is now 72.2kg! I... - Weight Loss Support
I am huge

72.2kg is not huge. Or if you’re saying it is, let me tell you that I weigh over 100kg...
Please don’t use words like that about yourself! You really need to be much gentler about how you talk to yourself. You’d never speak to a friend like that so why speak to yourself like that? It’s not helpful. You aren’t defined by scales—you’re a wonderful person no matter what you weigh. x
I know but I thought I had lost now I have gained
That sounds like a water fluctuation, not real weight gain. Our body weight goes up and down all the time. I often weigh 2kg more at the end of a day than I did first thing in the morning. That’s normal and just what bodies do. You need to look at the bigger picture over a period of months, not weeks.
Try not to weigh yourself more than once a week, make it the same day, the same time of day and wearing the same clothes (or nothing if possible!). I find first thing in the morning after I’ve had a wee gives the most accurate results.
Hello, PollyPoll, and welcome to the forum
It's a busy place with lots of activities to get involved in. I've tagged you in the Welcome Newbies post so pop over there for the information you need to find your way around. I recommend joining a weekly weigh in on the day of your choice: why not tomorrow? the Saturday Superstars will give you a warm welcome and will appreciate your support, too. I also recommend the Daily Diary, where members log their meal plans for the following day and share ideas.
Please also read this information about online security/privacy
Do some exploring, read and reply to posts, ask questions, support others - it will all pay off for you
I have explored and replied to posts already—was I not supposed to before weighing in?? Sorry! I’ve been a HU member for a very long time but decided to use a different user name for this forum. I spent a long time looking around last night and found loads of interesting posts.
My weigh day will be a Friday but I got caught up with work and didn’t remember to post in time before the thread closed today.
If you have decided to lose weight then you are on a long journey to a different healthy way of living. There will be bumps in the road and lots of twists and turns. There is also the opportunity to learn about yourself and change your life. Work on your inner voice, the positive one which is telling you, you can do this. Try to quieten the voice which is telling you to jeopardise your efforts. We all have these voices but we have a choice which one we listen to. Small goals regularly achieved lead to big results. Good luck.

I am 155 cm and started at 80kg . I was never huge but would say uncomfortable. If you think you are huge then have it as a motivational
word . Anything that spurs you on . I found the first 7lbs dropped off me so easily .