I am on holiday : On the day of our... - Weight Loss Support

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I am on holiday

42 Replies

On the day of our flight three days ago, my eldest sister passed away unexpectedly. It's so unfair and horrible. She was so special and a lovely lady. She was 59, had a weak heart, was very overweight and diabetic.

Right now Mr Fizz, his folks and Miss Fizz are at church. I'm at home and I can't stop crying. I need find strength from somewhere because I need to make happy memories of our holiday.

42 Replies

Dear Hidden I'm so so sorry for your loss. Cry all you want, we are here for you anytime.

We have all missed your presence such a lot. Sending you heartfelt ((((((hugs)))))) xxxxx

Fitforit75 profile image

Oh Liz, I'm so terribly sorry wish I could come and hug you (((xx))) I don't know what to say except I know if I was your sister and knowing what you Fizzes have gone through to be a family I would want you to take every opportunity to be happy on your holiday. Keep talking to us if it helps xxx Kate

Cat33 profile image
Cat33Restart Dec 2023

So so sorry FizzyLiz what terrible news Miss Fizz is still little so you aren't going to spoil any of her holiday by being so sad You take lots of care and cry when you need to and take in the beautiful surroundings wherever you are I'm sure this will be the first of many messages on this forum so I hope knowing so many people care will give you strength xxx

So sorry for your loss Hidden . Sending you {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}. We are all thinking of you and wishing you well. X

MotherPip profile image

Aww Hidden ,my thoughts are with you...This is such sad news, I hope all our thoughts and prayers will lift you somehow and that you can find comfort in remembering the good times with your sister... Let your friends family give you help and support and allow the love of your friends and family help carry you forwards...But be kind to yourself...Tears are fine and you need to grieve in your own way and your own time...Smiles and laughter will come too and allow that to happen too as they will help to stop your heart breaking x💜

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hidden - sending you sincere condolences and a big hug at this sad time.

Zest xxx


My heart goes out to you {{{{hugs}}}}, a sudden passing of a loved one is such a shock. Cry all you want, cry for the good and happy times.

The pain will get easier, if you can, focus on miss fizz when she is awake and allow yourself time to grieve when she is asleep. Her hugs and unconditional love will get you through.

My nephew age 30 died suddenly 3 weeks before Xmas and it still feels unreal.

Hope you are able to enjoy your holiday{{{{hug}}}}


Lin2303 profile image

I am so sorry to hear of your loss Hidden - sincere condolences. Wish I could give you a hug x Take care, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

TheJuggler profile image

So so sorry to hear this Hidden We are all thinking of you. Let it all out and do what you need to do. Sending massive amounts of love to you at this sad time. X

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Oh Hidden that's just awful, so young. You will find the strength I'm sure, take pleasure in miss fizz, she will be a great comfort to you xxx

slimpickings profile image
slimpickings2 stone

This is so unfair. You have been cheated out of spending longer with your sister. Bawl, cry, scream it out loud.

Then, look into the eyes of your daughter and you will become strong again, I promise you.

I am so very, very sorry about your loss. Xx

Marylou54 profile image

Words are so inadequate at thesetimes but you will have read the very lovely heartfelt ones from previous replies. I ccan only echo what has been said and sending you all my thoughts at this very sad moment. Big hugs x

I'm so sorry, Fizzy Liz. I feel for you. I lost my sister nearly four years ago, same age 59, unfair so young, my sister tragically died of anaphylactic shock. I miss her every day. She has missed becoming a grandma, which makes me so sad. Cherish all the happy memories you have and be glad she was in your life. X

Marianne0915 profile image

Dearest FizzyLiz I send you lots of love, hugs, kisses and strength. Your pain is heavy for your loss of your darling sister but she would want you to find the strength to still have a lovely holiday which in itself is a memory for Miss Fizz to treasure all her life. Cry as much as you need and think that for every tear your sister is with you in spirit. My deepest condolences. Mx

JiminyCricket profile image

I'm so sorry, what awful tragic news. You've been so looking forward to this special holiday. I'm glad you are with your family, and away from the pressures of home and work, and can allow yourself space and time for grief - it's like a tidal wave, horrendous and sudden, all you can do is roll with it for now. Much love xx

Caz28 profile image

So very sorry, how awful for you, when this should have been such a happy time. Sending you lots of love and hugs x x

Saga66 profile image

So sorry to hear your sad news. Take comfort from all the love that is there for you. X

Cockneyblue profile image
CockneyblueRestart Jan 2024

I'm so sorry to hear your loss Hidden , you've really had a bad time haven't you. I'm glad you are surrounded by family at the moment and in a different environment, hopefully this will help you over this difficult time. Give Miss Fizz extra cuddles and a few extra for Mr Fizz also. Know we are all thinking of you with much love ❤️ xx

lea57-49r profile image
lea57-49rMaintainer3st 7lbs

I'm really sorry to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cherry_1 profile image

dear fizzyliz I'm so sorry to hear about the terrible loss of your sister. My thoughts are with you & your family take care x

nteapea profile image

You are having a terrible time I am sorry 😐 there are no words only supportive thoughts winging your way

I am sorry for your loss. I am sending you abig hug. We are all here for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Send as many messages you want weare here for you. Sending hugs to you and you lovely family

nac150 profile image
nac1502 stone

Dear Hidden I was so sorry to read your news. I do hope you can feel the warmth and support from this forum to help you through the raw feelings a sudden death creates. As others have said do what you need to do and accept the support from your family.

It's hard to believe now but the worst feelings do subside in time. Xx💐🔆💕

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

I am so sorry FizzyLiz, that is an awful thing to happen at any time, let alone when you are on holiday. This is the holiday that you had been looking forward to, isn't it? The one where the rest of your family get to meet with Little Miss Fizzy. I am sure those memories will eventually come to the fore as you look back in time, but at the moment you will need to deal with the sudden passing of another family member.

I am thinking of you and hope you do manage to enjoy spending time with your loved ones as you say goodbye to your sister.


lucigret profile image

Hidden I'm sending you a big hug and my condolences. Xx

jopo profile image

My sincere condolences to you Hidden and your loved ones. This is too cruel. May your sister rest in peace and over time when your heart has time to heal you are able to enjoy cherished memories you will have.


Grannynise profile image

So sorry to read your news. Sending positive thoughts.

YellowRose55 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Hidden about your sister. Cry all you need to and remember were all here any time for support. Take care of yourself and the Fizz family. Sending (((hugs))).

Gill3000 profile image

So sorry to hear your sad news. Take care. Xx

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023

Oh no, Fizzyliz, I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry for your loss :-(

Elissy profile image

Dear Liz, I am so sorry for your loss.

Take some time to grieve for your sister - you will find the strength to create some lovely memories, but you will need to take time for yourself as well.

My thoughts are with you and your family, sending you love, hugs and most of all strength, Liz xx

wa2un7 profile image

I so feel for you fizzyliz. I know what it's like to lose a sibling as I have lost two , my younger sister at only 50, and it leaves a gap in your life which is difficult to fill. It will get better with time and gradually the memories you have will be the happy ones and not those of illness and loss. Take care of yourself and let Mr Fizz and Miss Fizz love and care for you. Look after yourself.💐💐💐

kantara71 profile image

So sorry to hear of your loss FizzyLiz x

Sprout15 profile image

So sorry for your loss, a special big sister leaves a huge hole in your life when she's not there. Cry when you need to, and talk about how you are feeling, don't bottle it up. You will find the strength to go on, we all do, and you are a mum now so you have your beautiful little girl to help you to find joy in life. Take care, I'll be thinking of you x

MotwCoop profile image
MotwCoop1 stone

Dear Hidden

When my dad died, we were due to go on holiday the next day. My daughter was six and we decided to go anyway because after all there was nothing to be gained from staying at home. It was the best decision we made. Each day we had a chance to remember good things about him. It didn't stop the sadness - it takes time to do that - but it did, without a doubt, help us to remember with love, to to understand with a child's perspective that we're very, very sad for us but don't need to be sad for the person who died - children are so resilient and keep your perspective. It's good to talk about it with us, with your husband, with your daughter - you don't need to keep it in, you don't need to be strong (that also comes with time). You don't have to pretend everything is fine, because right now it isn't.

Take every opportunity to laugh and enjoy yourselves: each time you do remember that your sister would be happy to see it.

Smiley68 profile image

So sorry to hear the sad news fizzy Liz Thinking of you.You are in my thoughts and prayers.C x

joanie-o profile image
joanie-o1 stone

My deepest sympathy FizzyLiz, so hard to lose a sibling. The pain does get easier with time but at the moment that seems impossible I know. My loving thoughts are with you. xx

Seuzan profile image

Love and light to you and your family!

Stay strong and keep your mind fixed on all the positive times you shared. No one can ever take that away from you.

She is in your heart and will always be a wonderful part of you.

Big hug!!!


Fran182716 profile image

Oh Hidden thats so sad, so soon after your other bereavement, cry all you need it's much better than holding it in . I hope you manage to have a few lovely moments with your family which I'm sure your sister would have wanted for you. Xx

Iwilldothisthisyear profile image
IwilldothisthisyearHost3kgRestart Feb 2024

Oh Hidden sorry to hear your very sad news - sending bigs hugs to you xxxxxx

So sorry for you loss FizzyLiz, my heart goes out to you and your family! ❤ xxx

So sorry to hear of your loss Hidden :( I hope you can still enjoy some of your time away with your family. I'll be thinking of you. Big hugs xx

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