Hi All, just downloaded the NHS app this morning and determined to give this a good go. Sick of restricting myself then binge eating. Has anyone tried this along with the couch to 5K?
Beginner: Hi All, just downloaded the... - Weight Loss Support
Hello,jacbow1, and welcome to the forum 😊
The HU app is still in development and doesn't yet give access to most of the important areas of the forum so we advise that you use the full website page.
You're right, being over-restrictive is a sure way to failure so give yourself a chance and use the calorie range advised by the NHS BMI calculator, starting at the upper end nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-we...
This welcome pack explains how the forum works and how to find your way around healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... Please take your time reading it so you get the best out of your time here.
I recommend joining a weekly weigh in on the day of your choice.
For your privacy and safety online, we suggest that you lock your posts by selecting ‘members of my community’ when you write a new post. Please read our security post here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... especially as your post isn’t locked
and your username may give clues to your identity
Wishing you every success in reaching your goals 😊
Thanks so much. I’ve done the calculator and it said to consume between 1400 and 1800 calories a day. Do you advise to start at the higher end to begin with and then gradually reduce. ☺️
Hello, would you like to join our Summer Challenge? Here is the link to tell you all about it, hope to see you there!
Yes I would love to. Do I just click on the link?
Hi jacbow and welcome.
The answer is 'yes', many people are doing both successfully, some people have never specifically run before and are amazed that they have it in themselves.
Good luck!