Hi,I never knew this site excisited am so happy to have come across it.am wanting to lose weight and become more healthier,cant waut to get started
Hello: Hi,I never knew this site... - Weight Loss Support

Welcome to our friendly forum Crazycrochetwomen,
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Wishing you all the best
Welcome! you have found the best thing in helping you lose weight that I have ever personally found and trust me I have been around the block when it comes to diets! I find that if I think of it as a new way of living, I don't find it so hard to "stick" to it. listen to lucigret and check out all the great links given you. it will make it easier to find what you are looking for and if all else fails, hit the home button on the top left and ask all the questions you need. I am at a bit of a stand still myself, feeling all sorry for myself as I need surgery, to lose weight and to quit smoking all at the same time so I have not been here lately as I usually am. I find that when I come on and post and read, I do much much better. I recommend reading and posting as often as you can as it will make your journey that much better. Great luck to you!

Welcome to the forum. You've found the right place for encouragement, congratulations and consolation whichever one is needed at any given time. Good luck . I would endorse lucigret advice to ensure you lock each post. 😊
You might have my favourite username ever 😊

Great . Make the start now . Not a punishment but better eating will make you feel better with yourself too . Let us know your journey and any tips please .