New to this so finding my feet at the moment !!! Hubbie would like me back to the size I was when we married in 1997 - Size 12 and now after a hysterectomy, HRT for 15 years I have a comfortable Size 16. I need encouragement to get there................3.5/4 stone to lose
Hello !!: New to this so finding my feet... - Weight Loss Support
Hello !!

Welcome to the group, you will find lots of supportive motivating people on here.
I hope you are doing this for you and not because its what your husband wants?
The nhs 12 week plan is a great starting place. It is easy to follow and fit around your lifestyle. An app like myfitnesspal will help you with counting calories.
All the best
If your husband had experienced a hysterectomy and hrt he would have gained weight too!
Have you looked at the 12week NHS plan? I'm finding it a big help in re-educating myself. If you count calories weigh your portions, to ensure accurate calorie counting.
If I feel like snacking I have a quick look at the posts on here instead .
Good luck
Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm a huge fan of NHS 12 week plan, it's always difficult when your body has been through so much, I've had very similar experience. I decided to take it slow but sure and to try changing my attitude to food and the way I eat. I hope you find a system that suits the way you live your life, the people who use this forum are very helpful, supportive and inspirational I find it helps to log on and read the posts at least once a day. Good Luck.
Welcome JOGGAJU! Do you have any of your smaller clothes that you could aim to fit in? That could be your goal but in the meantime set it at half a stone at a time and 1lb to 2lb a week. Just think how good you will look at Christmas if you do that!
Thank you everyone for the replies today - cheered me up x
Forget Hubble....what do you want?

You are in a similar place to me last year. I had gained 2 stone in weight through my fifties, ignored it as best I could but hated myself in size 16 but the pounds just crept on.
Until my 40s I was size 12- 14 max, but it slowly went on over 15 years. Then in April 2013 I had a light bulb moment, bought some scales (that was a shock) and did something about it....For ME ...
My partner was very supportive , even though my new eating regime affected us socially, as up til then cooking, eating out, beer, wine etc were a major part of our social life together. I still had drinks and treats, but only once/ twice a week in moderation. I lost slowly, but safely over 9months. We also had four holidays in that year, but I was a bit careful, gained about 2 lbs each time, then got back on track.
But I kept at it, a slow road but started to feel good in myself once again. A year later I've lost that excess 2 stone, am nearly 63 and feel ten years younger. Im 5ft 5in tall and now maintaining at 9st 12lb, BMI 23. Another 7lbs would be lovely but not important.
Life feels good, I feel younger and happier, and it will for you too . Myfitnesspal has been my saviour throughout, and I still log everything daily alrhough I am now on a maintenance calorie level.
Good luck. YOU CAN DO THIS 😊
Whatever you do, do it for yourself. If hubby wants you to revert to when you guys got married, lay down the law and measure his waist line and count his hair. Doh!
Anyway it is nice to be slimmer and if weight is slowly creeping up, it is smart of you to want to do something about it. You have to be healthy to enjoy life. Good luck on your journey. You will do well.
Hi and welcome were are all supportive here so if you have a down don't worry we will help get back track i would just like to let you know that i have joined a weight clinic from my GP they are very supportive and they can help first they weigh you then ask a few questions about way you want to lose weight that will be the first meeting they will probaley do a blood to check your chloestral levels they weigh every month the program is for 12 weeks and you shoild get some vouchers for a slimming club give it go see how you get on i wil be thinking of you.