This is spriulina,
Is this helpfull and effective for weight loss?
If any one know about this please tell here and Some one have any experience due to this please share.
Thank you
This is spriulina,
Is this helpfull and effective for weight loss?
If any one know about this please tell here and Some one have any experience due to this please share.
Thank you
I can give you no feedback on spirulina, Sehersidd, I suggest you do your own research on the internet, especially as this is the 4th forum you've posted on about it.
Weight loss is about eating the correct amount of the right foods, not about quick fixes.
I've never heard of it but I think it is always better to lose weight by eating normal food than by having extra things which I don't know anything about. At the end of the day I need to be able to find a new normal and eat that way forever, so I don't want to start eating things that don't go on my plate naturally.
Take care with Spirulina there are some serious side effects. Have a chat to your chemist or GPS.
Nothing beats a good natural wholefood diet.