WLC: Is Anyone Out There??: i dont know... - Weight Loss Support

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WLC: Is Anyone Out There??

SkinnyBlueJeans profile image
10 Replies

i dont know if any one will read this but i need to know if im the only one that finds it hard to loose weight, keep going to the gym every week and wright a food journal everyday...if i am please can someone help me?? i feel like ive hit a wall and everytime i try i knock it down theres a new wall behind it :( x

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SkinnyBlueJeans profile image
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10 Replies
Welsh-diamond profile image

Don't worry your not the only one, Ive lost 20lbs in a year which is nice, but have been stuck at the same weight for nearly 3 months, it is so frustrating I walk a lot but because of work constraints have found it difficult, but we must soldier on, the weight will start to come off just give yourself a little time.

Keep on going don't give up, I'm not! :)

Penel profile image

Perhaps you need to have a look at a different approach to dieting.


TEMMEAlexa profile image

Hi,You do not need to keep on worrying about weight loss all the time.If you are healthy and exercising well then I feel you just have to keep on eating a well balanced diet for you stay in perfect health.You could also introduce a few yoga exercises in your routine to help you tone up your muscles and lose that extra flab here and there and give your body that sculptured look.

Windswept1 profile image


When you say you are keeping a food diary & going to the gym every week does that mean you are counting calories? What is your limit you have set? How much exercise are you doing? For example are you only going to the gym once a week and what are you doing there? Lots of questions I know.


This has been my guide to weight loss.

Good luck & don't get disheartened. Lots of support in this forum

gingernut49 profile image

Why don't you try just eating 500 calories two days a week? It's called the 5:2 Diet and it's the only diet that's ever worked for me and, more importantly, once I lost the weight I needed to (three stone - 42 pounds) I now only fast one day a week and the weight has stayed off! I'm now only a size 10 for the first time since I was a teenager. If you want to know more please ask. It's totally free and many thousands have lost weight successfully in the past year. Fasting is easier than you think - my daughter didn't think she could do it but finds it easier than she thought and has lost 7 pounds in four weeks.

manish83 profile image


First of all you are doing a very good job by doing exercise.

Second thing, if you are doing gym for body building then it might add to your weight as muscles weigh more. I don’t know what you go the gym for or what’s your routine but don’t give up. when I started 2 weeks ago the gym ( 3 times a week ) I am now 103.50 kgs but before I was 102kg. Have a look in a book called Bigger Leaner Stronger you may find some answers. Also you can visit motivation section of bodybuilding.com and read what people have done. Just don’t give up.

Best Wishes

SimonPrice33 profile image

my personal view... dont worry about weight.... that will sort it self out if you chance your food lifestyle... the word diet implies that you will be good for x amount of days and go back to how you were...

change one habbit at a time... the best habbit to get into first would be go to the gym... get there as much as possible, and force yourself there on days you really dont want to go... its better to go through motions and work rather than sit there and feel sorry for yourself and then the same the next day...

I would also say get a gym buddy, someone who will help you force yourself... help you get there.. and help you change the way you want to change, and if you cant get one, spend the money you would on bad food on a trainer... substitute what you spend the money on...

make it a habbit and you will start to love it once you start noticing changes...

once you have started noticing these changes and feel better in yourself you should start to feel differently about food, and the food lyfestyle... you will make better choices, but of course you will have bad days and these are allowed, but you must be able to get up and over them...

food diaries are good if your counting callories but dropping from say 3000 to 2000 in a week will have major negative affects on you and your energy...

small changes, in habits will lead to massive changes in health...

i hope this is helpful :)

Hi SkinnyBlue Jeans (and others),

Not at all sure this is helpful, but I've commented before (quite a long time ago) that as you become less overweight, the rate of loss is likely to reduce.

The reason is that If you're, say 16 stone and ought to be 12 stone, and you start eating sensibly at the beginning, then your daily calorie intake will be a lot less than you need to maintain an 16 stone body mass. After a while, perhaps many weeks into your weight loss journey, say when you're down to 14 stone, then there's 2 less stone of body mass to maintain and so your calorie deficit by that point isn't as much of a deficit as it was when you started out.

My advice is if you've hit a plateau - and many people do at points on their weight loss journey - then play the game a bit different for a little while. Change your routine a bit, both your eating and exercising/activity routines, and see if that helps to kind of re-start the weight loss thing for you.

Of course, other things may have changed for you in terms of your weight loss journey - stress levels, amounts of sleep, changes in environment, hormonal changes, infections, etc., etc - which might throw out the weight loss progress for a period or seemed to have put you into 'neutral' for a while.

Good luck with your weight loss efforts.

albionjen profile image

Hi there,

First of all how long have you been stuck? If it is just 1 or 2 weeks then don't panic. Weight loss doesn't follow a pattern of exactly the same each week - sometimes you might not see any change and sometimes a big drop. If you have been stuck for longer, like a month or two then perhaps you should have a think about what might be going wrong. That is the first step in trying to know how to make the right changes!

I agree with SimonPrice33 that exercise is just as important as weight loss to start feeling healthier. But I would add that you probably won't lose any weight just from going to to gym by itself.

Most recently I have had success losing weight (4st down in the past year), but I have had times in the past when I was trying without any progress. If I am honest with myself I realise that the reaon for not having success in the past was because I was not consistently making the changes that are necessary to lose weight. For example now I plan my meals every day to be balanced and healthy and walk from the station to work every day. Despite good intentions in the past, I probably only did either or those for 1 or 2 days a week, so obviously I did not lose any weight (in fact I gained weight!)

In case it helps my recipe for losing weight this last year is:

- counting calories consistently and as accurately as I can manage (I use MyFitnessPal for that)

- being more active in daily life (e.g. walking instead of taking the bus)

- taking up new sports/activities. For me, this has been running, swimming and strength training at the gym but find something you enjoy!

My suggestion is to sit down and make your own plan for losing weight, making small changes that you think you can carry on doing each week - you could start based on the NHS 12 week plan. Then compare what you have actually been doing to that plan. Hopefully you'll be able to figure this out :)

johnsonfamily38 profile image

Don't worry too much about the weight loss. So long as you keep doing regular exercise to keep fit you should be proud that you've already made improvements.

And brick walls are put there to be broken (or climbed over!).


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