Hi, I’m Bethan. I’m 19, I am from South Wales. I joined this group seeing that it will help me with my weight as I like to comfort eat a lot. I have low self-esteem about myself along with low confidence. I grow up with people bullying me about my weight since the beginning and the end of school! Since then I’m never able to show my self confidently like all the other girls and boys out there.
Introducing myself. : Hi, I’m Bethan. I... - Weight Loss Support
Introducing myself.

Hello and welcome Bethan So sorry to hear you were bullied I hate hearing stories like yours it makes me feel so sad and angry at those horrid cowards😡
Well you will show them you are now on a forum with wonderful kind people and the start of a new you
Stay on here and we will all get your confidence up to where it should be
Get Christmas over with first then you can start the new year with a lovely new future
Happy Christmas Bethan keep us all posted 😍

Hello Bethan, good to have you here. You're taking a step into the future and though nastiness and bullying has a horrible and lasting effect, you've now moved out of that situation and can start rebuilding your confidence.
You'll get plenty of ideas and support on here about healthy living and developing a healthier lifestyle for the future. I wish you all the best in making the changes you want to make.
A final thought: those confident boys and girls you see may not be as confident as you think!
Hello Bethan
You are showing as ‘hidden’ so you may have inadvertently left the forum
If you see this and still wish to be a member please rejoin or contact HU Support
Best wishes
Sorry you went through a rough time. You are here now and things will be better for you.
Hi Bethan, Youv’e come to the right place for some support. I remember all to well the effects of bullying, and the way it can effect you confidence. And I’m a lot..lot older than you..
Chin up stand proud your a lot better than those cowards...