Help needed: Due to medical condition I... - Weight Loss Support

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Help needed

Westieyaya profile image
17 Replies

Due to medical condition I have to seriously lose weight, due to same condition I cannot be active

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Westieyaya profile image
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17 Replies
BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

Hello and welcome, Westieyaya . One of the admin team will be along shortly to give you an official welcome and introduce you to this site. Just thought I'd say hello.

We don't have any medical expertise here, but you'll find lots of support and ideas. Also, there are people here with different medical conditions finding their own ways to weight loss, so I'm sure you will find encouragement from them. Good luck :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum Westieyaya

Please don’t think because you can’t exercise that you can’t lose weight, it’s far more about what you eat (or don’t eat) than activity. And any activity counts, just short walks or even chair based exercise. 😊

I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link

You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header and a link to the 12 week plan, so please take the time to read it carefully.

Wishing you all the best


Ceals profile image

Welcome Westieyaya sorry to hear you are having a tough time.

Please rest assured exercise is not essential for losing weight, more for toning up. I was very, very ill this time last year and couldn't walk to the end of the street. I became fastidious about only eating food that was good for me, took lots of research, but well worth it - I saw it as a project or hobby. I have run almost 6K this morning in a reasonable time and ran twice earlier in the week, shorter runs though.

So please concentrate of food first and feeling good about yourself. You can do this and we will all help.

Take care

Pineapple27 profile image

Hi Westieyaya

and welcome! We are a friendly bunch and will support you on your weight loss journey :D

I have a significant physical disability which affects my mobility (mobility further reduced in 2002 following a head on car crash, broken tib and fib which didn't heal well and then an ankle fusion).

I am also short - as a result of my disability (4ft 9") rather than genetics - my two "little sisters" are both a foot taller than I am!

Reduction in mobility or a disability doesn't make weight loss impossible - it just makes it rather more challenging - but hey - us folks who have to deal with pain and / or disability on a daily basis are used to challenges, aren't we??? :D :D

I started my weight loss journey at the end of February 2012, weighing in at 14 stone - 5 and a half years ago. I was 49 years old and had been trying to lose weight all of my life since the age of 9.

I managed to lose 4.5 stone in 2 and a half years through calorie counting and logging/weighing all of my food going from a size 24 to a size 16 and from 14 stone down to 9 and a half.

Then re-gained some.... lost some again and have now managed to more or less maintain for the past 6 months.

BUT... ideally I would love to drop another stone and maintain there.

The one thing that I realised very early on in my journey was that I was just eating FAR TOO MUCH! I was a VERY short (4ft 9"), middle aged, sedentary female and I was eating the same as 5ft 9" active man (my now husband!).

No wonder I was piling on the weight! I now think of the weight I lost as each half a stone being a new born baby... I lost 9 of them and can't really understand how I was ever able to lug all of that around with me all of the time!

I often wish I had dealt with my weight when I was a lot younger, but still, better late than never and also the risk of illness that is associated with being overweight increases once you reach 50 years plus....

Here are a few of my past posts which I hope you will find helpful and inspiring. I won't try and tell you that my journey was easy - and you'll see that there were many blips along the way, but 5 years down the line, I feel about 20 years younger than I did when I was lugging around 4 stone more.

Please do pop back to the forums and share your journey with us - we are here for you, day and night and happy to share your success or support you when you need it.

in reply to Pineapple27

Can we be friends

Westieyaya profile image
Westieyaya in reply to

Tell me about your reasons to be on this site

Ainsley2017 profile image

I have a lung disease and after losing 2 stone can breath more easily and would recommend just do something even if it is only standing up and down during TV adverts. The small steps lead to bigger ones.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Ainsley2017

Yes, I agree. I used to get asthma, but not needed an inhaler at all since I started on the weight loss!

Westieyaya profile image
Westieyaya in reply to Pineapple27

I’m nebulising twice a day and have been for the last few weeks plus taking steroids with all their add on complications! Just working my way through the massive NHS download to set up a diet record. I understand healthy eating but don’t have the willpower to avoid all the seasonal goodies, and the steroids don’t help!

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Westieyaya

You'll be in good company here! We all have to "learn" new behaviour around food.... we didn't gain the weight overnight and it won't vanish overnight :D

Here is a link to a past post which might help you (a little!).

But what I think I am hearing from you is that you are possibly not going to start to try and make changes until after Christmas??

Any small changes that you can make between now and Christmas will be a move in the right direction. Without change, you'll gain a few more pounds (or maybe more...!) and perhaps feel that you'll give up before you've even got started?

I was 49 when I started my weight loss journey. It took me two and a half years to lose 4 stone, but I am so pleased that I did and wish I'd done it a lot sooner.....

Ainsley2017 profile image
Ainsley2017 in reply to Westieyaya

You can do it. When you get the urge for goodies try going up and down the stairs and you will probably be too puffed out to want it. Fruit also works wonders

Westieyaya profile image
Westieyaya in reply to Ainsley2017

Hi again, with my current state of breathlessness I’m finding that a)I can’t eat too much anyway and b) I’m too puffed for the stairs!! But thank you for your really helpful comments

Ainsley2017 profile image
Ainsley2017 in reply to Westieyaya

I was hospitalized for 3 months because of severe respiratory failure and could not even stand in the first 2 months. Practice daily a few steps then a few more. If weather permits try walks in the park with someone. Its hard but keep at it. My motivation was not to be housebound and have people doing everything for me. Some help is great though and people are willing to do more once they see you are really motivated to do what you can. Have a good holiday and dont let it beat you.

Westieyaya profile image
Westieyaya in reply to Ainsley2017

Hi ainslie2017. You are extremely motivational.I’m relying on my car to get me everywhere at the moment. I live in a flat in an overheated retirement complex. Just stepping outside the door is taking my breath away, but I am having a particularly bad bout of asthma this time. Worse for 4 years! I normally walk about 500 yards around our village on a daily basis - slowly and using a stick but I get there! Have a brilliant and healthy Christmas.

Westieyaya profile image
Westieyaya in reply to Ainsley2017

I also have lung disease and query whether it’s being exacerbated by an hiatus hernia, hence I need to lose weight, cos that might shrink it.

Ainsley2017 profile image

Both will benefit by long term changes. Good luck

Ainsley2017 profile image

Wishing you a good recovery and a happy Christmas

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