My elderly Mum was taken into hospital last night against her will as she became aggressive. They have told me today that they are doing an MRI scan but she is uncooperative. I think she has dementia and she was due to have a home assessment by GP today but thinks got so bad yesterday that they took her as a safe guarding issue, does anyone have any experience or advice to help me as I feel so low. Thank you
Help needed please: My elderly Mum was... - Weight Loss Support
Help needed please

Oh Elaine, I feel for you, such a worry ☹️ My sister had serious mental health issues and was hospitalised more than once, the staff know what they’re doing and are well trained and experienced at dealing with things like this. It is very frightening to witness though. Are you able to see her at all or have they advise against it? Do you have a named nurse you can speak to? Failing that I would ring your own GP practice and ask if there are any local support groups you could talk to.
Thinking of you
Indigo 😊
Dearest Elaine. I have not had the same experience but my son (35) was taken to a psychiatric unit in December. It was incredibly difficult for us both. As Indigo blue has said staff are so good in these situations and you must trust in their knowledge and expertise because you cannot change what is happening to your dear mum. The move was made to safeguard her primarily and whilst you believe she may be suffering with dementia, there are other causes which can lead to these symptoms. Hopefully tests and an MRI scan will establish what is happening and she can be treated accordingly.
Stay strong Elaine and look after yourself. I know this is so hard to do but important for you and your mum too. Indigo has given you links where you can teach out and my recommendation is to do that as soon as possible so that you know you are not the only one and there are people who can help.
Thinking of you and sending you all my thoughts 🤗🤗

Hi Elaine B29,
The health professionals will need to find out the reason for your mum behaving like this .Peoples behaviour can change for a number of reasons.
Make sure you are fully informed about what is going on and make sure you get support for yourself in maintaining your own well being .
Hope this helps.
This happened with my mum. I feel for you.
Are you able to be with her? It does sound like dementia which is what my mum had. She’ll need plenty of reassurance from someone familiar to her.
No easy solutions here but love is key and your mum loves you and you her. Take care and I wish you all the very best.