I am becoming increasing frustrated as I know fine well what I should be doing and should be eating but if i have one 'blip' the weight just piles on. I had a baby three years ago and just can't shift the excess two stone. I am a size 14 therefore my friends just tell me not to be so silly but the extra weight just clings round my belly and hips :(. I have booked a holiday in August with the hope that this can motivate me. Does anyone have any tips and advice for staying on track? TIA xx x
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Hi MissHunt
Welcome to the weight loss forum.
Take a look at the Welcome Newbie post in the Pinned post section at the right hand side or at the bottom if your on a mobile. Have a look at the nhs 12 week plan, many members have had success following this plan. Use the BMI checker to work out your daily calorie allowance.
Below the Pinned posts are the Topics where members share a range of weight related subjects.
Take your measurements at the start together with a photo so you can see the changes on the days the scales don't move.
We have daily weigh ins so why not come along and join us. You can find the weigh ins on the Home page in the Events section on the right. Just click on the post in Events and record your start weight and any loss/gain or maintain for the week.
To get the most of the forum be active, share tips, recipes and experiences. Read some of the posts they are very motivating.
Have a good first week.
It is hard to stay on track sometimes ,just organise your week that helps ,plan meals, and take each day one at a time .August is ages away ,exercises will help tummy area ,there are loads on dvd or an app for your phone. Don't put pressure on yourself tho to achieve too much as it can have a negative effect ,small goals are better .
Good Luck !
Thank you for replying. I think smaller goals are def a good idea. For me it is totally a mindset thing that is proving hard to change x
That is the same for most of us ,Sometimes it does not take much to lose the aim of what you are trying to achieve . As long as you have more good weeks than bad I think it keeps it all in perspective ,from my own experience I have found it difficult this year since feb to stick to my routines and have gained and lost and repeated ,my only blessing is that I had lost almost 2 stone by then .On the down side I still have another stone and half to go ---Its a long haul !!
100% plan ahead, it will help you stick to your plan of healthy eating.
If you have a blip just step up the exercise to counteract the damage. You can do this MissHunt
You will feel absolutely fantastic on that holiday in August and you've got time to make a real difference and gain a healthy body to boot. Good luck
I think the trick is, no matter how long it takes, just keep going. I'm a mum too and I don't think our bodies are ever the same once you've been pregnant.
Many of us on here have been trying to lose weight for a long time. For myself, although I'm a size 10 top and 12 bottom, I still don't have a healthy BMI (only around 7lb short), but I did get there once, actually several times, it's just staying there that's hard lol
I would recommend planning, a calorie counting app, a cheap step counter (set yourself a daily step target) and if you enjoy cooking, check out The Hairy Bikers website.
Good luck and remember this is a lifestyle change, not a diet and we are all here to support you
Totally agree with isou7000 - just keep going! Remember, it took you a long time to put on weight - no-one just wakes up one morning two stones heavier than when they went to sleep - so it's also going to take time to lose it again. That's why you read about so many people making this a lifestyle change, rather than just "going on a diet" (again!) Nailing down the habits that made you put the weight on is key, I think - once you fathom those out, you can address them. For me it's been lack of exercise, portion control, not listening to my body protesting when I fancied adding more cream...it IS hard, but that's because I've developed such bad habits over a period of many years. Re-developing good habits takes time and effort - sadly, there really are no quick fixes to be had!
Especially if you are short (are you?) it may make it even harder.
Five years on, I still struggle after a "blip". Last night we went for an Indian meal - my first in two years. We rarely eat out now. We did have a starter, I had chicken shashlik (like a giant chicken kebab, no sauce), half a rice, half a naan bread. But I KNOW that even that moderate portion was WAY over my calories (1300 for maintenance) and today I've just had to cut back to try and get back on track....
What causes the "blips"? Is it triggered by emotions? Do you have tempting things in the house that you simply cannot resist?
The key is to identify why you have "blips", what foods it is that trip you up.... and then work on that?
If you haven't too much weight to lose, weight loss can be very slow.....
I am quite tall 5"8 and if ever I mention my weight people just say 'oh you are tall!' I can't have anything tempting in the house or I just eat it. My husband works away and when he comes home (every week at the moment) it is like a treat. So he will bring back goodies or have a take out. Don't get me wrong he doesn't make me do it! So maybe I will have to ask home to not even suggest these things. X
It is difficult if there is temptation. I am very lucky as my husband is supportive in my efforts to lose weight and to keep the weight off. He doesn't have a weight problem! He happily cooks meals and weighs the ingredients so that I can keep an eye on how many calories I am consuming. He has his "little treats" but they are single choccie bars that are kept out of my sight and reach in a tin! The things I am tempted by are chocolate and ice-cream cones in the freezer! If I buy them - thinking, I won't eat one every day, that just doesn't happen. Whilst they are there, they are calling me!

Wow Pineapple27 I see you have got 4 st off Very well done. I too am lucky that my husband supports me. Im now so focused that even though I buy him treats which I put in his corner I have learned to control my need for them.. Gone are the days when I could hardly wait for him to go out to stuff my face with sweet stuff.I find the answer for me is to have my 3 decent meals evenly spaced planned each day. I dont particularly like cooking so I batch cook so I have no excuse. Its good to be able to distinguish hunger and just wanting a tasty bite which I still have but make sure its just a bite so as not to feel deprived. Looking forward to seeing a 2 stone badge for me to start with and then I will reassess.