i‘m done. I can‘t do this amymore - Weight Loss Support

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i‘m done. I can‘t do this amymore

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February
33 Replies

Don‘t comment about your products or paid advertisements, I just want ADVICE.

Which diets make me lose weight the fastest? Before you say "that shouldn‘t matter, it should be healthy" yes, true. But I‘m wasting time. I‘ve been involuntarily holding my weight FOR A MONTH and I don‘t know how and why. I was tracking my food, I ate good and I also go swimming twice a week for 2 hours, sometimes 3 hours straight and on top of that, I go cycling. I have to lose only 5-4kilograms, to get my health surgery. I have wasted one month and it’s frustrating. I want to give up and just cry. People told me I‘m malnourished, then I changed it. Then they said I should eat a bit less, I did that. Then they told me that me constantly weighing myself and be stressed is the reason I can‘t lose weight, so I didn‘t weigh myself for weeks and was chill the whole time and today I thought "okay, lets be positive and get on the scale".

It said the same thing as last month. It really makes me want to die. I‘m serious. I don‘t know what to do anymore. I know that you can gain the weight back after you stop your diet but I don‘t care about that. I just want to lose the pounds for my surgery and after that, everything won‘t matter anymore. Please. I need this surgery really badly and I wasted my entire youth not liking my body and with this surgery, I can finally change THAT but nothing I do works. I‘m just done.

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choccymilk profile image
2024 February
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33 Replies
BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

Hi choccymilk, I can understand the frustration but without knowing what you're eating on a regular basis, it's hard to say anything useful.

I see on your previous post that you mention pre-diabetes: that simplifies things as diabetes is a problem with carbohydrate metabolism. Are you minimising starchy carbohydrates in your diet? Every day?

And, as moreless advised you on your previous post, exercise does little for weight loss. It's food you need to tackle and, with pre-diabetes, specifically carbohydrates

Here's your original post and the replies. Do check out all the links healthunlocked.com/weight-l.....

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to BridgeGirl

hey, thank you for responding. Yes, I have prediabetes and I try to reverse it. But last year I have lost 9 kilograms by doing what I do now but this time, nothing seems to work. I didn‘t cut anything off, just ate stuff less. Like carbs (bread, pasta, mushrooms etc). But I still ate them. I also don‘t cook.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to choccymilk

With diabetes, it's about changing what you eat, not just losing weight. I suggest you work on getting those starchy carbohydrates out of your diet - bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, cereal (I don't know why poor old mushrooms are in there, they're not going to cause you a problem).

For all of us, it comes down to what changes we're willing to make for the benefits e.g. learning some basic cooking skills.

Please read this personal journey as you'll find parallels with your own and it should encourage you.


ScottishKaty profile image
ScottishKaty3kgRestart Jan 2024 in reply to BridgeGirl

Wow, that was inspirational!

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Visitor in reply to choccymilk

Do you eat bread/potatoes/rice that are white? Sweet potatoes and brown rice have less carbs..

I have Type 1 Diabetes and count carbs./eat low carb high protein and gluten free diet (I also have a gluten intolerance).

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Activity2004

I only eat dark bread that wasn‘t made with white flour. And I don‘t eat rice anymore, now that I live in my own place.

And I‘m sorry. I was also thinking about fasting.. do you think that‘d help me to lose weight?

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Visitor in reply to choccymilk

I don’t do fasting. Did your doctor suggest that you go on a fast/change your diet?

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Activity2004

No, that was just my idea. I just want to lose as fast as possible.

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to BridgeGirl

I should also mention that I have a constipation problem. Or a defecation problem.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to choccymilk

That's commonly associated with insufficient veg and fibre in the diet, and water.

Jack2019 profile image

My sister had bariatric surgery and leading up to it she was told to eat high protein and almost zero carbs. for 30 days. She started to lose a lot of weight. It was instructions from the clinic and it obviously works, and highlights that carbohydrate's will slow weight loss. If you have insulin overproduction even the smallest of amounts of carbohydrate will stop fat loss. Your body uses the carbohydrate first for energy and will not go into your stored energy, aka fat, for energy if you eat too many carbs at every meal, resulting in no weight loss. Cut out all carbs for awhile, it works. No magic pills, it's how the body works.

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Jack2019

Thank you a ton, sir! I‘ll do that. :)

Now when I think about it, that worked last year pretty well. Last year I got diagnosed with prediabetes and I freaked out. Didn‘t eat anything but cucumbers. Lost a ton of weight but I slowly started eating "normal" stuff again. Just no carbs. It helped! I will cut it off completely. Now its even easier that I got my own place and space.

Jack2019 profile image
Jack2019Visitor in reply to choccymilk

I am not suggesting to eat only cucumbers, if you lost weight eating only cucumbers then I am not surprised that your body is rebounding quickly. You need to eat nutritious non processed foods , mostly protein, so that you provide it with the nutrition you need. Empty calories will leave you craving food, spiking glucose and insulin, and storing more weight, aka fat.

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Jack2019

I know, no worries lol that was just an example of how much I was freaking out and how stressed I was with what I eat when I first found out the diagnosis. After a week or so, I ate normal stuff but cut off the carbs. Thats where I got much better.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to choccymilk

So what do you think you'll have for your meals tomorrow?

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to BridgeGirl

A salad! I will buy the ingredients. Thats also what I ate last year all the time. Made me very full and now that I live by myself, I don’t feel like forcing myself to eat lots. A salad with cucumbers, goat cheese, chicken breast meat, lettuce, tomatoes and onions.

As a breakfast though I dunno. I still have my low fat quark (250grams, 0,2% fat only). I ate that with unsweetened chocolate "cereals" and an apple. What do you guys think?

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to choccymilk

Your salad sounds good, and the cheese and chicken will give you some protein.

When you've finished the quark, you could get a full fat yoghurt (10%, there are plenty of supermarket own brands that do it) and have that for breakfast with berries: frozen berries can keep the cost down.

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Jack2019

Hey again! What exactly did your sister cut off? I really want to do no wrong. I have to lose weight and nothing helps. What kind of foods should I avoid? I‘m sorry, I know I can google all these things. But I don‘t know why, my mind only works when someone gives me orders and tells me what to eat and what to avoid. I will completely cut off carbs like bread, rice, pasta, sweets, sugary drinks. What about apples? Not bananas but apples? One each day. What about a different, more effective diet? I‘ve heard of lots of other diets but googling doesn‘t help. What about fasting? I just need to lose these 4-5 kilograms and then I‘m satisfied. I can lay low and be less stressed after the surgery.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to choccymilk

You're pre-diabetic. Don't bother about other diets. Just stick to what's appropriate for someone who is diabetic. Other people have other reasons for losing weight: you need to do what's right for you, and that will involve doing some reading.

Here's a one page diet sheet dietdoctor.com/wp-content/u...

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to BridgeGirl

And this is a visual guide: phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to BridgeGirl

My goal right now is just to lose 4 kilograms, nothing more. More is great but I have to weigh 108kg for my surgery. Everything else doesn‘t matter. But yes, thank you! I‘ll look at that.

Jack2019 profile image
Jack2019Visitor in reply to choccymilk

She had half her stomach removed. In my opinion, no fruit at all if you are trying to lower blood sugar. Eat vegetables. meat protein and natural fats, e.g. butter not margarine. No snacking, that is obvious. Cut out all things made with flour, that is processed foods and processed foods leave you hungry and spike sugar and insulin. That is the official diet given to my sister. If you can't lose weight eating this way, then perhaps look at portion size and eating to frequently.

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Jack2019

Oh hm. I have bought lots of apples… what does that leave me with? I barely know what to cook. I mean, I don‘t mind eating salad with chicken breast everyday but I dunno. I don‘t even care if I‘d have to eat dirt everyday, as long as I get to lose kilograms, thats all that matters.

But if I don‘t eat that much, I‘m afraid I still won‘t lose anything because then I‘m allegedly "malnourished".

Jack2019 profile image
Jack2019Visitor in reply to choccymilk

My response pretty much tells you what works for me and my sister. It is not complicated. Eat meat and vegetables and don't snack.

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Jack2019


choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to Jack2019

And what about my low fat quarks? I always ate them with an apple and oats.

Jack2019 profile image
Jack2019Visitor in reply to choccymilk

What about it? If that has been your food choice and it didn't get you to your goal then change it up. Meat, animal protein, and vegetables, no snacks. Basic human diet.

Hectorsmum2 profile image

It might be worth posting your latest thyroid results on thyroid uk for comment, thyroid problems often go undiagnosed even by endocronologists. I have found over eaters anonymous very helpful in helping me find a way to eat and lose weight. Lots of people in OA who are waiting for or have had surgery. I personally find low fat food very unsatisfying and they tend to lead to over eating and binges for me.

PandQs profile image
PandQsMaintainer3st 7lbs

Hi Choccymilk, don’t give up. I came to this when I needed to lose weight before being accepted on waiting list for surgery. I followed low carb diet. At various points my weight plateaued before starting to lose again, once for SIX weeks without any change on the scales. I decided to consider it a time for the body to regroup, reassess the situation and give my skin a chance to shrink to catch up :) Keep going!

Lincsguy33 profile image

What about weight loss tablets i try and use them see if they help some do. Does Apple Cider work have you tried that thinking off getting it with some strong weight loss tablets but not sure which is the best 1's to get i do eat Quite healthy and go swimming but got 5 days a week

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Lincsguy33

I'm not sure they do help you, though, at least not in a sustainable way. And the poster didn't want to hear about products. When you say you eat "quite healthy", that's rather vague. What have you eaten today and what will you be having tomorrow?

Frenchfields profile image
Frenchfields2024 January

Hi choccymilk, I know you posted before and people have suggested you tell us what you’re eating but you haven’t done, so as yet so its hard to offer really useful advice. Perhaps you could take a look online for a 4 week diet plan, there are hundreds out there for free from calorie counting, low carb, heart health, eatwell, etc. Something that includes foods you enjoy. Try one of these plans to the letter -eat exactly what the plan says, weighing portions and so on -it may help you lose weight and help you reset your focus. You could also join in with other parts of the forum, post about your exercise in fit is fun which may be encouraging to others. If you try a particular plan tell us how its going.

Lory_Y profile image
Lory_Y2024 April

I can share what's been working for me when it comes to food.

For me, it's been about finding a sustainable approach rather than chasing quick results. I've shifted my focus towards whole, nutrient-dense foods that keep me feeling satisfied and energized. I prioritize plenty of vegetables and healthy fats.

I've also learned the importance of portion control and mindful eating. Rather than restricting myself or counting calories obsessively, I try to tune into my body's hunger and fullness cues. This helps me avoid overeating and enjoy my meals without guilt.

Alongside monitoring my food intake, I've incorporated Zotrim into my routine. You can read about on eje-online.org/best-ozempic.... But in short, Zotrim is a herbal appetite reducer that has been shown to help with weight management by helping you feel fuller for longer, which can ultimately lead to consuming fewer calories throughout the day.

It's okay to feel frustrated at times. But please don't give up hope. Keep focusing on taking care of yourself.

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