Hello all you lovely folk, I'm delighted with my weight loss this week I have achieved the 3 stone weight loss and what a boost to my morale, have gone down 2 dress sizes and with two operations coming up in the near future new knee and hernia repair, still hoping to lose another 3 stone, I haven't been this weight for years and losing my lovely hubby two years ago after 59 years wed, I com fort ate and could not be bothered to cook meals for myself, but after a year I got to grips with myself, told myself off joined this happy positive band of super people and I surely am on my way, (just wish my hubby could see me now, still feel him around though x) I am sticking to 1500 cals a day, sometimes a wee bit less and eating really healthy.So onwards and downwards and thanks so much for all the positive vibes I get from this site. xx
IT REALLY DOES WORK !!!: Hello all you... - Weight Loss Support

Woohoo lathe!!! I couldn't be more delighted for you!! Fandabedozy!! My pom poms are in overdrive!!
That new badge looks absolutely brilliant on you!
Thanks so much moreless, am looking forward to my new badge.
Although you are a stranger to me I feel for you and am so proud. You're doing this for you and have to believe that your beloved husband does know. Maybe in some way he was helping you from afar - wherever that is... keep going but remember you are doing this for yourself. No body else, in order to be healthy. Good luck with your medical procedures. They will be so much easier at a healthy weight. Keep going but enjoy the journey too!
Sorry for your loss. You have done a great job and he does see you now.

Thank you Melhall x
So delighted for you. It is such a good feeling being smaller and lighter. Just wait till you have had the ops... a totally new woman!
Your hubby would be very proud of you, lathe . And we are too. 😘
Well done lathe, that's a huge achievement in very difficult circumstances - as Trimmerteacher says, your husband would be very proud.
Well done lathe that is brilliant, I'm also sure your husband would be very proud of you and happy for you too, I am so pleased for you. 👏😀🎊
3 stone - that's fantastic! Very well done to you!
Very moving and incredibly inspiring.
Not too long ago, someone said that to lose 5st would be a miracle. Well it looks like maybe miracles can happen
Wishing you all the best with your continuing journey.
How fantastic, thank you so much for sharing your successes. We really are a happy band, I always feel fortunate to be part of it.

That is really wonderful news, congratulations! You're right, there's nothing like the support around here.
Very many congratulations Lathe, you've achieved so much, give yourself a huge pat pn the back. Best wishes for the ops. Well done you!
Well done lathe , down 2 dress sizes and 3 stone, brilliant, that is a lot less to carry around. Hope the ops go well.

that is fantastic lathe well done, you should definitely be proud of yourself.
Many congrats on your 3 stone weight loss lathe ... that's quite an achievement!
So sorry for your loss.
Wow three stone is fantastic and it must feel great dropping two dress sizesX well done , and I'm sure your husband would be very proud of you
Three stones is a huge achievement - well done! I'm sure your husband knows and is proud of you, your new badge looks great 👍 Good luck for your operations.
Lovely post lathe . Your husband is with you and so proud. Xx
Sorry to hear you lost your husband lathe. Those first two years are the worst but from now on things will get easier. I lost both parents in 2011 (one from illness and the other a few months later from a broken heart) and while I sill miss them heaps I find it is all the happy times that I remember now,
You've done fantastically losing 3 stone You're a legend! Those next three are doomed lol Looking forward to seeing a 4 beside your name soon
Thank you all so very much for your encouragement and support, I do not mind admitting it brought a tear to my eye some of your comments, what a lovely gang to be a part of and share things with, big hugs to all of you xx
Very well done, lathe. We are all so proud of you
Well done what an achieveent xxx
Your husband would be so proud of u.
I do not know u personally but I am so pleased for u, I my self am looking to lose 3 stone now and I also have a hernia to be repaired xxxx

What an amazing achievement😊 Good luck with your operations. You are a superwoman!
I LOVE this - I can't imagine what the last year has been like but despite that you've gone & achieved a fantastic weight loss!! I suspect that other areas of your life have improved too x what a great testimony! So encouraging... well done!