Did 10 mins last evening! My first attempt earlier this year was 2 mins 20 before I collapsed in a sweaty heap. Was busy chatting to my daughter ( who is about to radically change her asthma meds) and the time just went. I wasn't even out of breath, so could probably do more. Having lost nearly 1 1/2 stone seems to be having an effect! Small victory!
10 mins on the cross trainer - Weight Loss Support
10 mins on the cross trainer
Well done, that's really progress!! 🌟

Ahh I love the cross trainer, sounds like you're making amazing progress well done!
Have you considered trying interval training on it? It's something a PT suggested to me a while ago that I try to do these days - warm yourself up for a couple of minutes, then do a "sprint" for 10 seconds, fast as you can, then come down to a lower level until you get your breath back, then do a 15 second sprint, then 20 seconds, then back down to 15 and 10. If you keep track of how long your intervals are until you get your breath back, you'll find over time as you get fitter they start to get shorter I've been doing this for a while, and you really feel it!
Ooh I like that idea! It's an £8 cross trainer I got from gumtree, and the resistance knob doesn't seem to make much difference, but the interval idea would work very well. Will recruit a daughter with a timer ! Thank you CaptainRainbow
Well done on finding such a bargain! Slightly envious, I must admit. But yes, I've found that since starting the intervals, it actually seems to make the time go a lot quicker, and I usually end up staying on for 12-15 minutes these days hope it works out for you, good luck!
It sits right in front of me in the living room, there is no escape!