I started to gain weight when i stopped smoking. I need to get 3 stone off to be healthy weight.
Need to become healthy weight again. - Weight Loss Support
Need to become healthy weight again.

Hi AnneLx,
Welcome to the Weight Loss NhS forum. Congratulations on having stopped smoking, that's a great achievement. I hope you'll find this forum helpful to encourage you to achieve your goal to lose 3 stone. I'd recommend having a read of our Welcome Newbie post, which is in the Pinned posts area - right-hand-side of the homepage (or towards the bottom of the screen, if you're accessing via a mobile device).
Also check out the other Pinned posts as there are numerous Challenges going on, and also we have a Monday group weigh-in, which you'd be very welcome to join in with - if you wanted to. You'd be very welcome.
I hope you have a lovely week - the NHS 12 week plan is really good - and easy to follow, so do have a look at that, you'll find links to that in various places in the forum.
Well done on giving up smoking.
I gave up in February and put a bit of weight on but now losing it.
But it was the best thing I've ever done and will never go back to the fags.
However, since giving up I've become obsessed with food. Cooking and eating. And I love all the cooking programmes.
But since joining this site I've started losing the weight, eat healthily and go running 3 times a week.
Good luck on your journey
well done for stopping smoking. The health benefits of that will be amazing. I definitely recommend downloading the 12 week plan. I'm fortunate that my husband has changed his diet hugely over the last couple of weeks and we are now all cutting down or cutting out the fizzy pop,crisps and chocolate. Support from family or on here makes a difference. Good luck 😊