please help fallen off weight plan :( - Weight Loss Support

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please help fallen off weight plan :(

Mary-1973 profile image
17 Replies

Hi its been 11 days since been on I have been having a really bad time of things lately which has knocked me off my healthy eating programme been eating late at night again witch makes me feel worse and angry at myself but its hard very hard for me dont have anyone to talk to. I have started going to a weight clinic had my first visit now waiting on an appointment to attend a group witch want start until end of the month. I am asking for help and advice to get me back on track i dont want to put the weight back on that i have lost.

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Mary-1973 profile image
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17 Replies
nteapea profile image

I am sorry you are having a tough time. It is so hard to stay focused on your goals when life is difficult. It sounds like you have had a good idea of going to the clinic so you are obviously still committed to losing weight. I guess it is just feeling hard to stop eating bad choices and many of us have been there before. Maybe thinking of a small mini goal would help rather than I "I have so much weight to lose" goal. Maybe this week it could be I am going to be pleased That I found myself slipping and acknowledged it when I haven't in the past. Next week I am going to try and stick to my calorie limit for the week. And gradually build yourself up. You are on the forum so you are already making good choices. Keep going 😀

Mary-1973 profile image
Mary-1973 in reply to nteapea

Thank you so much for your kind words i will deffo take what you said on board :)

Itsbab profile image

Hi I know how hard it is to stay motivated I have had a bad couple of days too especially today family issues, I could gladly dip into something chocolaty but I have been on here instead and am thinking of what healthy thing to have for dinner god knows what as I haven't been shopping yet.

Could you start to make something? I am doing some craft items to give for Christmas gifts just to keep my fingers busy but I find colouring those adult books therapeutic at times I even have one that is made in card form for birthdays etc.

I think a group will be good for you especially if there is someone you can exchange numbers with to chat to when you are outside the group to help each other.

Put a few low calorie snacks in the fridge/cupboard before evening to snack on celery and banana also aid restful sleep. Other than that stay on here and chat on the forum a while you might even have some advice you can pass on to others.

Best wishes Bev

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

The late night eating could be a symptom of other things; something on your mind perhaps, feeling a bit down. Is there any action you can take to help cope with your day to day problems which are driving you to food? Remember to keep active - a walk in the fresh air can clear your head and help you sleep better. Don't beat yourself up when things slip - every day is a new day; look ahead, shop wisely and tell yourself how well you have done every time you drink water instead of wine, have fruit instead of sweets or refuse a second helping.

Mary-1973 profile image
Mary-1973 in reply to DartmoorDumpling

thank you :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I'd like you to stop beating yourself up Mary and have a look at this :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to moreless

Very interesting stuff.

Mary-1973 profile image
Mary-1973 in reply to moreless

wow that made so much sense to me i can understand about the way your brain makes you feel alot to understand but will deffo be taking this on board thank you :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Mary-1973

I'm glad it's helped Mary :)

Mary-1973 profile image
Mary-1973 in reply to moreless

that it has thanks :)

Diana profile image

I feel for you, currently fighting the sugar monster, not easy, wining tho.

The 'fix' factor never really helps, tho we think it does it gives the fix tho, as others have said, other plans?

Do you have a pet, a cat or dog ( I do think cats are much easier), cats see independent, and can be very loving, mine certainly is and very comforting.

Getting involved with stuff and online/ real groups does help, be preoccupied, so food doesn't enter your brain, I have stuff times drink great herbal teas to take the edge off cravings too

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Sorry you are finding things difficult 😕 Many of us battle evening munchies, mine are a combination of tiredness and boredom . . . Things that help are brushing my teeth, coming on here, and really focussing on how much I want to be slim. I also have a calorie 'range' so if I REALLY want to eat I can . . .

The other thing is that evening eating, similar to eating in front of the tv, is a habit and after a while you will lose the habit 😊 It's just hard to crack. Good luck 😊

Mary-1973 profile image
Mary-1973 in reply to IndigoBlue61

thank you :)

kalahuchi profile image

Hi Mary-1973, I absolutely know how it knocks the wind out of your sails when bad things happen (the last few months have been a bit trying for me at times) and it is so, so tempting to turn to food which then makes you feel worse still. I tried lots of activities before I found one that I really took to but a hobby to throw yourself into really does help take your mind off food.

Firstly, you are most definitely not alone; the people on this forum are the kindest, most non-judgemental, supportive people I have ever come across and even though we don't meet, I do consider you all as "forum friends". We are all here for each other and for you to talk to at any time, and I'm pretty sure all of us slip up sometimes so don't worry, you're not the only one who has lapses.

It is easier said than done, but be kind to yourself and accept what everyone else around you already knows; that you are a truly beautiful, wonderful person and worth making the effort for. It's hard to accept this when you first start your journey, but it is true. When things get me down, I literally give myself a good talking to and think what I would say to a friend in the same situation and it usually helps. If it doesn't I go out and start walking.

There have been some brilliant suggestions already. May I add that if it is late night snacking that trips you up, empty the house of those foods and think of healthier snacks or non-food treats and distractions instead. Maybe new clothes ( I love charity shop bargains), a hairdo, make-up, a DVD or distract yourself by going for a walk or having a chat on this forum. If all else fails, have an early night.

If you can plan ahead ready for the bad times, you can break that pattern of turning to food for comfort and then, the word is your oyster!

Hang on in there x

Mary-1973 profile image
Mary-1973 in reply to kalahuchi

thank you for your kind words i will take them on board I am glad I can go on here and write what i am actually feeling cause sometimes its hard to turn to my family.

kalahuchi profile image
kalahuchi in reply to Mary-1973

Yes, I certainly try to sound more positive to my family than I really feel sometimes and it is so much easier to be a little more honest with people on this forum because they understand what it is like to struggle with weight issues and, as you know, it's not always easy x

Mary-1973 profile image
Mary-1973 in reply to kalahuchi

Yes i know it can be really hard to knowledge to yourself that you need to lose weight and your family are like you look good as long as you are well thats all that matters they just see me but dont hear me when I cam across this site i was like wow they really understand you :)

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