Help needed and tip : Hi my first... - Weight Loss Support

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Help needed and tip

Fitter profile image
6 Replies

Hi my first posting need to loose ten pounds by August get sugar cravings any idea's please

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6 Replies
Venusflytrap profile image

Fruit, but it is worth weighing it so you get some ideas of portion sizes. I find raw carrots, because of their crunch, particularly helpful at times. I also like to freeze grapes, and peeled bananas wrapped in cling film. The bananas can be softened and mashed on their own or with a little vanilla, to make an ice cream like mixture. I also like freezing some low fat/low sugar fruit yogurts, because they take ages to thaw enought to eat and so they take ages with a teaspoon. I also love sugar free jelly, plain or with fruit set in it, plus a little dab of yogurt etc. Makes me feel I have had a dessert. For chocolate yearnings, sometimes a hot choc does it, a friend adds squirty cream! Other times I pour it over 30g of mixed cereals instead of milk. I have 10g each of puffed wheat, multigrain hoops and multigrain flakes. But other times I have to have a square or two of 70% dark chocolate. I have found some sugarfree liquorice gums at Weight Watchers which ruin the flavour of anything else! I sometimes use those for emergencies! Maybe you can find something similar for you. Going and cleaning your teeth earlier in the evenings or straight after lunch sometimes works too.

Fitter profile image
Fitter in reply to Venusflytrap

Thank you very much great idea's to take on board

Ten pounds by August? Easy!

I lost twenty pounds in three weeks at the start of this year. We had gone to Cornwall for my Daughter’s fortieth birthday and there was a lot of chocolate cake involved, not to mention pasties, cream teas, fish and chips and a long Christmas Lunch. When we got home in January I just went back to my usual diet of low carbohydrate, moderate protein and high (natural unprocessed) fat with intermittent fasting. The excess weight came off as easily as it had gone on.

I find that all kinds of cereals, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes are very fattening for me, even the ones claiming to be healthier. Fruit too has to be selected wisely because many contain a lot of natural sugar. Vegetables, especially leafy green ones, are more nutritious and filling.

I stave off sweet cravings by tiny amounts of fruit every now and then and by frequent hot drinks, without sugar of course.

My doctors were doubtful about switching to this way of eating, but they admit that I have reversed my type two diabetes and they have seen my blood glucose remain stable, even falling lower over the last three years.

Details of a similar eating plan can be found in the Low Carb Program.

Fitter profile image
Fitter in reply to

Really good post I will follow yor lead . You have inspired me today. Thank you I will read it again and again

in reply to Fitter

Thanks for your reply. You are too kind. If you want to read something truly inspirational, may I suggest that you look at intensivedietarymanagement.... for a better example of what weight loss can do. Dr Fung's blog and videos take a long time to view but I found it to be time very well spent. Don't forget to keep your doctors informed, because they may need to reduce your medication as you improve.

Fran182716 profile image

There's two ways to go, as some have suggested allowing yourself a little sugar in the form of fruit can help psychologically if you're likely to feel deprived and throw in the towel, or if you can go cold turkey on the sugar and wait out the horrible couple of weeks the cravings really do die down, and then your taste buds appreciate the subtle sweetness in natural foods that you probably wouldn't have noticed before. Good luck! ☀️

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