I need Help and my brain is all over t... - Weight Loss Support

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I need Help and my brain is all over the place.!!!

Wadestreet profile image
11 Replies

I don't know if I can get back on board this time. I think I am finally done in. I try to think good thoughts and it goes in one side of the brain into the other. and thinking how much I have to lose and worries me a lot and that just drains my good thoughts to a halt. I do not know where to start anymore. And I am exhausted to the point I am sleeping and between and eat my sugar treats. Just seems everybody around me is losing weight and I am the slob lining up in the cheap Dollarama store for cheap sugar treats. It used to embarrass me and now I am ok with it. In my mind if anybody ask they are for my kid's lunches and I have no kid's. Going out to coffee with my friend after supper and all I could think of what am I going to eat. We go to McDonald's inside Walmart where I can shop. I do not know where to start I have lost the enthusiasm. Please help....

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Wadestreet profile image
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11 Replies

Well we all have days like this and times that try us

We just have to focus on why we want to lose weight? Input here why / what started you to post on this forum

Personally - mine was I wanted to get fitter and healthier to see my kids get through uni and out the other side :)

there are times I wonder why I am doing this and have to remind myself it is not for anyone else but for me

Come on you can get back on track and I am here for you as I am sure most others are too x x

EllaMidlands profile image
EllaMidlands in reply to

I agree with Hidden we all have our difficult days. You know why you want to lose weight. If it is important enough to you you will do it. You can do it! I have read lots of your other posts including when you were ill. You can get over this trick time and keep going! Don't give up, it's worth it!

YellowRose55 profile image

Hi Wadestreet

Don't give up you can do this. I know you say you have a lot to lose and that can be overwhelming at times, instead of looking at the big picture why not break it down into smaller manageable sizes like 7lbs at a time. Just take each day at a time and work on eating healthy for that day, then the next and before you know it a week as past and you have lost a pound.

You can do this, you can!


lucigret profile image

Wadestreet don't give up, you can get back on board. We all have times when we wonder if all the effort is worth it. Not everybody looses weight all the time. Some of us stay the same and some of us loose it very very slowly. I have 5 stone to loose, if I think about that number it is daunting so I have taught my self to accept it will take a long time and I set myself tiny goals with non food rewards. At the moment my goal is only 2lbs, to get me under 15 stone and then it will be another 2lbs to get me to the point where I will have lost a stone. It took me the whole of March to loose 1lb - yes I find it frustrating, but I am learning to accept it. Why are you exhausted? Are you eating enough? Eating sugary treats will not give you more energy, we just think it will. If you need something sweet, could you turn to fruit, melon, grapes, pineapple. You can do this and the fact that you have posted proves to me that you do want to get back on board. Try and get some positive thoughts going and remember we are all here to support you. Take it a day at a time and keep posting and let us know how you get on.

Wadestreet profile image
Wadestreet in reply to lucigret

Hi I bought some apples tonight eat in mid morning and mid afternoon. I am ok eating sugary foods in afternoon into the evening then the next 2 days and a half I am in bed sleeping that is where the sugar drains me. How did you teach yourself to take things slow in losing weight and appreciate yourself in that way

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Wadestreet

Hi Wadestreet, well done for keeping engaging with everyone here, despite feeling so dispirited.

In answer to your question about 'teaching yourself', I think its a case of acceptance. Firstly, accept that you are where you are right now and then accept that the process of losing weight is a slow one. There is no magic wand but as lucigret says, you set small goals.

You are not defined by your weight you are a person with a lot to give. Don't forget to be happy and enjoy life.

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Wadestreet

Good question Wadestreet , I've spent the last half an hour thinking about this. I didn't do it overnight that's for sure. Before I personally could reach the point where I can be more accepting about my weight loss, I think I just realised that I had to be more accepting about other areas of my life, the areas that cause me problems and make me want to eat. For example my daughter moved 2 hours away from us and I found that really difficult, my Mum is not at all well, not terminal, but she will never be free from pain and is house bound, I needed to be able to put that right, but I can't. So I have had to learn to accept that I can't and to look for the good. So, my daughter moving away means I get weekends away and we do something different:), my Mum is still here and I still get to spend time with her and I can find little ways of making her life more bearable:) I am also doing this weight loss journey for myself, not anybody else, that takes the pressure off. I now I'm loved and my weight makes no difference to that.

In a very long winded way I am trying to say, I don't think weight loss is just about loosing weight. I think you need to find out what your triggers are for eating and work on changing them. You need to be content with who you are, understand you can't change everything overnight, realise that numbers on the scales don't define you. See the good in yourself. As Tiggerr says, don't forget to be happy and enjoy life. Life is not just about loosing weight.

I have found it really helpful to join the Green Gym, the exercise challenge and it has definitely done me the world of good doing the happiness challenge. I would encourage you to take a look at that and try to follow its principals even if you don't take part. It has made me a lot calmer and far more accepting of my slow weight loss. I am taking the scenic route, seeing it as an adventure, not a chore, if I have a bad day I start again tomorrow, if I am having a hard time I post and call for help and it always comes. His forum has most definitely helped me in more ways than one, I never thought I would find so much support, not just for weight loss. I am in my 10th week and the past 9 weeks have certainly taught me a lot about my self and how to just accept, I am where I am, I am 'me' and always will be, whatever the weight. I can do this, by making changes and not looking at the big picture but by setting small goals that will all add up. You can do this, but it is about mind set, you need to get your head in the right space and you can, just take time out to do it. Good luck.

Marylou54 profile image
Marylou54 in reply to lucigret

Wow - a super inspirational post lucigret ! Thank you from me too. I should make a copy so I can read it when those doubts begin (as you know they do for me......!!)

Wadestreet I know from your latest post that things are looking up for you - go for it! You can do this!!!☺☺☺

ary88 profile image
ary88Restart June 2024

Hi Wadestreet,Take care of yourself take one day at a time, and you are not alone. There is great support here for you,check your daily calorie allowance,take up exercise class,swimming, yoga,try and find what keeps you happy,as you assert yourself on 12 week starter food plan.☕🍓🍓☕

Oh Wadestreet I do know how you feel 😯 like a lot of us we get days when everything feels a bit bleak. I am sure things will get better again and you will start seeing that light towards the end and that train engine will power up and the horn will sound - We can do this ! ! At the moment like me you sound like your chugging up a hill with wrong fuel in your engine !

we will get there and then be able to steam along merrily with all the other engines rolling through beautiful sunny days.

lucigret profile image

What a beautiful analogy Hidden , I am picturing beautiful country side on either side of the track, rolling hills and light at the end of the tunnels. There are lots of engines behind you and Wadestreet , pushing you up those hills.🚂🚂🚂

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