What's your pledge today?: Didn't quite... - Weight Loss Support

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What's your pledge today?

19 Replies

Didn't quite make my pledge ysterday. Ate my dinner at 7.30 instead of 7. Then ate cake and chocolate :O

So my pledge today is no cake, chocolate or crisps. I am going out for drinks tonight so no crisps will be a challenge.

What is your pledge and how did you get on yesterday.

Remember its just for today.

:) :) :)

19 Replies
asics profile image

Well, you managed no crisps yesterday! That is better than last week? :-)

I pledged to eat nothing after my dinner. Had an early dinner and was all done by 6pm. But I managed it! I had a hot milk - but not counting a drink!

So tonight I pledge the same. No food after my dinner. Tricky tonight as OH will be home. But...as you say it is only for today! :-)

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning Lizzy

I managed my pledge of 30 mins on the cross-trainer yesterday but I then sat down to enjoy a vodka and slimline tonic (well 2 actually) which inevitably led to snacking on crisps. I'm with you drinks and crisps just go hand in hand.

I am going out straight from work tonight for a quick Italian meal then on to watch a play so pledging to achieve exercise today is a none starter. Therefore, my pledge today is to avoid dessert after the Italian and avoid any kind of snacks during the day.

Enjoy your drinks tonight and good luck with your pledge.

henlady profile image

Until Christmas hols. I did 15 minutes housework everyday. I've now got out the habit so my pledge is to reinstate the habit.

I am going out tonight so could be a difficult day to start on but I pledge to do it.

Good luck everyone

Nelliecat4 profile image

I don't like housework, but it sounds a good exercise plan and who knows maybe I could end up with a tidy, clean house into the bargain! And fifteen minutes sounds about right...I'll give it a go. Good luck with reinstating your good habits!

henlady profile image

It really works. I don't like housework and doing it this way means I don't have to spend huge chunks of time at weekends catching up. Also means I don't sit eating and watching TV at night. Once I'm moving I generally do other things too

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Lizzy,

Good luck with your pledge for today, and to everyone else pledging - it's really great to participate in this 'daily pledge' thread - definitely helps to concentrate and focus. Thank you!

I did manage my 20 reps of press-ups and squats yesterday, but instead of doing 20 sit-ups, I did 20 cycle crunches instead, as I got put off the sit-ups after reading a DailyMail article about the potential dangers of sit-ups, in terms of potential back problems, and also hernias for women who've recently given birth, so I decided to protect my back and not do them anymore - the cycle crunches are a great replacement though, and seem to have a similar effect.

Anyway, I think 20 reps is sufficient for me at the moment, and so I'm hoping to maintain that habit daily, and for today's daily pledge I would like to drink more herbal teas during the day, instead of my usual tea with milk or coffee with milk - that way I'll cut down a few calories on my drink intake, as I do end up consuming quite a lot of milk in the day. I've got some ginger tea to try, so I'm excited about having that. I love the taste of ginger.

Hope everyone has a great Friday.

Lowcal :-)

hi Lizzy i'll tell you why my head isn't in one piece, my nerve and depression have hit rock bottom and i can't think why, and i'm not sure how i can cope at the moment. take care Alan xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Alan,

I know you sent that message for Lizzy, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling ok at the moment, that must be really hard, especially as you can't think why you're feeling like that.

I hope you'll feel a bit better as the day goes on - but maybe contact a good friend or someone you know to talk to, and support you. Keep in touch with your friends in the forum too - you're not alone, although I can appreciate it can feel like that when the day feels difficult.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

hi lowcal i'm that low i was just saying to someone on here that at one stage i had a knife in my hand, and i don't know why, nothing has happened, and my thinking is not very clear at the moment, and has for calling friend or someone, ive got no one to turn to, the only friends i have got are on here, but i don't want to bored you nice people with my problems. take care speak to you soon hopefully Alan xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your message. That must have been a frightening experience to have a knife in your hand, and not know why. I hope you've put it far away from you now, so you can keep safe.

Alan, there's always someone around on the forum, so being able to chat here is good - hope you feel better soon, and in the meantime, please keep safe.

I'm just going to sleep now, but glad I saw your message, and hope you will sleep well too. Try to get some sleep, and hope things feel a bit better in the morning.

Hope the weekend is better for you - sounds like you've had a really tough day.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

hi lowcal sorry for yesterday i was rock bottom but i'm okish today, the knife is where it normally is and i have done anything stupid. may i say a big thank you for you concern, i don't know why i was like what i was like, that's the problem i have with depression it just hit's me like a truck hitting you then the next thing your wondering what on earth are you doing. many thanks again Alan xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Alan,

I am relieved to hear you're ok. I was a bit worried about you. Thank you for reassuring me that you're fine. I am very glad to hear that. :-)

Hope you have a better day today, and thank you again for letting me know how you are doing.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

hi there lowcal sorry for putting the wind up you for the last two days, this is something i have to put up with and when i ask for help they say i'm fine its all in my mind. they want to try living like it, then they would know what its like, i'm just grateful i've got some loving good friends on here like you. take care sorry again your friend always Alan xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Please don't apologise Alan - I'm just glad you're ok.

All the best, and speak to you again soon.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

hi lowcal i know but its nice to know that someone somewhere cares about you, and i know you do, if we ever met up i give you a big hug to say thank you take care Alan xx

I succeeded in my pledge not to drink any alcohol last night. I'm also really enjoying these pledges, they're really helping me stick to my intentions :)

Today I pledge to do my strength exercises when I get in. I'm staying at my bfs and will get there late as seeing friends this eve (a whole other set of challenges) but I skipped a day this week already so I don't want to skip another. So today I'm focusing on doing 12 squats and 1 press-up before I go to bed :)

Diana profile image

Same as yesterday, to be on track and plan, plan, went well yesterday too

Dave1961 profile image

Oh wow - I am so happy someone kept this going ! The quit smoking site I use has the daily pledge and anyone can start it off so its great to see people doing this :)

My pledge, just for today, is to stick to my healthy eating plan.

Just for today.

Nelliecat4 profile image
Nelliecat4Maintainer in reply to Dave1961

Yes I really like the 'Daily Pledge' idea, because it does one day at a time, and isn't so challenging! I am pledging to eat something green and leafy with my dinner tonight, because I notice when I read back my food diary that I don't eat enough green veg. Not keen on cabbage so need to try some new green leafy things so see what is appealing. :)

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