Week 18 : stayed the same phew !! - Weight Loss Support

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Week 18 : stayed the same phew !!

•23 Replies

Hi All,

It's been a bit of a bumpy week, Monday saw me involved in the 'scone-gate' incident, and this left me feeling really bloated, lethargic and 'hung over'. Thank you for the support and wise words from here and over the pond it got me through 💋.

Weigh in and I have stayed the same this week and feel very pleased, since Monday have I upped my exercise and cut down on carbs and it seems to have done the trick.Oh and had hair cut think that had helped as well lol.

I have read a bit on sugar craving/addiction and want to say " My name is Flossie I am a sugar addict" there done ! When reading I fit all the pointers and it has made me rethink what and how I eat. I don't think I realised the 'power' of hidden sugars and where they are in food but do now so, hey ho lets go lol.

Still doing the squat challenge up to 35 a day, it's a killer but I'm doing it !!

Planning a low key weekend, out with sister tomorrow for a bit of lunch and shopping but otherwise quiet.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and an even better week.


23 Replies
Portlandprincess profile image

Well done you..staying positive after a hiccup is tricky...and well done on the September challenge! New you new haircut! Go you flossie!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Thanks PP,

Hair bit short, but will grow lol !!

Dodged a bullet this week, so determined to do better this one.

Have a lovely weekend


Floss: 1; Scones 0 :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Flossie,

Really good that you're maintained your weight this week, despite 'Scone-Gate' - I think that's definitely an achievement. :-)

Well done for keeping up the Strength Challenge and doing 35 squats each day - I have to admit that I've ended up not doing any for the past 3 days - I am very naughty! I must do better and get back to them. I was so enthusiastic at the start of the week - what is happening!!!

Hope you enjoy your lunch with your sister tomorrow, and great that you have a low-key relaxing weekend ahead. Hope you really enjoy it.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

In Sergeant Major voice: Get back to it Lowcal! Squat 2-3-4 Squat 2-3-4! :D

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal,

The squats are a killer, if it was not for my coming holiday I think would have fallen by the wayside !!

Determined this week will be better !

I think it's really easy to forget, I've got my chart on the fridge !!

Give them another go even a few a day is good well be thankful when Santa comes and we are all slinky in our Xmas best lol.

Have a lovely weekend too, hope you are doing something nice.


Good morning Flossie - so relieved to hear you stayed the same after scone-gate. Although with that hair cut, you should by rights have lost weight! Oh well - it will show next week hopefully. The sugar-addiction stuff is pretty scary isn't it. We think we're not letting drugs and poisons into our lives and yet this serruptitious sugar gets into everything and gets a hold on us! Hope you find a way to banish it :)

Wishing you a great week ahead, happy squatting, and enjoy your new haircut :)

in reply to

Thanks Ruth,

The sugar lark is a frightener( not sure it's a word!! )😱, but taking it all on board and making small changes.

The squats are getting really hard but again staying with it, sometimes you've got to eh.

Have a lovely weekend to hope doing something nice.


Gratho profile image

If you can laugh about it you'll make it !!

in reply to Gratho

Thanks Gratho,

Have a lovely weekend


WeightWarrior profile image

rofl @ "scone-gate"!!! You sound really positive and on track, moving forward is the way and you are doing it already, wtg!

in reply to WeightWarrior

Thanks Weight Warrior,

If you get this for the 3rd time sorry when I press submit nothing happens .

Determined to have a good week.

Have a lovely weekend.


I stayed the same thus week too flossie, the squats are still happening but I didn't manage to get myself fitted in at the hairdressers - so your one up on me this week already. Working all weekend too, so your going to be having a much better time than me as well, lol. Have a lovely weekend with your sister, and hope you grab yourself some bargains when shopping - always a boost. Have fun 😊

in reply to

Thanks Shellie,

Staying the same is still a result in my book😃. The squats are a killer eh !!

Sorry to hear at work all weekend, hope it goes well. I'm shopping for my upcoming holiday so looking for bargains for sure.

Carry on squatting lol


trafford1 profile image

Hi flossie and well done on maintaining this week hun :-)

It's great that you upped your exercise and cut those carbs it all really helps. I bet your looking mighty fine with your new hair cut, always nice to treat yourself and good job keeping up with the squat challenge.

I hope you have a wonderful day with your sister tomorrow and a nice chillaxing weekend hun :-)

Trafford1 x

in reply to trafford1

Thanks Trafford1,

The hair is a bit short but will grow !! That squats are a killer but I'm going with it.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and a great week


trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Squats are hard but if you break them down into let's say 10 squats 30 sec break then go again until you finish it's a lot easier with the same benefits. I am looking forward to tomorrow because I am due to get my new glasses. Never had glasses before so I'm interested to see how I am going to look. I'll tell you one thing I'm glad I don't have that round face anymore LOL.

Av a gud en hun x

in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Do like your idea of breaking it all down, I know you had suggested that when I started but as I have built them up had never given it another thought. Thank you x

I now need to wear glasses for reading and funny you mention it but two old pairs are much too slack to wear. I had thought it was because they were old but may be its because my head is smaller lol !!!

I'm sure you'll look fab, but they do take some getting used to.

Be ready for all the specsavers jokes lol

have a fab weekend


trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Hay flossie, that is so funny that yours have become slack to wear & it's because they were old and because your head has become smaller LOL Phahahahahaha.....wicked,love it

I was just looking at some old photo's of my head and.....OMG how round it was. The before & after are two different things :-)

I'm ready for Monday but look beautiful either way and know they won't have anything to say or they will pay!!! LOL

Dave1961 profile image

This kind of addiction is real - if only people recognised and understood that unlike just about any other addiction we can not quit the thing we are addicted to we can only reduce it.

I like to think that if I just focus on quitting fat foods (the food I know are bad for me and make me fat) then thats part of the battle won.

I am pleased for you that you didn't gain after sconegate (love it!).

And I am SURE the haircut helped!

I just found out that when you donate blood they take about 500 mls which is the equivalent of a pound in weight.

Just sayin.... ;)

in reply to Dave1961

Thanks Dave,

You did make me laugh on a grey, cold and rainy day here ! Will keep the blood idea in mind,I might need it !!

I agree that low fat is a good start but still amazed at all this 'hidden' sugar, I remember Oprah Winfey talking about food addiction years ago and that it should be taken as seriously as drug/alcohol issues. So I'm taking it one day at a time !

Have a lovely weekend, any luck on the cookery class?


Penel profile image
Penel in reply to

If you stick with full-fat, you may well find that it helps you to get over the sugar cravings. I had to have several goes at giving up sugar, but managed it in the end. When we are out I have my coffee with some cream and it stops me wanting cake.

in reply to Penel

Hi Penel,

Only problem is I don't have milk in my coffee or tea. I love cream on a scone or cake but that's the trouble! Lol.

Seriously, my friend said something similar today and said should try ' proper' cheese, and a scrape of butter on sandwiches, toast etc.

Bit nervous to buy them in case I eat it all lol

Thanks, have a good week.


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