Even after a weekend of drinking a fair bit and eating lots of comfort foods, I have not put on any weight. I can't believe it. But I also have not lost and my graduation is in 2 months and would love to see a noticeable difference by then. I wouldn't normally like to lose weight quickly because I know its more likely to stay off over a steady long period but does anyone have any tips on how to lose weight a little quicker than I am? I am also struggling so much with the calorie counting, I will admit a lot of the time I guess the rough calorie count because there's too many ingredients in what I'm cooking. I am coming to a bit of a stand still now and any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. I am more impressed every day of the support on this forum, it is fantastic. I'm so glad I am posting/ commenting more so that I can be a part of this. Have an amazing rest of the day everyone
Weight stayed the same!: Even after a... - Weight Loss Support
Weight stayed the same!

Hi Mon 3. Have you ever tried Michael Mosely' 5:2 fast? Two days a week you only eat 600 cals. I have found this easier than you may think. I don't eat anything until one meal of around 600 cals at about 6 pm. I do this because he talks of a range of benefits of fasting for up to 24 hours. There are other variations of perhaps a smaller meal and one snack. This has always worked for me when I want to boost my weight loss. Well done for getting your degree.

A maintain is always better than a gain, Mon and I was wondering if you'd like to join the Monday weigh-in, for support, motivation and inspiration?
Do you repeat meals, because once you've worked out the calories, you'll know for the next time you make it?
Why not make an effort to work out all the calories now, while you learn appropriate portion sizes. It does get easier as time goes on
Can you introduce more exercise into your day, to tone your body and trim some inches, because the number on the scale isn't everything
Keep going, because you're doing brilliantly!
Thank you so much for all the advice moreless I will have a look at the Monday weigh in. I do like to post on my profile also though so that I'll be able to look back over my progress if that makes sense? I suppose I could post in both places?
And I do repeat meals but sometimes the ingredients aren't quite the same as other people make it as well so I'm not sure how that would work?
And I am very slowly doing the Couch to 5k but I am lacking motivation for it unfortunately so I am not doing it as regularly as I would like. I will try and tackle week 2 run 2 today!
M x
Come and join our Tortoise and Hare Running Club, for motivation to keep going with the C25K, you can tell us all about your W2R2
How about concentrating on the calorie count of the higher calorie ingredients, like meat, fat, cheese, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc and forgetting about the veggies. Would that help?
You have done well not to gain any weight after a weekend of drinking and eating comfort foods. If you cut all this out and not eat the comfort foods, i am sure you will soon start to lose weight. I have had 3 days of eating everything and anything and i won't be surprised when i weigh in on thursday that i have gained weight. I will be cross with myself if i have, but as of today, i am going to start afresh.
Just draw a line under everything and start again and i am sure you will soon start to lose the weight
Wishing you all the best and have a good week, you can do this!
I know what you mean about the calorie counting, it does take a while at first but then you start to get used to it. Generally I have the same breakfast every day and tend to have the same lunch every day for a week. The evening meals are where I vary things and I tend to repeat meals as moreless suggested. I only need to cook for myself so I tend to cook a 'new' meal once a week and work out the calories per portion then freeze the other 3 for another time. It builds up surprisingly quickly. Lastly I keep my menu plans in a spreadsheet and I have all 15 weeks so far that means that I can go back and search for things I've eaten before. Details might change but its things like the quantities of veg.
I had not thought much about freezing meals but that sounds like a really fantastic idea, I will start to make more of an effort with it all starting today. Its a new week!
Thank you very much!
M x
Brilliant! I love my freezer and have even taken to freezing portions of cake for a treat when my calorie allowance will take it and to stop me eating it all at once. Also having healthy 'ready meals' during the week when I come in from work tired and starving means I can often eat within 10-15 minutes of getting through the door and helps me avoid snacking on things I shouldn't.
Can you freeze any food? And how long before that food goes bad? And also are there any particular healthy ready meals you would suggest? For example, slimming world or anything like that?
I'm sorry for all the questions!
M x
I eat the weight watchers ready meals and also their puddings. I think alot of them are quite nice, especially as a quick meal Mon3
You can freeze most things - I tend to experiment - risotto doesn't work! However, there are loads of websites out there which will give you an opinion - try looking for the love food hate waste stuff. Most freezers seem to have guidelines with them about how long you can keep different foods but again there are lots of guidelines online. I rarely pay attention to be honest because it's a small freezer and I use it regularly so I'm unlikely to 'lose' things in the bottom. I do put a date on whenever I put things in.
As for the ready meals - sorry if I've caused confusion. I meant the meals I'd already prepared myself so for example, I've just got out a portion of spaghetti bolognese that I put in a while ago ready for tea tomorrow. When I come to eat it I'll get the spaghetti cooking, throw in some veg half way through that and have the bolognese gently reheating (I don't have a microwave) on the hob. It will take about 10 minutes to be ready to eat - just long enough for me to change into comfy clothes after work!
Hope that helps?
Oh my apologies, that was confusion on my part! Thank you for all of that information, I will certainly start freezing foods from now on. Whether that be weight watchers ready meals or meals I have prepared myself! Should you wait for it to defrost or are the meals ok to be cooked from frozen (that you have made yourself?)
M x
I think you can cook some things from frozen - just need to cook for longer. If you're buying ready meals I think it will say on the packaging. I'm not really too sure - I usually make a weekly plan for my meals so when I am cooking tea on one day I check the plan and get tomorrow's meal out the freezer to defrost overnight. I have an emergency tin of baked beans in the cupboard for the times I forget!
I had a bit of a naughty weekend too, and am nervous to what the scales will say later! I'm glad you got away with it
I use MyFitnessPal to really quickly judge my calories, as you can import recipes online, so I can save things I eat allot, or I copy the website URL of the recipe, pop it into mfp, and it does it all for me like magic.
Good luck with your weigh in later, lets hope you got away with it too!
And I will certainly look into my fitness pal as I have heard lots of good things about it. And would you recommend an app or is there a website?
M x
It's both app and website. I like the app, because I can scan food, and add things on the 'go' - but I love that the website has a much more detailed breakdown of things, including weekly reports of calories, exercise and progress. I'm a geek for stats 😂 but it's such a motivator to see I'm doing well.
The company that run MFP, also have a bunch of fitness trackers that I use too
I feel like we are in almost identical situations!! My graduation is in 2 months too and I'm also struggling with the calorie counting because I cook most of my food randomly/from scratch Have you read Michael Mosely's Blood Sugar Diet? I don't believe in diets and I didn't want drastically reduce my calories so I haven't followed it religiously but I've just cut out refined carbohydrates which has helped massively, so you can cook whatever you like but replace the pasta/rice/potatoes with lots of veggies.
Aw congratulations with your soon to be graduation! You should be very proud and yes very similar circumstances, how funny! I have looked into it but I think I would struggle too much because I do like my carbs. I think I'll try and stick to the lower end of my calorie count for now and see how that goes! Thank you for the advice though and good luck with everything!
M x
Have you ever been told how to do any calorie counting with items that you buy in the shop that have information on it per 100g of it. If not, this is how you do it.
Let's say you buy some cheese and you want to use some, but not 100g of it. Cut off what you want to use and make sure you weigh it so you know how many grams this is.
1. When you know how many grams this is divide it by 100.
2. Multiply (times) the result of (1) by the number of calories (kcal) per 100g of your cheese's nutritional information.
This means all you have to do is:
If the cheese is 21 grams and the nutritional info says 365kcal per 100g.
21 divided by 100 = 0.21
0.21 times 365 = 76.65
This means 76.65 is the amount of calories that your cheese you are having is. It does work the same for all items.
Good luck with this and hope this helps you more.
Thank you very much, that is helpful
M x
Geeky as it may sound I record my menu plans in a spreadsheet. One page of that spreadsheet is titled basics and in there I put all the ingredients I use - adding them as I use them not all at once! I put in the portion size and calories for that portion that are on the pack in and then I have a column where I can put any quantity I like and the spreadsheet works out the calories for the quantity. Saves me ages when I'm cooking!

Do you have Windows 10 on computer? If so there is a food diary app which is free in the store sextion and you just input your ingredients and it works out the calories for you. If as moreless mentioned you repeat meals save the meal with the total calories, so you just have to type in the meal rather than all the ingredients. It also has a lot of food items already worked out for you and you can add it